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Is child indoctrination child abuse ??

I don’t that it is child abuse but I think that the effects of it can be as harmful.

We should teach our kids what is useful to their lives, the basics. There is a reason why we don’t teach philosophy or Politics in preschool so why teach religious believes at that time?



I just talked about indoctrination if the parent’s life by the words of their religion and the Kid ask answer. I would suggest that in a Family where the parents truly life what they tell a lot of the children will still stay religious even with a good education because they saw that this system works for them and make their parents good people. It’s not a discussion of the rational mind it’s a unconscious decision because its fits with our emotional picture of reality which is more important to the human mind then the true’s.

10 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    When a child is born it has no belief why teach it one? let the child learn from the world around them and come to their own conclusion...

    It is perfectly reasonable to teach a child morals and love without incorporating religion.

    Also, there are several factors which could make outsiders see religion as child abuse such as circumcision, psychological damage through the concept of hell and by teaching them to fear and to be intolerant of outside groups from an early age

    Quelle(n): Atheist
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt


    For one thing politics and philosophy are a little advanced for preschoolers. Although it can be argued that philosophy is taught when you tell a preschooler to play nice with others. A very Christian philosophy.

    Schools should only teach reading, history, arts, writing ,arithmetics and those type of educational things and leave the rest to the parents.

    But parents have the right to teach their children whatever they wish, it will be more harmful when some government agency teaches children what they want them to learn. Effective in communist Russia or North Korea. What if the politics they teach are against what you believe or the philosophy is counter to what you believe in. Not everyone believes it is wrong to lie. This is what I think of when I think of Child Indoctrination. And, yes, it would be very very harmful and yes, child abuse.

    To teach them about Jesus is central to raising a child the best he or she can be. love others like yourself. respect your parents, yourself and others. Why would that be so bad?

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Though i'm a christian i think its only fair that children are taught the basics at school while religion,politics etc are left the parents at home.I say this because I'm catholic and i don't think a non-catholic teacher can explain the doctrines of our church to my son as well as i can.

    At the same time, if i was a non-religious person i must admit i would feel offended if someone taught my kind something that i don't practice in my home....

    I feel bad saying this as a christian but i think its only fair that children are taugh basic things such as lieing & stealing is wrong,fighting is bad etc....and we parents take on the rest. BUT i think the term "child abuse" is too extreme a word to use for indoctrination

  • MSB
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The same reason you would teach your child morals, values, family traditions, rites of passage, celebrations... it's a huge part of your life, how does one avoid sharing it with their children?

    There is a big difference between sharing your beliefs and indoctrination.

    If someone does not let their kids out of the house, or to read or watch television, and will not expose their kids to diverse beliefs, or if they would threaten or abuse or neglect a child who might dare to question or think differently, I would agree that would be a problem. But that's an extreme case, not the norm.

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  • Chris
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The truth is, and I have yet to find someone to disagree with me, is that if parents let their child get a full education up through high school and THEN decided to try to get them to follow religious belief, very few kids would go through adulthood as religious individuals.

    Parents HAVE to "brainwash" their kids into believing in a certain religion from a young age while their naive just like the kids must be taught about the tooth fairy and santa claus in order for the belief to stick. Let the child become an adult and then try to impose religion on them and it becomes useless.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yes it is.

    Though we're probably going to have to just accept that the best we can do is teach science and comparative religion and hope that's enough to overcome the brainwashing the parents provide. To try to force parents not to try to pass on their crap is really not where we want to go even if we could (of course we can and should ban corporal punishment to prevent parents beating their kids up if they become atheists).

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    it's more important to teach children how to think, how to be considered. as long as good morals are instilled i think the rest will follow.

    i did buy a children's illustrated bible for my son but it gets the same level of attention as his illustrated greek mythology. i did it more so that he is introduced to the stories and has a familiarity with them. it certainly is not for indoctrination purposes.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    God given free will so child have the same rigth to pick the religion they believe. Child abuse Yes

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    well, as for me I want my child to know the true gospel of CHRIST and I as his earthly father am responsible for teaching him the truth ,before the world teaches him he came from a monkey, so it is my job to make sure he knows as much of GODs word as I can interest him in learning ,for sure the first chapter of Genesis,,,,,

    Quelle(n): 42 years of studying the Bible kjv,,,
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    they only need to be mindful of it all.

    so we do not need to tell them jesus was33.

    leave them alone and let them chose in time.

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