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Do anyone know the reason for the Irak war ?

21 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    A group of Saudi terrorists flew planes into our buildings. Rather than hunt down the terrorists in Saudi Arabia (which is our friend), we thought we would kill four birds with one stone and invade Iraq. What could we accomplish by doing that?

    - Kill some terrorists

    - Rid the world of a bad guy (Saddam) who really was pretty bad

    - Stabilize oil production, distribution, and supply in the world.

    - Eliminate weapons of mass destruction

    What happened?

    - A lot of the bad guys left and went to Afghanistan and probably Pakistan.

    - The majority of Muslims became distrustful (if not downright hateful) towards us Americans

    - Iraq fell into complete disarray because of the absence of its heavy-handed dictator.

    - Oil went from being $30 a barrel in 2003 to (today) touching $96 a barrel.

    - The esteem of the US fell in the world's eyes

    - The war has cost us over $1 trillion in 6 years (estimate in Jan 2007 by Harvard's Kennedy School of Government was over $2 trillion!!)

    - We found that there really were no weapons of mass destruction

    - We have had a dramatic demise of personal freedom and rights to privacy.

    What will America learn? It will learn the same lesson that we learned with Saddam, Noriega, the Shah, and many other country leaders that we installed: We cannot dictate the will of a country and install puppet leaders and expect that government to work.

    A short history lesson: The reason the Taliban are so strong in Afghanistan is because we supported them. The Russians were fighting them...we supported Taliban in their fight against Russia....and the Taliban won. Be careful what you wish for!

    On the other hand...with strength comes responsibility. If a strong person (or country) sees a weaker one being taken advantage of...isn't it the responsibility of the stronger to come to the aid of the weaker? Interesting question. I think the answer is yes...but there has to be a limit to the engagement..monetarily and timewise.

    And...if we are to help the weak...why aren't we in Sudan? Or Indonesia? Or Haiti? Why aren't we pressing China regarding human rights? Is it perhaps because we are looking for more payback than just the "feel good" feeling of helping? Is it because we also want regional stability of oil supply lines?

    What if we had just let Iraq continue on its own? What if we had taken the $1 trillion and put it towards alternative energy research? Or, split the cost between upgraded security and alternative fuels?

    Where would we be? Well, Saddam would be alive and well and continuing his genocide. The Taliban would still be in Afghanistan (as they have been since the 70s and earlier), the US would still be somewhat respected in the world's eyes, we would have 3500 more military than we do now, oil would be in the $30 a barrel area, our airports and other public transportation would have beefed up security, and we might at this point have a hugely successful rebirth of the auto industry in the US due to new cars being made to run on alternative fuels.

    Admittedly, the alternative isn't perfect...just like the present situation isn't perfect. But...there is nonetheless an alternative....

    Any guesses on what country is next on the US agenda? My guess is Iran. Any other guesses????

    Quelle(n): years and years of triathlons...
  • client
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    i have replaced my thoughts basically aspect. at the starting up i assumed the conflict changed into breed merely from oil and the attack on US. in spite of the indisputable fact that the longer it is going on the more advantageous i'm carry about beleive that's yet another huge 'c..ok up' like Vietnam and the aspects persons concern and paranoia are also significant motives for the conflict. To proceed the conflict in Iraq is because US havn't acheieved something except overthrow a dictator which isn't that a good feat because the UN and Europe did this in a much more advantageous effective united states in 1/2 the time contained in the ninety's. Will US be triumphant in Iraq?, no i don't think of so, because WWII the U. S. hasn't gained any wars settle for the palms race. they're scuffling with this hearts and minds conflict yet to regulate hearts and minds takes generations you'll continuously have youthful childrens being brainwashed to face and wrestle. This conflict must have ended at the same time as Sadam changed into exceuted and fought by technique of the politians generating the democracy they needed by the danger-free soil of the U. S. and telephone. Then there would were the danger to win this conflict as in actuality the conflict changed into gained because Sadam changed into killed.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Ever since the time of the Prophets and the holy books, there were those who followed the message being taught to them and there were those who were fighting against the Prophets and the followers of the Prophets.

