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Lv 31.255 points

Rahmona R

Favorisierte Antworten29%
  • What are the best ways to promote information that could help many people in their suffering?

    The difficulty is, that only very few people are ready and open for this kind of information. Most people just want to be confirmed in their conditions, but are not willing and able to change something with themselves. For example their habits or their self image. Anyway, I am convinced that this information should go out all over the world. What can be done about it?

    1 AntwortOther - Advertising & Marketingvor 8 Jahren
  • How it's possible, that when there's a really good answer to a question, that a troll... is interfering voting?

    can vote this down by giving multiple votes to 'no best answer'? Look by yourself:;_ylt=Al...

    Complains to the Yahoo Answer team didn't help. There are only 8 hours left for this voting! The troll obviously will win his dirty game and there is nothing to do about it... Disgusting!


    4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 10 Jahren
  • I´m allergic to any kind of pollen when the trees are in blossom, pine trees, olive trees. What can I do?

    My eyes are swollen, my legs and arms are covered with red spots and it is itching very much, sometimes I can't sleep. My mood is going down... I'm a good looking person, but like now I feel ugly! Days ago I had to go to emergency because my arms were extremely swollen. They gave me injections and made several tests. But I am not in favor of medication, as these mostly treat the symptoms and not the cause. I suppose that these are defense reactions of my immune system, that probably is damaged. I searched but couldn't find any information that can help.

    Please, if you know what can help me to heal the cause,.. I would appreciate this very much!

    I is urgent, because we are only in spring, in summer it might be much worse. Last year I could manage, but this year it seems unbearable.

    A friend told me that I should stop drinking 'RedBull' and any kind of energy drinks, but I like these and can't imagine that these are the reason. What do you think?

    7 AntwortenAllergiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What could be the most effective way to do something for a change of the miserable conditions of many humans?

    What is the real root-cause of humanities misery and self destruction? What could a foundation, who has financial resources, do about it? Do you want to join our 'group of friends' and give us your creative thoughts?

    We are working on a project and we welcome your input...

    I was inspired and motivated to ask this question by the question from the Yahoo Team at:

    5 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wenn du einem Außerirdischen eine Frage stellen könntest, was würdest du ihn fragen?

    Dieses ist eine ernsthafte Frage und es ist dabei nicht wichtig ob Du an Außerirdische glaubst oder nicht. Deine Frage sollte für Dich persönlich ganz besonders wichtig sein... Bitte keine technische Fragen!

    5 AntwortenPhilosophievor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Being in direct contact with an alien, what would you ask?

    Knowing that an alien who came to visit our planet, probably not only will be advanced in his technical knowledge, but also about other fields, especially how to manage life in a more creative way than we do it here on Earth, with all our suffering from disease and our poor state of mind and emotions...

    Please be serious about it and ask the question that is the most important for your personal understanding.

    18 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Death is an illusion? I am sad, this is not an illusion. It is a reaction being caught in the death-illusion?

    I want to get out of this illusion. How? Maybe by understanding why this is an illusion? I am sad. I tell you why: Yesterday at the place where I get my vegetables and fruits, there is a dog on a chain behind the storehouse. Always when I go there, I bring a bone to this dog, who never is free and nobody takes care except given tin food. I can't touch her (a female) because she is very afraid and bites. But she is glad to see me and enjoys the bone very much. I know her since several years. Lately she got sick and is bleeding. I offered the owner who comes only once a week, to bring her to the vet, but they don't help me. Yesterday one of the sales woman told me that they are going to sacrifice this dog. I said good bey to her and I was crying and the whole day sad. This morning the duck I am taking care of since about one year, because it couldn't walk, died. Yesterday I thought about to bring the duck to the vet that he could operate the duck to fix the leg. I buried Isidor and was very sad. Yesterday some body had given me a bird, similar as a pigeon, that was hurt and couldn't fly. I wanted to take care of it and put it in a cage. Today the bird was very week and was cold, so I took it out and warmed it on my chest laying down. It died on my chest when I was meditating and giving energy to it. I went into the forest and buried this bird together with Isidor the duck. I was really sad. Walking back I saw a rotten book laying on the ground. I picked it up. The pages were all stuck together. I opened it forcing it. It was a spanish book and I read on the open page: "La muerte es una ilusiòn." (Death is an illusion.) My sadness was a bit lighter, but now the question appeared: If death is an illusion, how can I realize this truth? How can I understand this?

