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Life... such a beautiful gift. What a shame to waste it. I firmly believe our reason for being here-- if there indeed is one-- is to just live. We build our own future and create or own destiny. There is so much to be thankful for... enjoy it. About me: *Married (with children) *Homeschooling mom of 3 *Freelance writer & photographer *Crafty lady-- scrapbooking, soap making, arts & crafts in general *Love to cook, garden & camp *Unitarian Universalist Wiccan Witch *Republican Note: I open E-mails & click "reply to this message" first. If you've disabled your E-mails, and I cannot reply, your E-mail will be deleted unread. Keep doing it, I'll block you. Simple as that. I don't bother with one-way communications. So, you want to learn magic, do you? Check out:

  • Florida, Tampa Bay Area, Pinellas County, St. Pete/Clearwater/Palm Harbor-- Hiking the Pinellas Trail?

    I'm looking for people who have done this without driving from section to section... walking the entire trail over the span of a week or so.

    My family & I were thinking of a little "stay-cation" hiking trip. We live near the St. Pete end of the trail & were thinking it might be cool to backpack the entire trail from Tarpon Springs. Only planning on walking 5-6 miles per day, maybe stopping at some parks & museums along the way

    We would stop of course in the evening for lodgings... we'd actually rather just pop a pup tent & rough it, inner-city camping lol, but there are only a couple of places we can do that (Sherwood Forest in Palm Harbor & KOA in Bay Pines, plus we have a friend that lives in Gulfport & we can probably pop a tent in their fenced-in yard if we wanted for a night.

    Can't find anywhere to camp near the trail in Clearwater so we would have to probably do a small motel.

    I'm looking for people who've actually done it. I find plenty of info on biking the whole trail, and plenty on going over just a part of it, but I can't seem to find people-- families in particular-- who've walked the whole trail so I can get their input.


    2 AntwortenOther - United Statesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do you put in your green smoothies?

    Today my son's lemon balm plants were looking so healthy and fresh and I threw in a handful, and it was so freakin' good, especially with the banana flavor. I'm going to use more lemon balm.

    I usually take the "throw in whatever I have" approach, I get whatever looks great at the produce stand or whatever is on sale at the grocery store, and I buy frozen fruit in bulk, but I like new ideas so they don't get boring.

    My recipe today was (served 3 in big 16 oz tumblers):

    1 cup pomegranite cranberry juice

    2 handful's of raw kale

    1/2 bag of raw spinach

    1 banana

    about 3 or 4 stevia leaves (garden fresh)

    handful of lemon balm leaves (garden fresh)

    3 big spoonfuls of mixed frozen fruit (peaches, strawberries & pineapple).

    It was a little thick and I ran out of pomegranite juice so I threw in a splash of orange juice to thin it out.

    Do you make green smoothies and what do you put into it?

    Have you ever used carrots and how to you add them without killing your blender?

    (I have a decent blender, 600 watts, but it's not exactly "industrial strength" and I don't want to kill it)

    1 AntwortDiet & Fitnessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I'm shopping for a dehumidifier; any you found really good or bad?

    I don't need a heavy duty one because it's for my apartment (about 1000 SF) which has central heat/air, but not the greatest insulation and a corner unit with lots of windows... (no garage, basement or attic). It should have a decent capacity for a home, I live on the Gulf Coast of Florida near the beach so it can get pretty humid during some parts of the year, but I don't need industrial strength.

    I'm looking for something in the $100 to $200 range. So since it's for a small apt, fairly compact would be great so I could move it from room to room, like the kitchen in the day time or the bedroom at night.

    And it has to be fairly quiet since we'd probably want to keep it running on hot summer nights or when I'm sitting here working on hot, humid days when even the AC doesn't seem to be doing well enough.

    Automatic shut-off when full would also be good, just in case.

    I'm not looking for suggestions like "damp rid" or charcoal or kitty litter, because I already use those things and they can get messy to change or if knocked over and I'm probably spending $100 a year because some months I have to replace them every 10 days.

    1 AntwortOther - Home & Gardenvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I'm shopping for a dehumidifier; any you found really good or bad?

    I don't need a heavy duty one because it's for my apartment (about 1000 SF) which has central heat/air, but not the greatest insulation and a corner unit with lots of windows... (no garage, basement or attic). It should have a decent capacity for a home, I live on the Gulf Coast of Florida near the beach so it can get pretty humid during some parts of the year, but I don't need industrial strength.

    I'm looking for something in the $100 to $200 range. So since it's for a small apt, fairly compact would be great so I could move it from room to room, like the kitchen in the day time or the bedroom at night.

    And it has to be fairly quiet since we'd probably want to keep it running on hot summer nights or when I'm sitting here working on hot, humid days when even the AC doesn't seem to be doing well enough.

    Automatic shut-off when full would also be good, just in case.

    I'm not looking for suggestions like "damp rid" or charcoal or kitty litter, because I already use those things and they can get messy to change or if knocked over and I'm probably spending $100 a year because some months I have to replace them every 10 days.

    1 AntwortOther - Home & Gardenvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What would a 1939 radio broadcast studio look like?

