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Cyber A fragte in Science & MathematicsPhysics · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Did everything come from nothing or did something always exist?

The Universe consists of matter, time and space.

Einstein showed than time and space are of the same thing (spacetime) and he also showed that matter is a manifestation of energy.

Energy can be converted to Matter and vice verse.

So space-time has to have a beginning at the big bang or as a believer will argue as god created the universe. But it’s different with matter as a manifestation of energy.

So here is the kicker question did energy have a beginning?

Does energy need time and space to exist?

For everything to have a cause energy is needed. All cause effect relationships transfer energy from one thing to another. So for everything to have a beginning including matter, time and space there have to be energy present. So all energy that exists now must had existed at the beginning. Because the first law of thermodynamics stated that energy can’t be crated or destroyed. So energy must has always been here. Now the question out of this conclusions is....


..Where did the energy to crate the Universe come from?

If your answer is from god than what exactly is the relationship between god and energy?

If your answer he is the source of energy? If that’s true does it mean he gave up some or all of his energy to crate the universe. Either that or good itself is an infinite supply of energy so that I wouldn’t lose any energy as he created the universe.

This would mean two things: Energy can be crated or energy can be infinite.

Crating Energy would violate the laws of physics that ALL arguments for his existence that involves the laws of physics are irrelevant!

Because you would use the laws of physics to prove something that must violate them.

Lets suggest for the sake of the argument that god at least at part is an infant supply of energy. That would make sense because god is all powerful. This implies that energy can be infant. So back to our important question:

Update 2:

What is the explanation for the energy that was present at the beginning of the universe?

There are just 2 possibilities: It’s a supernatural or it’s an unknown natural explanation.

The Christians will know state that this energy comes from god specifically the Christian god.

But this is the Question that human being has been asking about a lot of things since human beings starting asking questions. What is lightning? Why do mothers give birth? Why does the sun rise? Why people get sick?

There are millions of questions we can ask and all of them could simply rushed of with god did it. But that doesn’t mean that this explanation is correct. In fact time after time after time the answer has been an unknown natural explanation that eventually becomes known.

Doesn’t it make sense that this trend would continue?

2 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Its hard to know where to start with your question, because it begins with a large list of assertions, many of which are simply not correct.

    For instance, you say "All cause effect relationships transfer energy from one thing to another." This is simply not so. An elastic collision between two masses of the same size leave each with precisely the same energy. Also space and time are absolutely not the same thing, but are linked and best treated as a single entity spacetime.

    So strip away all of your assumptions.

    What we know at the moment is that the universe began with a singularity we call the Big Bang. Spacetime emerged from this and began to unfold by wha tis called metric expansion (that is, as it became less dense its curvature due to gravity diminished, so it expanded in the sense that the measure of a metre within it changed).

    The Big Bang also released all the energy in the universe. It is meaningless to use the term before the Big Bang in our space time, because time commenced at the Big Bang, and we cannot determine ever what circumstances led to the Big Bang itself because of this (which is not to say they are supernatural, but simply that they are hidden by the singularity).

    Matter emerged from this energy when the Unvierse expanded to a point at which it was cool enough for particle formation.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    no, matter can not come from nothing

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