    Can somebody explain this to me?

    That I found this rotten book, sounds like an invented story, but it is true. Things like this has happened before to me. How this is possible is another question...

    I appreciate your serious answer. Thank you!

    Rahmona Ramos

    3 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Are friendly people cheating us? Wanting something to sell us with their smile?

    When we were little children then we were told not to go with any body, not even this person would be very friendly and also not if this person would give us chocolate! We all remember this, but as grown ups we believe we don't need this advice any more. And so we go into the trap of all those smiling people who are selling us all kind of things we don't really need. Nearly all advertisements are connected with some smiling people, who submit us the feeling of trust. Beautiful ladies, of course smiling, offering us happiness and fulfillment when we will buy a certain product. Have we forgotten the warning of our parents? We have! Look around! There have been never so many fat people! They obviously follow the suggestions to eat certain things to feel good! And it is all junk food! The streets are every day more and more filled with cars, there is no parking spaces left! But people still buy more cars, following the smiling sellers who promise this 'great feelings' when owning this beautiful vehicle.

    What is it that makes us so naive as a five years old child?

    7 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I don't seem to fit into this world! I feel humiliated and sad, what shall I do?

    I am staying at a restaurant in the staff accommodation and working for meals and a comfortable bed. Over the last weekend I cleared up the garden where I am staying and re-potted some flowers and plants. I asked everyone if I could do the work in the garden and the manager took me to the garden centre and paid for the plants. I really enjoyed myself over the weekend. The weather was gorgeous and the wooden tubs around the restaurant looked lovely when I had finished.

    Yesterday the manager said that the woman who did the garden last year was very upset that I had done the job. She gets paid £200. I did it for nothing.

    The management have asked me to dig up the plants as they must give the other woman the work as she is a valued customer.

    I have refused to dig up the flowers or to get involved further with the restaurant.

    I am feeling very humiliated and................. sad.

    Any body out there who understand my pain?

    7 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do you think about this "History of Healing"?

    A Brief History of Healing:

    2000 B.C. - "Here, eat this root."

    1000 A.D.- "That root is heathen! Here, say this prayer."

    1850 A.D.- "That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion."

    1940 A.D.- "That potion is snake-oil. Here, swallow this pill."

    1985 A.D.- "That pill is ineffective. Here, take this antibiotic."

    2000 A.D.- "That antibiotic doesn't work. Here, eat this root."

    4 AntwortenAlternative Medicinevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can some body explain in simple words what "Personality" is and what the function of it is in humans growth?

    What is the concept about "personality"? Every body is using this word, but it seems the meaning is not clear. Often the word "Ego'" is used although I believe "personality" and "Ego" is not the same. What is the difference? Every body has more or less personality and can say: "I have personality!" But can one say: "I am a personality?" What's the difference?


    I have doubts about in which category to put my question. I want answers from people like you & me, not necessarily from professionals. I can't find a category that fits, so I will put it into 'Psychology' and also into 'Philosophy'.

    15 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is humankind as a species still in a primitive state of their growing process? (Evolution?)?

    In ones self image humans see themselves as highly developed beings, but observing peoples behavior and attitudes and what is the result in daily life, it seems more likely that this has to do with the fake reality that humans have created and their self image is just part of it.

    Not wanting or being able to look at themselves and clinging on lies, shows that the state of evolution still is pretty low. What do you think about this? Can we have a creative exchange here or will you just defend your superiority? Can we look at facts? Like that there still is cruelty, war and violence? Why we are so self conscious and every thing just turns around ourselves? Is there no way out?


    6 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is the actual state of evolution of humankind? What should be more developed, what is still missing?