    I'm painting the background scenery for a play, it's an original production so I don't have anything previous to look at. I would like to make it accurately detailed.

    If anyone can provide me with links to old photos of radio shows being made from the 30's - 40's I would much appreciate it.


    3 AntwortenOther - Arts & Humanitiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What's a good ice cream maker to get a kid who loves to cook and wants to be a chef?

    He's almost 12. He has wanted to be a chef since he was 4. He saw an old Good Eats episode on ice cream, and is totally going nuts over it now.I have never had an ice cream maker but will be going shopping for one for him next week.

    He loves to cook, bake, and make candy, and he's getting pretty good at it, I have to admit. He blew people away with the desserts he made for Thanksgiving (little chocolate molded cups filled with whipped puddings piped in them-- half cream cheese, half pumpkin. They were awesome).

    So the boy's got some skills, so I don't want to get him one of those toy ice cream makers. I want to get him the real deal to encourge his love for experimenting in the kitchen.

    I don't want to buy anything too complex to use for the average home cook, and I don't need the most expensive, top of the line model either.

    Just a good, sturdy, servicable, basic ice cream machine that makes a good product, that is not a pain in the butt to clean.

    Any suggestions? Thank you.

    6 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Strange question I guess, for my Jewish friends: plants associated with your holidays?

    If one were to give a gift of a potted plant for any holiday, are there any specific traditional ones? For example, with Christian holidays, people give poinsettias for Christmas, or lilies for Easter.

    Are there any types of potted plants associated with any Jewish holidays that make nice gifts?

    Suggested Category: Society & Culture > Cultures & Groups > Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered

    6 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Dressing-- in a crock pot?

    I know some people call it dressing. Whatever.

    Anyway, I don't stuff the bird. I make it the day ahead & usually put it in a casserole dish, pre-cooked. Then I heat it in the oven with some drizzled turkey pan juices on it and bake it till it's 165 (it's a sausage stuffing).

    Has anyone ever put their stuffing in a crock pot instead of the oven? Any success? Any advice?


    3 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Who else is cooking today..?

    I just made my last store run for ice & some fresh produce this morning, and gathered some herbs from my porch.

    It's raining. I got on a nice pot of coffee and a movie (Homeward Bound).

    My boys are with me, they just did the latest round of dishes and will be starting their cookies & pumpkin pudding in edible chocolate cups... I can't wait to sample one of those concoctions.

    So I made the brine, the turkey will be ready to go in soon.

    The sweet potatoes have been par-boiled, we assembled the casserole right in a crock pot dish & put it in the fridge, so it's all ready to just go in tomorrow.

    The cranberries are cooked and chilling.

    I'm about to start shrimp cocktail.

    Basically I'll have little to do tomorrow, mostly reheating & serving.

    Who else is keeping busy today with Thanksgiving-y chores?

    3 AntwortenThanksgivingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Ideas for a pretty table?

    If you decorate your T-day table, what kind of touches do you like to put on it to make it pretty?

    I usually tie napkins with twine and little silk autumn leaf & acorn embellishents, and put out things like fall colored pillar candles (in glass) set inside a grapevine wreath with autumn embellishments.

    I have autumn leaf cloth place mats.

    I'm looking to do something different. Maybe something a little less traditional and a little more whimsical.

    Ideas and links to craft projects welcome.


    3 AntwortenThanksgivingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What type of unsafe food advice runs around on Thanksgiving that makes you cringe?

    Every time I hear someone say to speed thaw a turkey by putting it in the sink and running warm or tepid water on it, I want to scream.

    Ditto about leaving meat out on the counter to thaw overnight.

    This is playing culinary russian roulette, but people sadly swear by it and recommend it to others.

    What makes you cringe?

    2 AntwortenThanksgivingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Baste or Brine? What's your preference?

    I was a big basting fan for years, I would baste like every 20 minutes to half hour and thought I was doing great.

    About 10 years ago, I tried brining. No basting at all. I feel like I never ate a proper turkey until that first brined one.

    For me, there is simply no comparison. I will never baste again.

    I watched Alton Brown's Thanksgiving episode of Good Eats a few years ago, and he explains that brining makes the bird juicy through osmosis, literally filling the cells with moisture and flavor.

    He also argues that basting is useless because what you brush on the bird doesn't get in through the skin, and because you open the oven door so much, letting out the heat, you slow down the cooking time thereby making the bird even more dry.

    But I just got into a friendly argument with a friend over brine or baste, and she swears by basting-- claims she wouldn't even bother to try a brine because her method of overnight cooking on low and basting frequently is the only way she'll ever cook her 30 pound birdzillas.

    I admit, I can't find any scientific support for basting, just anticdotal, and some people swear by it.

    What's your take turkey lovers?

    2 AntwortenThanksgivingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Disneyworld passholders: Where can you use the B-day "fun card" in the park? Do you need to use it in one day?

    We are seasonal passholders and have 2 b-days in the family by the end of the month.

    We were thinking about getting the "fun card" option in place of the free b-day admission.

    Just wondering:

    where can it be used? Mainly interested in what stores and restaurants in the parks or DTD it can be used.

