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Tofi fragte in TravelUnited StatesOther - United States · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Costs of living in Pennsylvania?


I'm a 25 year old trainee in a small German company. My employer wants to send me to the US for training.

It will take about 9 months.

I have 2,700 $ per month to spend. Insurances, taxes, car and 50% of my apartment will be paid by the company.

Is it enough?

Is drinking expensive


4 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    It really depends on WHERE you live in PA. The closer you are to Philadelphia or one of the other larger cities, the more you will pay.

    Generally, with $2700US, you should be ok unless you live a playboy lifestyle. Here's an example

    Rent - $1200 ($600 to you if they pay 50%)

    Utilities - $250-$350 (cable, electric, etc.)

    Internet - $30

    Food - $800 (less if you eat in alot)

    Gas - $200-$400 (depends on driving)

    That's roughly $700 left over. If you find the bars with $1 drafts and cheap drinks at happy hours... that's ALOT of drinking!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It depends where in PA you are going to be staying. If you are going to a bigger city like Philadelphia the cost of living will be higher. I would say you can probably get by pretty well on $2,700 in most areas, especially if you are paying only 50% of the apartment - which would likely be your biggest expense. Drinking, like everything else, will vary based on where you are, but you can always find cheap places.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Here's a cost of living calculator showing the cost of living in Philadelphia, PA: I chose Philadelphia, but you can use this calculator to look up the cost of living in other cities in PA. It looks like the cost of housing would be your biggest expense, but you mentioned that 50% will be paid by your company. How much money you need will depend on your personal expenses and lifestyle, but with housing and transportation even partially paid for, you should be fine.

    Hope that helps,

    Assistant to Dr. Salary

  • vor 4 Jahren

    yup!! 1200 according to month for lease for 3 bedrooms!!3 hundred-450 according to month for nutrients!!toddler nutrients a hundred and eighty according to month and something for pointless stuff!gas bill for wintry climate is 250, water is a hundred, electricity is one hundred fifty and telephones an stuff probabyly 4 hundred so which you will stay off 2400 a month!

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