    What can one do to further our evolution? Isn't it obvious that humankind is not in an very advanced state? There is no doubt possible when we look around and observe and experience what is going on on this planet and in our personal life. Is cruelty, suffering, manipulation all over, separation, hate, war and all the other results of our 'way of life' a natural reality of our state of evolution? Shouldn't we do something about it? Who can give *creative* answers to these questions???

    7 AntwortenAnthropologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is the actual state of evolution of humankind? What should be more developed, what is still missing?

    What can one do to further our evolution? Isn't it obvious that humankind is not in an very advanced state? There is no doubt possible when we look around and observe and experience what is going on on this planet and in our personal life. Is cruelty, suffering, manipulation all over, separation, hate, war and all the other results of our 'way of life' a natural reality of our state of evolution? Shouldn't we do something about it? Who can give *creative* answers to these questions???

    27 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can we free ourselves from dependency of the fake value of money?

    I do only what I can enjoy, not doing anything just because of 'making money', but there is this 'inner voice' that let me ask if I could be successful with this attitude and tells me just to do some normal work like every body. Are my doubts connected with the established dominating value in our society about money?

    My intuition tells me: Yes, it has to do with it, because in our society every thing turns around money. How much one has, how much one makes and the goal is to make more and more. There is hardly the question if ones work gives joy and let one have fun or a kind of fulfillment that goes beyond the value of money.

    How can I make shut up this part of my personality that is sabotaging my intention to live apart of the fake value of money?

    13 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is humankind as a species still in a primitive state of evolution?

    In ones self image humans see themselves as highly developed beings, but observing peoples behavior and attitudes and what is the result in daily life, it seems more likely that this has to do with the fake reality that humans have created and their self image is just part of it.

    Not wanting or being able to look at themselves and clinging on lies, shows that the state of evolution still is pretty low. What do you think about this? Can we have a creative exchange here or will you just defend your superiority? Can we look at facts? Like that there still is cruelty, war and violence? Why we are so self conscious and every thing just turns around ourselves? Is there no way out?

    (I put this into the category "Psychology", because I would like not to receive answers from religious people, even though I respect their beliefs...)


    5 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What about the 'New World Order'? Do we need to worry or can we look forward happily?

    This is a serious question, please answer only if you are informed enough. Do a search, there is plenty available, articles and videos. Be very critical, there is a lot of nonsense out there, the same as every where about every thing... Finding out something that comes near to truth is hard work!

    6 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I want very much to live in a spiritual community, but couldn't find one that fits me. Please can you help me?

    For several years I have been living in various communities, but after a while it turned out that they all didn't support the life style I would like to share with others. Most of them have been too money orientated and that was not what I was looking for, because then I could have continued with the usual society conditions. That's the reason why I say: "Spiritual Community" in my question. But the spiritual communities I had visited for some time, were not for me, because they were too dogmatic and limited to a certain religion. I want to live 'spirituality' and not following spiritual concepts. I want to live in contact with nature in all aspects and last not least want to find out about 'human nature' and what I can do to live my nature but not being lived by it...

    I am convinced that we are all in a growing process, we just need to be aware of it and relate in our daily life to what shows up.

    I want to live with like minded people, that means that they have a similar life style and are searching and living what their inner need demands and not social rules and concepts and for sure also not a hippie life style looking for enlightenment with the help of drugs...

    I want to be creative and do things that help to heal this obviously so sick world with all those sick people. I do my best, but alone I feel lost...

    Is there somebody who knows a group who live like this and would welcome me? It doesn't matter where on this planet it might be, although I would prefer a warm climate with enough sunshine...

    I'm not that young and have lived about half of my life, but what is still open I want to live with others... Please help me!


    7 AntwortenOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is the best to do to get out of my limited condition? With plain words:?

    With plain words: What is the shortest way to enlightenment?

    Can you give me a practical advice what I can do without the need to leave my home, my work and my family. I can’t effort to go for seminars or long retreats and I don’t like to follow a guru or a special strict discipline. I’m willing to take self-responsibility for what I’m doing and I’m serious about it.

    Detail added: I must say that I am not religious and I’m not interested to follow any kind of belief system and when I read in the category “spirituality’ then also I don’t want to call myself spiritual and that’s the reason why I put my question into ‘psychology’.

    11 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt