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Edinburgh or Liverpool?

I am a german student, moving to either liverpool or edinburgh in august. I'll have to make a decision by the end of this month, but to be honest i'm not sure which of these two cities would be the better choice.

liverpool is kind of more central whereas edinburgh has more cultural things to offer, though i don't like the scottish accent =p but should i really consider that ? liverpool ,though, is culture capital 2008. aarrgghh...what a difficult question

what do you think?which is more modern? which place is better for students?

i'm going to do the access to HE by the way..maybe that would help a bit[??

this decision will lead my future, thus it iis of great importance to choose the 'right' city..

thanks in advance


besides, how is it in scotland/england concerning alcohol? i've heard you now have to be over 25 in england, 21 in scotland. is that right?

@Luke Allen,

I know!! Birmingham is a great city, but for some reason ive missed out on applying for a course there..too late now =/

Update 2:

well they might be very friendly, but how about the city's situation?

another option would've been bristol and i'm kind of regretting that i didn't keep in touch with the college there..

anyway, i think i'll go for edinburgh now...

11 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    You say you don't like the Scottish accent, but _which_ Scottish accent are you thinking of? Broad Glaswegian or Fife can be impenetrable to outsiders, though the middle-class Edinburgh accent you'll likely come across as a student isn't too bad. Don't forget that the Liverpool accent can be impossible for outsiders to understand too - when I was a child I lived about 20 miles from Liverpool, and our primary school hosted some kids from Liverpool one day; between our strong Welsh accents and their strong Scouse accents we all had to repeat ourselves about six times before we could understand each other!

    Both cities are good places to study, and if you want a change, Glasgow and Manchester are each only an hour away by train!

  • D
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Gutten tag

    I would also say Liverpool and am biased as I am from Liverpool. As a previous answerer says Liverpool has the capital of culture status for 2008. Liverpool has the most listed buildings in the Country outside London. Property is cheaper to rent or buy, and parts of the city such as the Georgian quarter are well catered and habited by students, so a house.

    I have a flat I let out in the City and generally students have rented it and stayed on longer than they originally planned and have all said how much they enjoyed there time here and plan to return. Good luck with your decision

  • vor 4 Jahren

    3 weeks and also you ought to't make sure between both? Do both, it truly is truly a 0.5 day rail experience at maximum, 4 hours by automobile. Liverpool is a ought to for forign travelers with many actual sights that are sturdy fee for funds, Edinburgh is a much more desirable 'toursity' city which isn't neccesarily a nasty ingredient, yet does no longer quite furnish you with an impression of the 'authentic' uk. Of the united kingdom cities, Edinburgh is likely my well known, significantly better than London. i'm going there this weekend, the structure is awesome and the persons pleasant, yet i will say a similar for Liverpool. and that i will help Bianca, Glasgow is effective too, in case you get the chance to bypass to Glasgow, merely 20 minutes to the North is Loch Lomond, breath-takingly pleasing. In 3 weeks you ought to do all 3 and bigger!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i would say Edinburgh. Scottish accents vary depending what part of Scotland you are in. The Edinburgh accent is a nice one. Edinburgh has loads of history ,castle etc. Lots of great architect and a cosmopolitan feel about it. Great shops, pubs, restaurants and even a Zoo. Edinburgh has lots of festivals and the famous Edinburgh tattoo. Spooky places to go at night as they are guided tours round the old haunted houses under a street. It is also a good central place to get access to transport to see other parts of Scotland like the highlands and the lochs. I don't come from Edinburgh by the way I come from the other Scottish city Glasgow . Whatever your choice I hope you have a pleasant and happy stay, good luck.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I've been to both cities and much prefer Edinburgh. I really strongly recommend you go there.

    Don't worry about what you've heard about alcohol! It is absoulute nonsense. The minimum legal age for drinking is still 18 in both England and Scotland, and there are no immediate plans to change it. If alcohol is a factor in choosing where you go, choose Edinburgh - the licensing hours in Scotland are much more relaxed and you will be able to find somewhere to drink anytime, day or night.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I live in liverpool so I would be biased, but they are both great cities with plenty to see and do, I'm sure werever you choose you will have a good time.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    liverpool,got so much going for it.edinburgh crowded over priced and liverpool got short train journey from centre of city into seaside area irish sea...liverpool people are friendly nice,plenty of party life if want it culture,i going back later in year cos i love liverpool,hey beatles from there that one best reasons..

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Liverpool - European captial of culture baby!!

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Neither. Birmingham is much better ,trust me.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    edinburgh definitely!!! they are the friendliest people in the world!

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