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Lv 619.551 points

Janet W

Favorisierte Antworten12%
  • name ideas please!?

    hi, can anyone come up with any suggestions for a good shop name please?

    ive just agreed a rental price on a shop and i will be selling new age/witchy metaphysical items,tarot cards, angels,candles, caulrons etc etc.

    im totally stuck for a name for it! id like something with cauldron in the title if possible but am open to all ideas.

    all suggestions really appreciated

    thank you

    3 AntwortenSmall Businessvor 6 Jahren
  • friend problem advice appreciated please.?

    hi there, i have been friends with my best friend for over 35 years. yesterday she was supposed to be coming to my house for coffee at 2pm.

    i work early mornings and was not well so was sent home early ( i have recently been diagnosed with a brain aneurism and high blood pressure and am on new medication so i think this might have been the cause) i have to walk home along the canal. i felt faint and sick so had to sit down under the bridge. a lady saw i was not well and helped me to my house.

    i went and lay on the bed for a while and fell fast asleep.

    whilst i was asleep my friend turned up at 2pm as stated. my daughter answered the door and didnt wake me so my friend is FURIOUS! she has to walk to my house. its about a ten minute walk but she says i should have text her or rung her and told my daughter to wake me up. mu daughter refused stating i was ill so my friend has now been reallynbasty to my daughter (her godaughter) and stormed off in a huff.

    i feel dreadful about this as i know i should have rung but i felt so unwell i honestly didnt realise how long i had slept for i was expecting to be awake for when she arrived.

    ive tried ringing her and texting to apologise but she's just ignoring me

    this is the first time anything like this has happened in all the years we've known each other.i feel very sad about this.

    can anyone advise what i can do?

    many thanks.

    1 AntwortFriendsvor 7 Jahren
  • knitters, can you help a beginner please?

    knitters, can you help a beginner please?

    i have a knitting pattern id like to try knitting up. it is a witch (wilhelmina witch by Alan dart)

    due to problems with my eyes i find it hard to knit on small needles this pattern requires 3mm needles. would i be able to knit this on a slightly larger needle please? i understand i will need more wool . the pattern is in socking stitch throughout and uses double knit wool. would the finished doll just be bigger or would there be any problems with doing this?

    many thanks for your help

    6 AntwortenHobbies & Craftsvor 7 Jahren
  • selling question, advice appreciated?


    my teenage daughter makes jewellery and sells at car boots,craft fairs etc as she is trying to raise funds for a charity trip to gambia next year.

    in a couple of weeks time we are going on our narrow boat for a week.she would like to set up a portable stand on the back of the boat when we are moored up so that passers by can view her jewellery and hopefully buy some.

    my question is... is this allowed? would she need some kind of permit?.we obviously will not be staying in one place but moving every day. so unsure who to ask about this. have tried British waterways but no one seems to give a definite yes or no answer.

    can anyone advise?

    we are in the uk. many thanks

    2 AntwortenSmall Businessvor 7 Jahren
  • to all you great gardeners...pumpkin advice appreciated please.?

    hi there,

    i have growing some mini pumpkins 'jack be little' and 'baby boo'

    they are growing great ( potted in john innes multi purpose compost) but could anyone advise what is the best 'food' to feed them. i have miracle grow but this says for flowers? also someone has said use tomato food? can anyone please advise im a complete beginner.

    many thanks

    4 AntwortenGarden & Landscapevor 7 Jahren
  • destination suggestions in England please?

    hi there,

    its mine and my husbands 30th wedding anniversary coming up soon and we are looking to go on a long weekend break somewhere. due to illness travelling abroad is not an option so could anyone suggest somewhere in England we would enjoy?

    we live in the east midlands. we enjoy shopping,sightseeing,walks, museums etc.preferably not a a seaside place as we will be going out of season so dont want anywhere that will be shut everywhere.

    we have been to Howarth in yorkshire recently which we really enjoyed and have also visited york, durham and lancaster already.

    any ideas? we are both 50 years old if that helps! lol

    all advice appreciated.

    many thanksx

    7 AntwortenOther - United Kingdomvor 7 Jahren
  • to all you great gardeners . a newbie would appreciate your advice please?

    hi there,

    i am completely new to gardening i have a large garden but it is mainly lawn, large pond and roses with not a lot of border. i would love to be able to grow some type of vegetable (or anything edible) that could be grown in pots'

    could anyone suggest anything that is relatively easy to start with please?

    all advice really appreciated.

