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Can I get some kind of custody?

Okay so I'm just going to put it like a stroy.

So Jenny and Kim are sisters.

Kim is in the middle of a divorce and is engaged to another man in a nother state than the father of her son. Kim is also sort of sick in the head sadly and has bad rages and gets violent with her fiance and doesnt take much care of her 4 year old beautiful son. He is ignored and in a dirty inviroment with no attention and sees things and fights and hears things he shouldnt hear. The child cries when his aunt jenny and uncle Jake comes over and he crys and asks for them to take him to another state where they live and be his new mommy and read him stories and take him baths.

is there anyways jenny and Jake can get some kind of custody??

3 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I agree with Kat, that you should be speaking to a Lawer about this. This question should have been posted in a Law related section of this site, but you would be better off speaking to a lawyer who specializes in custody cases. In regard to CPS (child protective services) it may be a good idea for u to make a report, if u feel that he child is being neglected or abused in some other ways. Not all forms of abuse are illegal so u really should speak to an attorney and explain the situation. U can actually call child protective services and ask them questions about the situation and find out if they feel that the circumstances may be grounds for termination of parental rights. CPS cannot do anything unless u tell them who u are asking about, so it's ok to ask without reporting. I think that if the child is being abused by both parents then he may be placed in foster care or with a family member. If Kim is not living with the father of the child then the father may get custody. I would call CPS and ask questions. It's probably better to just report it, cuz u never know what they might find. Maybe Kim hits the child or maybe the neglect is more severe than you know. If it were me I'd ask CPS questions, Ask an attorney questions, and would then probably report it, just to be on the safe side. Hopefully Jenny and Jake can get custody(if this is what they want) but this is really something the attorney would know more about. Unfortunately, a report can backfire, if the child ends up in a foster home, but for all we know, that might be better than where he is, or maybe Jenny can get custody. Good luck, with this. I'm not an attorney, so Jenny and Jake should probably speak to one. They seem to be the ones who have witnessed the neglect and are ultimately the ones who would be fighting for custody.

  • vor 4 Jahren

    previously your divorce became into very final you will possibly desire to of cleared it up with the courtroom. it does advise whoever filed for divorce gets custody yet different than which you will possibly desire to hunt advice from a criminal expert

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You should really be asking a lawyer that question.

    Call CPS.

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