    Jesus forbade the eating of swine and the drinking of alcohol. He never professed himself to be God and he never said worship me. In his mother tongue of Aramaic he called God "Allaha". Moses before him called God in Hebrew as "Ellah".

    What is modern Christianity.. what is the Trinity? Do you really know for sure. Christianity is the CULT of St. Paul as he was the designer of the Christian faith. Many of the modern Christian festivals have been merged with pagan satanic festivals... such as Christmas with YULE and SATURNALIA, such as Easter with the Pagan Spring festivals about the goddess Eostre.

    The point is this... The so-called Christian Crusaders have been invading the Holy Lands persecuting, oppressing and killing the believers... the TRUE believers for centuries.

    If you study history, they have been committing genocides, raping and pillaging all for what? Political power? Military power? To spread the Christian / Pagan religion at the point of a sword.

    It is more like a vicious form of jealousy, where the Muslims are a constant reminder about how people SHOULD live and instead of submitting to the will of God by not living like animals drinking, partying, having unlawful sexual relations and eating the flesh of the swine and so on.. instead the simple thing is to kill those people who live properly. To silence them.

    After Iraq went to war with Iran and then invaded Kuwait under the sponsorship of the US, Iraq was put under sanctions for 10 years. During this time 1 million people reportedly died.

    During this time, the international community agreed that their weapons (Iraqi WMDs) had been destroyed and that Iraq was NO THREAT to either their neighbours or anyone else.

    Only when the children were dying, medicines were running out and it was confirmed that the weapons were gone, did the US decide to carpet bomb Iraq. All to remove Saddam Hussein? Well regime change has been and always is a BREAKING of international law.

    But since when have imperialist powers such as the US and UK ever cared about that. The US tried in Iran in the 1970s and were given a stern slap across the face as Iran rejected the CIA's involvement. The US has for 30 years tried to influence central and southern american countries, the UK has a horrific record.

    So why did the Iraq war happen... for many reasons

    (1) Religious crusade

    (2) Control of Oil

    (3) Destruction of the historical artifacts and the Islamic antiquities

    (4) To destabilise the Middle East

    (5) To establish permanent military bases in Iraq

    (6) For strategic and regional control

    (7) To 'break the back' of the Muslim world

    (8) As a sign to others that if you defy the will of the West, this is the treatment you will receive

    (9) To establish missionary posts in the Middle East and to ensure the Christianisation of the country amidst rebuilding and reconstruction

    (10) To fulfill Biblical and Quranic prophecies about the end-of-times

    The one thing you need to be assured about is this. The Allied Coalition who invaded a foreign sovereign nation and killed innocent people, women and children ARE NOT the good guys.

    There can be no doubt whatsoever that what is being done is not what is ascribed in the religious texts, and it is completely contrary to the teachings of Jesus, Mohammed and other prophets (peace be upon them).

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    We thought their were WMD's

    By we I mean most of the intelligence community.

    To remove Saddam

    And to have a staging ground for the real war were planning. The one that brings an end to the hellhole known as Iran

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Sorry but I have never heard of the Irak war. Could you be more specific in its location.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    there weare many reasons for the start of the iraq war. securing the persian gulf oil fields from instability was one, the wmd issue was another, saddams violation of the gulf war cease fire agreement is another and also his blatant disregard for human rights. the main reason though was to "drain the swamp" in the middle east, to create a properous democracy which could be an model alternative to radicalism in the region in order to advance the war on terror.

    before all you bush bashers get angry hear me out. lets look at the oil question that most in the forum bring up. its widely insinuated that the us invaded iraq in order to exploit thier oil reserves. ask yourself this question, why would the us spend billions, mobilize hundreds and thousands of troops and their equipment when we could have just bought it? it would be a lot cheaper! way less headaches! as a matter of fact the us were one of the few countries that were adhering to the oil embargo, unlike the russians, chinese and europeans. the real oil issue was the threat to the arabian oil fields. the real precieved danger was a combination of the proximity of the arabian oil fields and the presumption that saddam had wmds.