    5 AntwortenGarden & Landscapevor 7 Jahren
  • advice on kindle reader please?

    hi there,

    i am a very avid reader i love books of all kinds. its a special birthday coming up for me soon and people are asking what i would like. i was wondering about asking people to club together to but me a a kindle reader. i get a lot of my books from amazon and notice that they are much cheaper in kindle form.also quite a few i would like to read are in kindle form only.

    i am not at all technically minded so could anyone advise on the best one to get as there is the kindle fire, paperwhite etc?

    what is the difference? are they easy to use? what other functions do they do?

    any advice for an old lady very much appreciated.

    many thanks.

    4 AntwortenPDAs & Handheldsvor 7 Jahren
  • copyright problem...fuming!!!?

    hi there,

    for years i have been making handcrafted cloth dolls and selling on the designs are completely my own, they are collectors pieces. i make my own patterns and everything is done by hand, from scratch

    . over the past few months ive noticed another seller more or less exactly copying my designs (with very slight variations) but its been obvious that shes taken my ideas.

    ive never said anything as it hasnt affected my sales at al,l BUT ive now had a VERY nasty email from this person stating she has copyrights on her dolls and that its obvious IVE been copying HER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to say im flabberghasted is an understatement! this woman is now demanding i remove all my listings for my dolls or she is going to take legal action.

    im confused and upset as to what (if anything) i can do about this,

    can anyone please advise?


    3 AntwortenSmall Businessvor 7 Jahren
  • name for a kitten, any suggestions.?

    hi there,

    we will be picking up our new male kitten in a weeks time and are struggling to find a name for him.

    he is pure light grey all over with a white nose and four white paws that look just like socks!

    ive suggested 'socks' or 'boots' but my daughter hates both of those.

    any suggestions at all please for a suitable name?


    6 AntwortenCatsvor 7 Jahren
  • african parrot advice? new cage problem?


    we' inherited' our african grey parrot four years ago.

    the cage he came with was rather small so we bought him a new larger cage four days ago. we have put his old familiar toys in there with him but since hes gone in there he will not move from his food pot. that is to say it was the first thing he perched on when he entered the cage and hes refused to move from there ever since!

    he will not come out of the cage as he usually does and trying to get food in there is dreadful as he wont move from it so i cant get it out! i have to keep poking food into it through the bars. he's still merrily singing and chatting away but how can i overcome this problem?

    im worried hes going to have problems with his feet.

    can anyone advise what to do please?

    all advice appreciated thankyou

    3 AntwortenBirdsvor 7 Jahren
  • anyone visited marmaris? or holiday suggestions needed please.?

    hi there,

    has anyone here visited marmaris in turkey please?

    if so could you advise if its a nice place and worth taking a holiday there?

    . there will be my husband, myself and our 16 year old daughter. we enjoy shopping and sightseeing. we do enjoy the beach but not just to laze about we like getting in the water and doing activities etc

    or can anyone advise anywhere else where it will still be relatively hot early september . absoloutely NOT egypt. we hated it!


    all answers appreciated.

    5 AntwortenTurkeyvor 7 Jahren
  • health and safety at work advice please.?

    hi there,

    i work at a large store and the health and safety behind the scenes(i.e. warehouse,toilets,canteen e.t.c) is so bad its only a matter of time before someone gets seriously hurt.

    when you walk into the store it looks perfect nice and clean. behind the warehouse doors its another matter altogether.

    fire doors are blocked also the fire extinguishers. in the canteen and toilets we have no access to running water as there is so much stock in front of everything. the lockers are completely blocked off. you have to actually stand on a chair then the table to be able to get to a coat peg!

    cleaning products are stocked on top of food items. to get stock out onto the shop floor you have to climb on top of pallets to get to it!

    what can i do about this?

    there is no health and safety number displayed only the head office number which i have rung to try and explain the situation but they say they have no number for health and safety and that i must be 'exaggerrating' things. i can assure you i am not. i have taken photos of this. also it is not just a 'one off' it is like this all the time. ive worked there for many, many years but now im getting older im not able to climb over things as easil. i have already fallen twice resulting in a bad knee injury and am not prepared to risk my health anymore.

