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Should I wish her well? ?

I'm in the "movin on" stage following a fall out with a girl I was talking to recently. Today would've been the day we would have been going out together tonite for a concert. But for the incident which happened on halloween, I had to bow out gracefully so I'm going to work tonight while her and her family goes to the concert without me. Its been two weeks since we last saw each other, and one week since I've heard from her. I miss her and I liked her so much, and I still feel shameful for how things had turned out so wrong.

but I decided I must leave everything behind and move on for the better, plus I've already apologized a thousand times to her and her family. But thinking about what could've been tonight hinders my efforts to move on. Should I call her later or text her that i hope she and her family have fun tonight at the concert? I have that itch and I wanna scratch but I feel like we should not see each other for a while, and let time heal our wounds. but I also don't want to lose contact with her cause I need her as a friend. (the way we should have been). I'm not saying I want to get back with her, but I don't want her thinking I am by calling her tonight and wishing her well, I just want to hear from her, thats all.

3 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I'd hold off on wishing her well. That doesn't have enough weight to it. If you really want to talk to her again. Call or text her a day or two after the show and ask her how it was. This will give both of you more to talk about.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Went through this a month ago just wish her well and to have fun at the concert through a text message. Or better yet text her tomorrow saying that you hope she had fun at the concert last night

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Arrange a friendable date with her, and tell you want friends you and her, so if there's anything she can count on you as a friend.

    So at least you both know the trust and slight bit of love is there.

    But you both know you cant cross the boundaries.

    Quelle(n): Hope my advice worked for you. To seal things off give her a teady bear with best friends written on it, to show you are serious and real about your situation.
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