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  • Does anyone remember a cartoon that had a small flying dragon that breathed fire when it sneezed??

    I'm trying to remember what cartoon it was and the name of the dragon. It was small and green and had little white wings and it would fly around. Then when it would sneeze it would accidentally breath fire. It has to be something from the 80's, I just can't place it.

    5 AntwortenOther - Televisionvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is this a reasonble estimate for repairs on my Honda?

    Someone broke into my car the other night by smashing the passenger side window. Somehow this caused the door to be impossible to open. The dealership told me that something (glass or water-it was raining that night) shorted the actuator (?). They are charging me $180 just to open the door up and find out the problem, then another $200 for the part and $355 to replace the window. Total $725. This seems a little ridiculous to me. Am I getting ripped off?

    2 AntwortenHondavor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Correct a red color resulting from semi-permanent dye?

    Two days ago I dyed my hair (naturally medium brown but highlighted blonde) with a "warm" brown semi-permanent dye. It turned very coppery red. I want to do an ash brown now to cover it. Do you think this will work? How soon can I try another semi-permanent dye over it without severly damaging my hair?

    Also, the boxes say not to use if you have used metallic dyes - how do I know if I have? I only had professional highlights in before the semi-permanent dye.

    Has anyone seen the Clairol Brass Free line yet? I'm thinking of trying that over top (if I can find it).

    1 AntwortHairvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is it appropriate to offer evaluations from my current job in lieu of giving a reference name?

    I have a job interview for which I anticipate needing references. I don't want them to call anyone at my current job, but I do have a bunch of evaluations from my time there. Is it appropriate for me to offer copies of those?

    1 AntwortOther - Careers & Employmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • My cat gets angry when I leave the house - should I get her a kitten for companionship?

    My cat is very agressive. She is two years old. When I adopted her (as a kitten) they told me she cannot be around other animals. She has been to my parent's though, where there is a dog and cat and does not seem to have too much trouble getting along with them. Lately she gets upset when I am gone for a long time and I think she is lonely. I am considering a kitten to keep her company, but I don't know if she will accept another animal in her own house. Any suggestions? If I do bring in a new kitten, is she more likely to get along better with a male vs. female? I've read a kitten is better than an adult because she may take to it like a mother. Has anyone experienced this?

    4 AntwortenCatsvor 1 Jahrzehnt