    issue #2 wmds. iraq had wmds, he used them against his own people in halabjda. as a matter of fact he went to the gallows for using wmds! did he have wmds at the time of the invasion. no evedence has been brough forward suggesting that he did. not only our intellegence agencys but other agencies from other nations, in particular uk came to the same conclusion, that saddam was in posession of and/ or developing wmds. congress gave bush the authorization to use force based on this intellegence yet they claim no responsibility. by giving such authorization they in effect become partners in the endevour. did george bush decieve congress, the public? in 5 years since the invasion, despite numerous investigations, no one has brought forth a shred of evedince to suggest that bush lied, intentional or otherwise to congress or the american people, and its certianly not for a lack of effort.

    issue #3 violation of gulf war cease fire accords. many claim this war is illegal. the war is legal because the cease fire in 1991 was dependent on, among others, the permittance of the un inspectors uninhibited free reign to inspect suspected wmd sites. saddam had banned the inspectors and was therefore in violation of the accords. this by the way had greatly contributed to the suspicion that saddam did possess such weapons. since there was a cease fire in effect the us had the legal right to enforce the cease fire accords if iraq was in violation, which they were.

    issue 4# human rights abuses: it was well known that saddam was not a nice guy. it really became apparrent how not nice he really was when the coalition uncovered mass graves, one such grave held the remains of up to three hundred thousand victims. although this may not have been a key contributing factor it became starkly evedent how out of control this tyrant really was.

    the real reason: drain the swamp. the us at this time had just embarked on the war on terror. the administration needed an example for the rest of the muslim world. saddam who had been a thorn in the side of the last three administrations would be an ideal laboratory (or so it seemed at this time). the middle east needed to be cleaned up and bush was just the guy to do it. well the administration bit off more than it could chew, if not militarily, politically. the optimism of the prospect of a fledgling democracy in the heart of the middle east faded in the shadow of a looming civil war. the struggle continues but time is limited.

    its really unfortunate that so many people have such a simplistic and sinister view of what really happened. you can disagree but if you say its all about greed,oil,etc without offering factual examples, its nothing more than nonsense. just a repetition of the usual anti bush talking points routinely spewed out by our incredibly irresponsible mass media. nothing is more expensive and traumatic to a nation than going to war. the president knew this, congress knew this, the rest of the coalition knew this, and a lot of intelligent people in high places knew this. so why did we go to war? many reasons, but mainly the hope for a breakthrough in the middle east. in light of the tragic misunderstanding of the arab mindset, hope turned to stubborness and here we are today.

    you can call me an optimist, but dont call me a blind optimist.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Only for the good & benefit of USA, of course !

    For oil deposit contained in Iraq, for countering & destroying terrorism, for destroying so said WMD, for removing & ousting Saddam for his reigning regime, for dominated the Middle East politics, for the glory of USA domination, the responsibility for USA as the world police, to test the new advance weapon & the readiness of USA army

    And maybe for Bush to take his legacy revenge upon Iraq ?

    There is so many goals in Iraq war, its depend on what side u want to know about goals

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    A MOST SCIENTIFIC WAR. Fought for the development of all humanity. All scientific inventions/hypotheses etc need to be experimented upon. Generally you do it on guinea pigs, but if you don't get them you make guinea pigs out of normal people. Bush was working for making the latest weapons more environment friendly, user friendly, economical, effective and efficient, so that destruction of lives and countries contributes lesser to the global warming, green-house gases and are fully compliant to Euro-3 emission norms.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Everyone says the reason is oil like it is a bad thing. If they cut off our oil supply because they get pissed at us what do you think will happen to us. It will make the Great Depression look like a small downturn.

    We are a superpower now but we are not above being brought down.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The IRAQ war is very important to us as well as everyone else in the world. Honestly it has nothing to do with oil. Bush is just taking action from 9/11. I do believe in the Iraq war and it is in effect to take out terrorists to then ensure that your little butt wakes up in the morning.

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