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Geordi04 fragte in PetsCats · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

My cat gets angry when I leave the house - should I get her a kitten for companionship?

My cat is very agressive. She is two years old. When I adopted her (as a kitten) they told me she cannot be around other animals. She has been to my parent's though, where there is a dog and cat and does not seem to have too much trouble getting along with them. Lately she gets upset when I am gone for a long time and I think she is lonely. I am considering a kitten to keep her company, but I don't know if she will accept another animal in her own house. Any suggestions? If I do bring in a new kitten, is she more likely to get along better with a male vs. female? I've read a kitten is better than an adult because she may take to it like a mother. Has anyone experienced this?

4 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I would try it with a kitten in a cage first. I do think she is lonely. It can't hurt to try it.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i would suggest not getting another cat. female cats are - and excuse my french - a lot b1tchier than males and take it very personally if you get another cat. but, if you still want to try it, get a male. males are more layed back than female cats so there's a much smaller chance of the two of them getting into fights when the kitten is older. and, you kitty probably does well at your parent's because it's not her house. she can't be territorial when she's in someone else's territory. does she get along with the other animals? or does she just stay very clear of them? that will tell you if she truly is okay with another cat, or if she's just nervous being in another house.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Don't use people's answers; it's all made up by humans. Ask your cat; communicate with her about what's going on? Yes, it is possible. I know great pet psychic, she was able to help us with our cat, when it got really sick. I was very skeptical, but when she revealed us some details from the past that took place it all really made sense.

    Quelle(n): my own expiriennce
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    you can go to the shelter and look and see who they have there but before you adopt ask to bring your cat in and see if they get along first.

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