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Tell me about something you have experienced that has no limitation. What is it? What can we learn from it?

Please stay with it on a practical earthen level, no spiritual or philosophical stuff please!


Thanks for your answers, these are interesting and I appreciate that you are sharing your experiences here. I like nearly all your answers but Isidora discovered that this question is a riddle. I couldn't give it into the category 'riddle and wordplay' then this would have been too easy. Indeed, what is a fact that experience is bound to the one who has it and this is limited, because as 'personalities' we are limited... I will leave the question open for the rest of the time and leave it to people to vote. Thanks all!


Update 2:

Thanks for your answers, these are interesting and I appreciate that you are sharing your experiences here. I like nearly all your answers but Isidora discovered that this question is a riddle. I couldn't give it into the category 'riddle and wordplay' then this would have been too easy. Indeed, what is a fact that experience is bound to the one who has it and this is limited, because as 'personalities' we are limited... I will leave the question open for the rest of the time and leave it to people to vote. Thanks all!


7 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I would like to point to something that is positive and beautiful, that gives us the hope of harmony and peace, but this is part of the images bound to personalities and in so far mostly an illusion and totally limited to ones personality.

    I can only report about something I have experienced through out my life and in an extremely extent during the last thirty years when living together with people with the intention to form an 'Intentional Community'. I came to the astonishing result that what has no limitation, in spite of the high pitched self image of humankind, is the stupidity people are demonstrating in all occasions and day after day, without visible signs of change in it.

    Working with people it shows that if there is the possibility of nine from ten ways to do something right, then one can be pretty sure that the person will do the one way that is wrong! Helper coming as volunteers are mostly so little effective in their work, that it needs two people to redo something the one helper has done wrong and then four people to correct that, then eight people to clean up the mess that is accumulated and this goes on without end...

    You might think that this is exaggerated, but daily reality shows that that's the way it goes if there isn't a strong supervisor who has every thing under control. That's the only way companies function and even it is well organized there is still enough space left that people can demonstrate their silliness. Business owner will sing a song about it!

    The intention of an 'Intentional Community' is that people are equal in their position and take self responsibility for what they do, being aware enough to relate to difficulties showing up and are able to communicate with each other and to ask some body who might know better so that the problem can be solved. Pretty easy isn't it? But reality shows that even the simplest thing can't be done.

    For example: There is the need to select things and then putting them with similar things together. What happens? People through things to other things a bit more far away, then the next one throws things on top of the other things, until there is no space left. Then with rain and sunshine things get destroyed. All work for nothing. The same in the tool room: throwing things just on top of the other until the room is so full that one not even can't enter!

    How is this possible? Wouldn't be the limit of this silliness and irresponsibility that people start to be aware of what they are doing? That they relate to what is there and then respond by doing the right action? Or at least trying to put a bit more interest in it? No, this seems not possible.

    When people use tools, then one can be sure that they break them. If they use cars or the fork truck, then they break them. We have lost about ten cars over the years because people had the most silly accidents. Unbelievable! The fork truck destroyed because not checking the water and driving it until it burned out!

    But even with the most simple things it doesn't work: Before I go to sleep late in the night, I need to go through the common rooms and switch out the lights, switch off the computer and close the doors of the fridges. Even when putting big signs of every thing, it doesn't work!

    We are doing recycling and of course the first thing would be that we select our own stuff, but even the container are marked: Paper, plastic, metal, aluminium tins, compost and rubbish, when the container are full then I have to select them because all is mixed up. I'm not surprised that the public containers in the street are not respected and people don't care, but people who pretend to be conscious about their doing and have the intention to discover themselves and to wake up, - there it should be different! But it isn't!

    So not only limitless stupidity shows up in practical daily things, but also in people's behavior, habits and the fact that they defend themselves with all kind of tricks, not really wanting to change even they have this in their concept of 'being spiritual'. They continue with their games of provoking their surrounding to find confirmation for their personality, even having enough information about it with that they should be able to observe themselves and discover their fake existence games. No, they don't, clinging at their stupidity with teeth and claws. Indeed 'strong personalities'! They are coming here wanting to 'know themselves', to grow and heal, - but then when I point out their attitude and behavior, then they find the good reason not to listen by giving the fault to the outside, to me or conditions they of course can find in abundance: Too many flies, weather too hot, smell of rats, too many things, too much of every thing and so on. The most effective way for people not to look at themselves is to complain about others and pointing out their weakness and faults and miss behavior. There is no end, it goes on and on... Stupidity has no limit.

    Quelle(n): It becomes obvious that indeed I am silly wanting to establish my vision and trying this for thirty five years now, but my stupidity has its limitation: I will not continue like this. I haven't had vacations for several years, I'm working twice as much as a worker in the normal rat race of this society and I take from my hours of sleep the time to write, what for me is more important and essential than to maintain a place and dealing with people what sucks most of my energy. What can we learn from it? That is the most important part of your question. I have learned that a vision one is trying to fulfill, is like a carrot one is holding in front of the donkeys nose with a stick sitting on this donkey. The donkey wants the carrot and moves towards it, so he is walking, but will never reach the carrot... So, if I wouldn't have had my vision, I wouldn't have done all this to realize it and so I wouldn't have had all the encounter and experiences that brought me there where I am now.
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    This question looks like a riddle. A pretty good one, it makes me think.

