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Christians: Do you LOVE or FEAR your god?

The bible is totally inconsistent and contradicting:

Matthew 22:37:

"LOVE the lord your god with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind."

Matthew 10:28:

Be AFRAID of the one who can destroy both soul and body in hell."

John 4:18:

"There is NO FEAR in love, but perfect love casts out fear."

God didn't write the bible. He just stars in it. God is imaginary.


Fireball: The reason I am here is to get deluded stubborn religious folk like you to use your brain!!

18 Antworten

  • Anna J
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I love God and I fear him, the same way I do the ones with authority over me.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    The Hebrew word for fear has equivocal meanings. One is literally to be afraid of and the other is to revere. God is synonymous with love but not in this context, Psalms 111:10 pertains to epistemology, the theory of knowledge, as does Prov 1:7. The teaching of Scripture is that men who do not revere God have no knowledge or wisdom. Men do not have true knowledge until God converts them.

  • R.
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yes I Love Father God More then Anything . And for fear, there is no fear when it comes to Love, For God Is Love. But I fear for you cause you believe God is imaginary and not real. not even the word of God which is written in the bible. and thoses who do not believe be afraid, be very afraid. for you have no love for Father God, that your heart is made of stone.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Are u trying to prove that the bible contradicts itself? Heheh cos it kinda does BUT! I believe that when it say there is no fear in love, its meaning like a relationship love. Or agape love.. Don't be afraid to love. & when it talks bout fear its talkn bout god not to fear love, fear god. So I both love & fear god. Man I think I jst wrote obvious things. Wish I could give a better answer jst don't wana write a whole essay & bore you.

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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It would be foolish to do anything but both. But it doesn't matter. Because that "fear" turns into "revere" and then love. My opinion is that God exists. And if the truth be known most atheists on this site know that there is a God ,

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    IF “God is love,” as the Bible describes him, why should it be necessary to fear him? (1 John 4:16) Love and fear are generally regarded as incompatible. So, what role should fear play in our relationship with God? Why fear a God of love? A close look at how the word “fear” is used in the Bible can provide us with a better understanding of this matter.

    The fear of God displaces morbid, cowering fear. Concerning the man who fears God, the psalmist wrote: “He will not be afraid even of bad news. His heart is steadfast, made reliant upon Jehovah.” (Psalm 112:7) No threat from evil men or from Satan himself can overpower our deep respect and reverence for Jehovah. (Luke 12:4, 5) Neither must we be afraid to approach God in prayer. Rather, in this context, “love throws fear outside.”—1 John 4:18.

    The fear of God motivates us to do good and also to refrain from doing what God says is bad. Our relationship with our heavenly Father may be compared to that of a good human father with his children. At times, children may not remember why their father forbids them to play in the street. Still, when they feel the impulse to chase a ball into the path of traffic, the thought of their father’s prohibition holds them back—possibly saving them from death. Likewise, an adult’s fear of Jehovah may restrain him from committing an act that could ruin lives—his own and those of others.—Proverbs 14:27.

    Rather, the Bible associates the fear of Jehovah with beautiful things in life—singing, joy, trust, wisdom, longevity, confidence, prosperity, hope, and peace, to name but a few. If we continue to walk in the fear of Jehovah, we will enjoy such blessings forever.—Deuteronomy 10:12-14.

    Quelle(n): g98 1/8
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You can both fear and love. I love the God that gave me life and redemption. But I fear the God that slaughtered the Caananites and all of Israel's enemies.

    Men wrote the Bible. God told them what messages to convey. Man's biases and agendas leaked into the text. God is far from imaginary.

  • Calvin
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt


    The problem is that no man perfectly loves God....for we have a fleshly nature that hates Him ("to love me is to obey me" perfect love is perfect obedience...). So while we as Christian's do love God in some sense....we also hate Him in some sense. We also fear God, but yet do that which brings His wrath (part of that which we fear).

    We do not obey the commandment to love the Lord your God fully....and thus need Christ for our redemption.

    Fear of God is the beginning of brings repentance...which leads to faith....and is instilled in us by His Holy Spirit through regeneration (born again).

  • Jade
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    """Fireball: The reason I am here is to get deluded stubborn religious folk like you to use your brain!!"""

    I would answer your question with reason but you seem made up in your idea.

    You think we are deluded and stubborn? Bud, we think the SAME about you.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Both. If you want my testimony about fearing God, e-mail me. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. God bless you.

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