    i cannot post the name of the store as even though i reguarlary work 35 hours per week im only on an 8 hour contract. any time we complain about ANYTHING our hours are cut to minimum contract hours

    can anyone advise of a number i could ring that could advise?

    i live in the uk


    2 AntwortenInjuriesvor 7 Jahren
  • this shouldnt bother me but it has, how to deal with it. confused?


    my friend and i have known each other for over 30 years. our children grew up together and weve gone through good and bad times together.

    this past couple of years have been quite horrible for me. i lost my sister just before last christmas to cancer. my brother has suffered a brain aneurism a couple of months ago and now i have got rheumatoid arthritis

    we have planned a day out christmas shopping in a few weeks time. today i met my friend for a coffee and im in quite a lot of pain in my legs as i have 'flare ups'. my friend is furious that i cant walk well at the moment and blurted out very nastily that 'if i was like that when we went shopping she was NOT going to be happy,!" further adding that i ''totally ruined our christmas shopping day last year!'' (this was because i had to go to my sister as she was dying)

    this has really upset me . i didnt realise at the time but looking back at last year she was not at all supportive when my sister was ill only annoyed as i wasnt seeing her so often. the same when my brother was ill only to state ''theres always something wrong in your family''

    i really dont know how to deal with this. im not a confrontational person but i feel as if i cant 'just let this go'

    am i being petty? can anyone advise. feeling very confused and sad at the moment.

    4 AntwortenFriendsvor 7 Jahren
  • ladies, mature lady with no fashion sense would appreciate your advice please.?


    i have been invited out to dinner this evening at a posh restaurant. i cant afford to get new clothes so it has to be my usual little black dress (plain black wrap over with three quarter sleeves)i have some really nice dark grey/ light grey mix heels and matching large clutch bag. what colour stockings would go please? im a mature lady who never goes out usually so ive no idea!

    your advice much appreciated.


    1 AntwortOther - Beauty & Stylevor 8 Jahren
  • ideas for holiday destination abroad?

    hi there,

    can anyone advise of a holiday destination that would be suitable for myself, my husband and our 16 year old daughter. we have been to tunisia ,egypt and turkey so would like somewhere different.( i would go back to tunisia every year but my husband likes to visit different places) we enjoy the beach but not just to lie there all day, we like local culture and attractions e.t.c.we will be travelling early september and the hotter the better is how i like it! :)

    can anyone advise?

    many thanks

    1 AntwortOther - Destinationsvor 8 Jahren
  • anyone visited new york?

    hi there,

    probably a crazy question and i know i must sound the most sound incredibly selfish person ever but i have a bit of a dilemma. my husband would like to take me to visit new york for my 50'th birthday next year but its never really appealed to me. i like wide open spaces and ive a feeling i'll feel claustrophobic and overwhelmed by just skyscrapers and shops.

    my husband wont even entertain the idea of going without me and i obviously dont want to spoil it for him so feel i have to go.

    im just wondering if im just getting the wrong idea about the place and just putting it a steryotypical 'box'

    has anyone visited and is there anything apart from just ;shopping' (my idea of a nightmare) to do?

    thankyou for all answers.

    2 AntwortenNew York Cityvor 8 Jahren
  • present ideas for a!?


    i come from a very large family,im the youngest of nine and between us we have 33 children(before i get any negative comments we ALL work) this year to save us all some money instead of each of us buying every child a present for christmas we've decided to put names in a hat and buy for the children we pick out .

    ive picked my 11 year old nephew and im totally stumped as to what to buy! the budget (which we have to stick to) is £20. could anyone advise anything suitable. hes quite a shy boy and is not into computer games or anything like that. i don't want to just get a voucher as its not the same. can anyone advise?

    your help much appreciated.


    7 AntwortenChristmasvor 8 Jahren
  • board game ideas for teenager?

    hi there,

    could anyone give me any ideas of board games that would appeal to a teenager (apart from monpoly and cleudo) my daughter loves to play board games at christmas with the family after dinner. im looking to buy some new ones. ones that would appeal to teenagers and adults alike.

    thankyou x

    8 AntwortenBoard Gamesvor 8 Jahren