    Every thing one can experience has its limitation, because experience is bound to the person and their ability, that is more or less limited, depending on the development of this person, but in any case is limited. So there is no experience possible about something that has no limitation. The only possibility to experience something unlimited is in ones fantasy as an imaginary thing, but then this goes away from any practical level... But a critical observation of ones experience shows that there is no separation from a practical level and a fantasy and it shows also that our thinking capacity is not very precise and logical. We can't see 'truth', we only see what we want to see, with other words: We prefer to walk in fog and not in sunshine! For sure this has to do with the fact if we want to see clear then we need to include to look at our limitations and recognize that because of this we are not able to be objective, as every thing is seen through the glasses of our programmed and because of this limited personality.

    InkyPinkie, you are a clever guy, but I caught you: Your question is a riddle! Thank you, I have learned from it!


  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I agree that stupidity has no limitation. What is the reason people are so stupid? One thing is that they are not intelligent enough, but it shows that also people with a high intelligence can be very stupid. Why? Without doubt it is the lack of awareness that let people do stupid things. For example a week ago a person here let out the water from the swimming pool. 110 000 liter of water went out without use. There is a lack of water and now after two weeks of hot sunshine the plants are suffering from not having water! Ask why he did this, he said that he wanted to clean the swimming pool.

    What makes people stupid is that they can't relate to what shows up in their daily life, they are not capable to observe in an objective way. They only see what they want and what they want to see. When they can't relate then also they can't respond properly and wasting energy and doing foolish things. One need to observe and control people constantly, if not it needs three times more effort to correct what they have done and to clean the mess after them. I prefer to do things mostly alone, although doing things together with others can be fun. The world is in such a mess because of the lack of awareness that causes all the stupidity without limitation...

    How to change something about it? Trying to educate people seems pretty hopeless. The only effective way is that we be aware of our own personal silliness. I admit that this is not easy because of our high pitched self image, but I do it and can observe my own stupidity and with this my awareness of myself rises up, maybe not much, but better little than being stuck in ones numbness and staying stupid. Don't feel offended, nothing personal, I'm just talking about myself!... Oh, I feel so silly and stupid! Help! I want to get out of this! I am too silly for this or is it because I'm just human?


    Quelle(n): Look around! - and within yourself!
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I have experienced in my life that there seems to be no limitation in showing up problems. If it is not one thing then it is another. Things break down when one needs them the most, one gets stuck in the traffic jam and will miss an important appointment. Oneself is doing mistakes and is forgetting things and causing problems and then all the people one has to deal with, they are causing the most problems and that indeed has not limitation and it is not possible to avoid it.

    What I have learned from it is that problems are inevitable, so one need to learn to deal in the best way possible with them and if there is no solution then it is better not to worry too much, otherwise the stress will cause more damage than the problems. Problems are part of our life and if we can overcome them then for sure these will make us stronger...


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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I used to have a lot of stuff and it took me so much time to take care of it all, and hardly I ever used the things I was taking care of. Recently, I downsized and reduced my physical things to what I actually need, then my life and everything I had to do each day was much easier. I really like it how it is today, only having what is essential and what I actually like and use. Cleaning and taking care of my stuff each day only takes a few minutes.

    All material is manifest from the unlimited one source, but the reality is I have limitations on what I can do each day. I learned that by having less, I actually had more time to do what really mattered to me. I also learned that by having less, I could see easily when problems arose that might need my time and attention before they became blown up disasters. I think most problems arise from excess use of mind, which is the situation of the world today. For myself, I am discovering that the less I use my mind, the less problems there are for me to deal with. I think Eckhardt Tolle said something like when there is no mind, there are no problems. I am learning that less is more affects me on many levels.

  • Carlo
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Love. True Love has no limit.

    And you have any chance in the world with a (healthy) new born baby

    You can turn into a better person and max yourself. And you may give to this baby all chances in the world to be a good person too.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Have you ever dedicated a homicide? Molested a baby? Eaten a fistful of puppy excrement? Been tortured in a mystery jail? Do must revel in the ones matters earlier than you'll come to a decision whether or not they are well or unhealthy? ************************* Obviously, while you say, "My favourite drink is. . . ." you are speakme approximately your favourite amongst all the ones that you have attempted to this point on your existence. Same factor while you title your favourite meals, your favourite town, your favourite film, and so forth. It's almost always well to check out new matters to uncover out how a lot you prefer or dislike them, however additionally it is precise that there are almost always well causes no longer to check out a detailed new revel in. An observant Baptist or Mormon or Muslim is not going to drink beer and wine. An observant Jew or Muslim is not going to pattern beef and shellfish. Lots of folks could prefer to not drink blood or consume puppy meat, even as others could suppose it is simply first-class to check out the ones matters. You could no longer recognise at the groundwork of private revel in that your partner is the high-quality lover on the planet, however you could nonetheless prefer to stay devoted and suppose of that individual because the high-quality lover for you. I think you would say that one key to being a mature, pleased individual is understanding which new reports are valued at pursuing and that you must cross up.

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