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Breast enlargement?

I find women who can't accept their shape sad. My two sisters had their breasts enlarged (we are all of a rather slender built). Should a woman do this to please the opposite sex? I would like to find out what do men think about this?

25 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    If they do it to please man they are "SAD"

  • vor 7 Jahren


    If you want to make your breast bigger without surgery this is a good site you should visit

    Naturally getting bigger breasts all boils down to one thing –> Estrogen.

    Estrogen is the natural hormone inside our bodies which makes us female. It's responsible for giving us our menstrual cycle, and growing our breasts, amongst other things. It's a very powerful substance which is produced by the bucket-load when we go through puberty.

    From the ages of about 12-18, we go through a time of great change, development and growth in our bodies. This is puberty, where we get our first period and develop the more curvy appearance which we are loved for. This is all responsible thanks to your brain releasing the Estrogen hormone, which powers through your body and makes your womanly features develop.

    Through the duration of puberty, your entire body is full of this hormone, making all parts of it develop, including your breasts. The problem is that when you reach the age of “maturity”, your body will only produce enough Estrogen to maintain the advances it made in puberty. This means that many women who’s breasts didn’t develop into what they would have hoped, ended up being stuck with small or under-developed breasts.

    As said above If you want to learn how to make make your breasts grow bigger without the aid of any harmful or artificial substances visit

    Have a nice day

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Nature has endowed me with large boobs and I am of a slender build, I find them a hinderance rather than an asset. They get in the way, can give you back ache and spoil the shape of certain clothes, and finding pretty bras withour huge straps is not always easy, and they cost a fortune. As much as I would hate to flat chested, big boobs are not all that great.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Sum women do this b/c of self consciousness n there self n tha beginnnig , n my personally as a woman I have always had self doubts about the size of my chest , I am currently a size 32DD , n I don't knw if I wnna b bigger or smaller , but even if I did go ahead n decide 2 do it , it wud hav nuttin' 2 do w/ a man it b a personal decision I wud mak on my own , for myself , n no one else ! Besides a man can't do anythin' anyway but luv them tha way they r , or jus learn 2 luv tha ones u went n bought , n suck them anyway as if dat wud b anythin' new !

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  • Josy
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    breast enlargement

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i think thats a question that the woman should ask herself,most men like large breasts ,but i prefere the natural look,of course if a woman is small breasted she may want to increase her breast size,but be smart, find a good Dr !! good luck !

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I had mine done 6 weeks today!!! My man wasn't bothered before I had it done as I made it quite clear that at one point in my life I would have it done from the outset.

    he's always been a "bum" man; but in the past 6 weeks - his reaction has changed somewhat. lol.

    I believe that if I'd stayed the same as I was I would have driven a wedge between us; as I was desperately uncomfortable with my body. I waited for 12 years - so I know I didn't rush into it.

    He already loved me - so big boobs made no difference to him.

    djnightgaunt - my nipples are perfecrtly sensitive, thank-you. lol

    Quelle(n): MEEEEE!
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I think falsies look silly and feel silly. Momma nature knows best with breasts. A confident woman doesn't need sacs of silicone to make her feel happy in her own skin, and a confident woman is far sexier than an insecure woman.

  • Hayley
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    If I had a breast enlargement it wouldnt be for the opposite sex it would be for me to make me feel more confident. We are not all as lucky as you to be happy with ourselves. If I had the money I would do it tomorrow.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    While I'll admit I'm at least as much of a "tit man" as the next guy, I'm much more interested in somebody with functional, sensitive nipples and a healthy self-respect for their body than some numb-breasted, image-obsessed Barbie cyborg. Natural or nothing!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I am female, and i personally want my breasts done, not to impress any one but my self. I see me as having a wider bottom end and not much at the top and i would just like to even myself out.

    I think alot or women do it for them selves, eather to feel more womanly.

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