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kenny p
what is the song that plays in the background of walmart's Christmas commercial?
2 AntwortenChristmasvor 9 JahrenCan someone help me find a TV show from years ago?
It was a Christmas special, SciFi.
It involve a crew on a space ship with the Chaplin and Captain being friends. The Captain did not believe in God and the Chaplin tried to convince him
They discovered a planet where the Sun had gone Nova and killed all life on the planet. The inhabitants of the planet had stored their artifacts and the crew of the ship determined that the timing of this sun going Nova coincided with the birth of Christ and this was probably the star that led the wise men.
This fact that an entire civilzation died to announce Christ's birth cause the captain to start believing and the Chaplin to stop.
I saw that special only one year and I guess everybody become to politically correct after that and I have never seen it again.
Maybe someone has a link where it might be located?
3 AntwortenDramavor 1 JahrzehntDoes anyone know the name or artist of this song?
Sometimes I think of God that way
Untangling all the mess I make
Unraveling my line so I can fish again
Sometimes I think of God that way.
5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt