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How can so many people ignore so much evidence?
I'm not in absolute agreement with everything presented in the movie Zeitgeist. ( Regardless, the first segment, elegantly describing how and why solar and stellar movements gained such importance to humankind that cosmic bodies were enshrined in myth, is a fantastic encapsulation of the major evidence against the claim of a historical Jesus and a unique spiritual status for Christianity. It's laid out in the movie and the sources are cited and, in some cases, linked to on the site.
If a halfway-intelligent sounding Christian can't shake his brainwashing long enough for the facts to get through, what is the point of even trying to reason with them? How do you present a logical argument to somebody who only needs a reassuring pat on the head from his fellow dupe to make him close his eyes again? How can we penetrate that kind of willful denial?
Contrary to what you've assumed, I gave "Fabulous" plenty of credit for seeming to be able to string a few thoughts together. The source of my frustration is that she lacks the confidence to believe in her own power to examine evidence, even when she clearly has the ability, so she asks other people who haven't examined the same evidence (!) to give her permission to ignore what her mind tells her!!!
There's a question for Christians: why are the uninformed opinions of other believers more important than your own investigations and conclusions?
(On a totally unrelated note to the rest of this question, and re: the 9/11 content in Zeitgeist:)
I have never given the "inside job" theories much credence . . . but the new thermite evidence is pretty compelling. I'm doing some research now to see how many sources corroborate those long-standing molten metal pools at ground zero. Jet fuel just doesn't do that.
Kenny, I'm sorry, you just disqualified yourself from this discussion. The Bible is a lot of things, but it is NOT a reliable history text.
11 Antworten
- Anonymvor 1 JahrzehntBeste Antwort
Fear. It makes people do the most marvellous (in the original sense of the word) things.
Not fear of god, not exactly. They know -- with that part of their brains that can never be turned off -- they know there's no such thing to be afraid of.
It's fear of what may happen if Things Fall Apart. Daniel Dennett describes it as "fear of the breakdown of consensus." What will people do when that is gone?
Quelle(n): (Aside re Fireball's answer, above: This is new. She's always been adamant about her faith in god, but I've never heard her express her faith in the existence of that elusive creature, the True Christian. It appears that if you can swallow one myth, you're ready to swallow another.) - Anonymvor 1 Jahrzehnt
I loved Zeitgeist, but the whole 9/11 thing had them coming off as idiots. I mean, yeah, I agree with the Christianity part, even if it was incessantly exacerbated, but the 9/11 borderline conspiracy thing was just kind of bonkers. It ruined their credibility a little for me, and I'm a skeptical atheist.
- vor 1 Jahrzehnt
I am not a Christian but that video was innacurate if I remember correctly he has missnamed Amon-Ra as Horus and a whole load of other mistakes read the actual mythology and history regarding it and you will realise his mistakes were juvenile.
If you believe that entire video he is laughing at you as much as he laughs at the religous. Good day to you.
I am not saying it does not contain an element of truth, but it should be viewed with more than a pinch of salt.
There is no point replacing one belief in garbage with belief in another type of garbage.
- Anonymvor 1 Jahrzehnt
There is a lot of biological evidence that the human brain has a large capacity for the experience of "religion", that we are hard wired for it. In other words; we evolved to think that way. Somehow, it probably had an important evolutionary purpose for us. So like it or not, humans are religious animals.
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- Anonymvor 1 Jahrzehnt
It is very sad to see the answers to the question you cite. The wilful denial, the blinkered attitude, the blind faith, the failure to believe hard evidence are all signs of total brainwashing and indoctrination. There is no way to reason with people like that.
However, the numbers of religious people will dwindle over time so that they will become a harmless minority.
- turntableLv 6vor 1 Jahrzehnt
the zeitgeist is just another movie made on conspiracy theorists imagination mixed with half-truths...i suppose everything in that movie is factual and can never be refuted as about Christianity is the only religion to claim the forgiveness of the other similar stories say that...that is just one example of how one sided the story is...i guess you can't imagine an intelligent Christian because that would mean your mind would have to be broadened...too bad you can't learn to tolerate others instead of wanting them to think the same way you do...
- kenny pLv 7vor 1 Jahrzehnt
You are basing your beliefs on a movie that was made by some biased man or men over a historical book of written, documented,witnessed facts?
I have some beach front property in Arizona that I willing to let go REALLY cheap if you are interested
Quelle(n): Edit.....and I suppose your "movie IS reliable? I'll stick to my FACTUAL historical book my friend What a naive person you must be - Anonymvor 1 Jahrzehnt
They have now been born again as ostritches.
You know, ostriches.
No more sheep.
- Anonymvor 1 Jahrzehnt
youre thinking of cults and being rude and condescending...real CHristians are converted BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD...WE HAVE different evidence you cant fathom without the will find out someday and then your mouth will close in awe and amazement.
- Anonymvor 1 Jahrzehnt
where is this halfway intelligent christian i see no evidence of him/her on R&S