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Should I call the police when a vendor at a mall rushes up to a 10-year-old girl and touches her hair?

When briskly walking past a kiosk at a mall, a man rushed towards a 10-year old girl and touched her hair, making a comment about her curls. (he apparently was trying to sell some kind of straightening device). This was a total stranger to the girl as well as her family. Touching her seemed very inappropriate to me, so I called the police and filed a complaint at the mall. What do you think I should have done?


The girl is my daughter, so I am no stranger to her, and she was walking next to another relative with me a few steps behind.

6 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    i would not like it if it happened to me or my daughter, however touching hair is not a crime. he may not have good salesman skills, but this is not against the law. chill out.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Since when is touching someones hair a crime? Don't you think the police have better things to do then worry about things like that?

    Let the parents take care of it how they deem appropriate. If you are still worried file a complaint with the mall, not the police. He did not break the law by touching the child.

  • Stuart
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Sounds like you're pretty trigger happy with that telephone.

    The vendor is a salesperson using a technique to point out the product to her parents.

    You are a meddling individual who had no interest in the possible sales transaction, in the family or the girl you didn't know, or in the salesperson.

    Calling the police just shows how stupid we have gotten as a society. What if he had merely called out to the girl and her family. Would you have called the police then, too?

    I'm guessing that the police officer (if they bothered to send an officer out to investigate this horrific crime) dismissed you (if you bothered to stay around until he did show up) with a look that said, "Disturbed individual here."

    He touched her hair. So what?

    - Stuart

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    That's not a complaint that is going to go anywhere.

    If it upset the girl or her mom, I might have talked to the vendor, but no charges would get filed in that case.

    Quelle(n): 9+ years Law Enforcement
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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Talk about over reacting!!

    You should have politely told him that it made you/her uncomfortable.

    Unless you weren't there when it happened, and if not, why was a 10 year old at the mall without an adult?

    And if she wasn't your child, or not in your charge, you should have MYOB.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    asked ther little girl if she is okay first or talk too her parents because you are a stranger but overall you done a good deed

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