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What is spirituality? Do I need that?

Please tell me your definition of spirituality, and do you think spirituality is important for your life? And do you think spirituality is important for everyone?

I am almost 47 years old and have managed without spirituality up to now. I am an atheist, I like the life I live and I have accepted that some day my life will terminate.

Do I need spirituality? And if so, for what?

10 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    to me spirituality is the contemplation, th eknowledg,e the understanding, the feeling, that,there is more tothis world than meets the eye, and more to yourself, that meets they eye

    i think its important for life, yes, for everyone, yes

    and for my life

    if you dont think you need it and have managed fine without it, i dotn see what th eproblem is

    im not here to make you spiritual

    im just here to ask and answer qs and learn

    only you know if you need to be spiritual or not,a s youve made it clear, you dont

    nothing wrong with that at all


  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Spirituality and religion are different things. Spirituality is the discovery of God. Religion is a rule-book on how to do that. New Age Spirituality tells us to find yourself and you will also find God. You can't really escape spirituality because your soul is always present whether you believe it is or not. But, do you want to consciously be aware of it? To practice conscious spirituality will increase your awareness and your connection to the world and give you greater inner peace. The question is, do you want to do that?

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Spirituality is not religion.Its believing that u are a higher power than you once thought,and that everyone is interconnected.That you have more to you than organs and cells.and that whats truly inside of u doesn't even require a body.I'd look into it,maybe even try meditation or telekinesis to help you realize how powerful the mind is

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Well we ARE kind of a spirit. You've managed without spirituality? It's not religion.

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  • Yoda
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You cannot collect spirituality like a possesion, like you can aqcuire knowledge. A man who searches for truth is like a man who trys to hold the ocean in the palm of his hand, or like a man who stares at the moon and see's not the stars.

    Spiritual means emptyness of thought, comparison, judging, an end to inner conflict! The quietness born of the cessation of war between the thinking mind, and the rest of the mind. To stop comparing self with others, to stop reaching for any goals or ambitions. To psychologically die to all attempts to mitigate death. To accept the unknown, to observe without abstraction into thought. The end of self criticism by thought about what is thought. Thought used only for focus on external objects, not inwardly. Thought observing its rightful place.

    The understanding of thought process by thought process, the negation of the observer, by observing one's thoughts (and the processes that brought thought about) without judging them, the dissolution and therefore the end to self (Ego). A complete psychological revolution. Seeing the totality of existence, rather than just the existence of the thinking mind.

    There is no path, no way, no direction to follow. All exploration is personal, or it is meaningless.

    Quelle(n): Jiddu Krishnamurti Freedom from the known.
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You can't manage without spirituality , its -simply- the part of you that feels [whatever that is] . Being all physical means you became a rock .


    Quelle(n): Muslim
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Spirituality is believing in a higher power,particulary father,christ and holy spirit.Its not too late accept Jesus in your life and be blessed.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You no need silly spirit feeling... Just bang drums!!

    Quelle(n): 36 years and counting
  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    for after life buddy



    Quelle(n): it's your life anyways
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    yes every one needs it

    it salvation in jesus

    all people will live forever in one of two places

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