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Believers: Why do you think god is omnipotent?

I'm an atheist and I think god is pure fiction, but I'm still wondering about the attributes believers attach to their god. The statement that god is omnipotent is particularly strange to me - omnipotence, in my eyes, is an impossible and paradox concept. That's why it is so easy to ridicule in all those questions like "Can god create an X that he cannot Y?" and such.

But anyway, where does this idea of omnipotence actually come from? I mean, when you believe that a god created the universe and intelligently designed nature and life and all, this of course means that this god is VERY powerful, but why should he be ALL-powerful? Is it just because you want to say "My god is better than yours", or do you have any convincing argument why a creator god must be all-powerful?

Please try to avoid scripture and religious texts in your answer, religious texts mean nothing to me. I'm just interested in considerable arguments. Thank you.


Ironpump: This question was directed at believers, therefore the god in question is obviously the particular god the answerer believes in.

Update 2:

New Creation: Your words DO mean something to me. While I don't believe your god exists, I am absolutely prepared to believe that you exist. And I do value the opinions of human beings.

Update 3:

AntiApollyon: I respect your answer, in fact you pointed it out without using scripture.

Update 4:

Tiger: You are right, I am insecure in life. Heck, everyone is. But I do not submit to wishful thinking and I do not embrace some silly superstition just because it would make me feel good. I want reasons before I adopt an opinion. That does not mean I simply follow my desires, I do very much consider what I deem right or wrong. The reason why I want to know about your god's attributes is simply because I want to understand why people believe in what they believe in.

13 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I have your answer, but unfortunately it is scriptural. Requesting a Christian to not use scripture in describing God's attributes is like requesting an atheist not to science to prove evolution. Granted, the analogy isn't perfect, but hopefully you see my point.

    Essentially, don't atheists go by the assumption the god of the Judeo/Christian faith is a fabrication from man's imagination or primitive explanation of past unexplanable phenomena? There is still a possibility this assumption is wrong, and the Bible is actually the true inspired Word of God, written of course by men based on what God said to them. If God said He was omnipotent and omnipresent, and some prophet wrote it down on a scroll which eventually got compiled into what we now call the Bible, on what other basis would one possibly derive God's attributes from, when the scriptures were written specifically to reveal the attributes of God?

    For you, there is no convincing argument. For me, there is. As it is written, so it is.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    For those who didn't understand...

    God can't create a fence so high that even he can't jump over.

    That's the paradox of being omnipotent.

    [edit:]Another paradox like that is free will... If God is all-powerful and can create free will, God is still responsible for the creation's actions as God is also all-knowing and could not make something that of what actions God couldn't know as God is also supposed to see 4 dimensions as opposed to 3. At least that's what I've heard.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It is easier to be an atheist than to be a believer. So, you opted the easiest one. Have you noticed that, we prefer to say NO to anything that needs some effort from our part. But we are very fast to say YES to anything that benefits us. One needs to follow the commandments of God, if he believes in his existence; for others, there is no one above their own self and they think and do as they like. Now, such people are increasing on earth since all of thme want to lead their life according to their mind's desires.

    Now, since you are an atheist, why should you know about something which you firmly understand that "It does not exist"? If something does not exist, how does it matter to you what people think of it? I can feel your insecurity in life. A man, who lives without God is like a ship, that has lost its control in the midst of an Ocean.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    if god wasn't omnipotent he would not be worth worshiping for some people

    lets say I'm christian, ok, if a creator god existed, he must be all powerful because he created everything in existence, our existence and everything we could ever know. He is all powerfull in our world, at the very least, and I guess that's what matters

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Omnipotence is a thorny issue, but I myself find omniscience harder to reconcile, logically speaking. The only way I can see to approach omniscience is that it must be limited in some manner (i.e. temporally, geographically, et cetera) as otherwise it would be Biblically inconsistent at best, and logically preclude sentience at worst.

    Quelle(n): An atheist who enjoys theological mind games
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    If by "believers", you are referring to Christians,

    you will find that the Sovereign God has not hesitated to reveal His attributes in His eternal Word, the Bible.

    If the Word of God means nothing to you, my words can only mean less than nothing to you.

    Your ploy is an old one and really just your death knell.

    I am not greater than the God that created me and redeemed me by nailing my sin to the cross.

    John 5:41

    “I do not accept praise from men."

  • pabs
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    coz everyone is a part of God

    people with more mind power will be thinking that are different from god

    people with more heart power able to experience that they are part of the God

    so the total of everyone's potency makes god omnipotent.

    everyone knowledge is God's knowledge.just like cells in our body

    so think that thougts,emotions,feelings,opinions(non physical) are not created by science or scientists,

    but man is living on these emotions,thoughts, eetc....(even the non believer of god)

    just think from where we are getting these thoughts

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Taking away scripture takes away our argument. Scripture says that he is omnipotent and it says it is God inspired so basically, we believe he is omnipotent because he himself told us.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Omni = 'All'

    Potent = 'Erection-Capable'

    Hmm... (lol).

    God has a constant hard-on.

    That does explain some of the Old Testament, ROFLMAO.

    Quelle(n): Penn & Teller: Washing Sheep in the Blood of Pure Common Fucking Sense
  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    god cannot be omnipotent.. it is impossible, it brings up far too many paradoxes that cannot be explained. I feel this is a vital flaw in religion. God is impossible.

    my two cents.

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