    Can it be used any time, like if it is partially used can we spend the rest on another day?... or is it only for the day of your b-day to spend in one shot?

    Thanks in advance

    2 AntwortenAmusement Parksvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Pagans: Happy Lughnasad/Lammas/First harvest!-- any good holiday recipes?

    Sabbat blessings everyone. I'm planning this weekend's holiday feast & have a full house and trying to think of something different or interesting.

    We do brunch in the morning and skip lunch so I wanted to make appetizers... I've got a lot of eggs in the fridge so I was thinking baby veggie quiches? I've also got some black beans I made yesterday, so I was going to make a dip to serve with salsa and corn chips. Oh, and honey & apples are a must for the kids.

    I'm not sold yet, and we have a big family with different tastes, so any ideas?

    Dinner's covered, as shepherds pie with some fresh garden salad, baked home-made herbal breads and home-churned herbal butters is our tradition. Yum I haven't eaten today so thinking about it is making me hungry. For dessert the kids are making almond cookies with a pentacle press.

    I was also thinking maybe a peach pie? Or maybe vanilla ice cream with grilled peaches over it? Something with seasonal fruit.

    Any ideas for a non-alcoholic punch or soft drink? I'll be making mango & strawberry margaritas for the adults but wanted something special for the kids.

    I have to go shopping in a couple of hours, any ideas would be great.

    Thanks and enjoy your holiday.

    7 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • If same-sex marriage is legalized, should people be forced to provide services for same-sex weddings...?

    if it is against their own spiritual/moral/personal beliefs?

    When they become legal, do you think people who work in the wedding industry should be allowed to turn down same sex weddings if it is against their own faith/conscience?

    I'm not referring to religious institutions or clergy-- I don't think they should have to perform any marriages that go against their doctrine.

    I'm talking about wedding halls, caterers, wedding coordinators, musicians, bartenders, florists, photographers, etc.

    Do you think if a same-sex couple decides they want a certain great photographer or great wedding planner, but that person says they don't want to work a same-sex wedding, that they should have the rights to turn the job down?

    Or do you think it would be grounds to sue them for discrimination?

    Would a person in this case have a right to follow their own religious beliefs and conscience, or would it be right to expect them to choose between their career and their beliefs?

    36 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is a good reputable charity for rainforest preservation?

    My boys have stumbled into learning about the rainforests these last couple of weeks.

    They are running a lemonade stand this weekend and want to send the money they make to help save the rainforests.

    I just want to make sure we send it to a reputable charity. Can someone direct me?


    2 AntwortenOther - Environmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does anyone have a spell to make me a chupacabra?

    I've always wanted to suck goat. Please.

    4 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wanna help me decorate (country style)?

    I just moved a few months ago and feel settled in and know I'll be here a long time. It's time to start decorating! I'm starting with the kitchen.

    The Goal:

    Country style-- cottage/cabin like, rustic/homey

    To plan and have the job done no later than July (2 months)

    To make it really unique, stylish, and very functional

    The Challenges:

    - I live in a rented city apartment

    - Small space

    - low budget

    The Assets:

    - big do-it-yourselver

    - very artistic, especially with a paint brush

    Can you give me advice, direct me to good websites and resource? Show me photos of your country home, or "country home" apartment?

    If anyone is into it, I made an interactive web page with pictures of the existing kitchen, sketches, and interactive polls and guestbooks for your input. I don't wanna spam the board, but if you e-mail me I will send you a link.

    In these early planning stages, the more input the better.

    Thanks in advance. I am off to web surf and look forward to replies.

    2 AntwortenDecorating & Remodelingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How does hot/spicy food clear sinuses?

    I have all kinds of sinus and allergy problems. My nasal passages are very narrow and they get clogged, when I go to yoga I have to put on a breathe-right strip just to get through a class.

    Anyway, I made sushi last night, and I guess on one piece I put a little more wasabi than I had intended and didn't realize it.

    Well, after a bit of a shocking and uncomfortable moment, with some kind of heat explosion that went through my whole head, I had to blow my nose.

    My sinuses have been clearer than they have in months ever since.

    I am just wondering if anyone knows what causes that, and if it's dangerous in any way (health-wise).

    Because, dang, it works better than any meds or sprays I've ever used, I'd be willing to dab some wasabi on food every couple of days or so if it will keep my nasal passage this clear.

    1 AntwortOther - Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Humus-- recipe/serving ideas?

    I love humus, make a big batch twice a month or so, and will be making it tonight. I was just looking for new ideas.

    I make my basic with the chick peas, tahini, pine nuts, very little olive oil, water, lemon juice, salt, pepper, & garlic. I will split up the basic recipe and add eggplant, or red roast peppers, or olives, or black beans and curry.

    I eat it with raw veggies, crackers, pita bread, tortilla chips, or in a wrap with asparugus & peppers (my fave lunch!).

    I like to smear it on sprouted wheat toast and top it with salad leftovers, like lettuce, cuke, tomato, peppers, etc. and eat it like an open sandwich.

    Any unusual or exciting way you make humus, or what do you like to pair it with?

    I'm not a vegetarian so meat is okay too.

    2 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 Jahrzehnt