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E-Lektor fragte in SportsMotor SportsFormula One · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Is the young pilot Lewis Hamilton the new "Michael Schumacher" in the Formula 1? What is your opinion?

37 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    No because he does not appear to be an arrogant sod who likes driving into his competitors and starts crying when he's told off for it

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    In response to Gadmack 2000, Michael Schumacher's records will never be 'wiped off the face of the earth'. If you seriously think there's another driver out there who comes remotely close to achieving what Michael did, I'd like to know who it is. Even the much lauded Raikkonen doesn't seem to be able to handle a Ferrari the way Michael did. And I'm sure Alonso considered himself 'serious competition'.

    My bet would be on Massa, if he could rein in his erratic temperament. As for Hamilton, he has had a good start but things will change as the season progresses. What I find most interesting in F1 at the moment is the apparent demise of Button. A case of 'nose put out of joint' by all the interest in Hamilton, perhaps.

    But for me the sport has lost something with Michael's retirement. And I don't get all the 'arrogant' comments. He didn't come across like that in any interview I ever saw. And to rise to the top of arguably the most dangerous sport must be seen as an amazing achievement, no matter what you think of Michael's character.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Lewis Hamilton is the new Lewis Hamilton. Or is that over simplifying things? I can't believe that so many people doubted he could do what he already has. There were so many people already writing him off before the season as "just a rookie". I couldn't wait for him to come and ruffle a few feathers and take the British media's attention and false hope off the very average Jenson Button. Unlike recent converts, I never seen anything special about Button, but I digress, I keep coming back to it in my answers about Hamilton, but Istanbul GP2 2006 was one of the best drives I've ever seen, in any formula. It was truly heroic, like Senna at Donington or Fangio at Nurburgring. Lewis Hamilton is the future, I hope he wipes Schumacher's records off the face of the Earth. Records that Schumacher only has because he had no real competition. Let's not forget that he only stood a chance in the 2005 championship because he was quite happy to contest the US GP as effectively the only car on the track. Schumacher is a terrible champion, just ask Sterling Moss, a man who gave up a championship because of his own honesty. Quite the opposite of that German who seems to have pulled the wool over all of the glory chaser's collective eyes.

    So go on Lewis, take it back for the black man!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No he's not the new Schumacher, he's the first Hamilton!

    He's done very well to start his career so positively in what is the second best car on the grid. I am a staunch McLaren fan but I have to say the Ferrari does have the edge. The only reason the McLaren is currently ahead in the championship is down to two pretty consistent drivers, and some bad luck on Ferrari's part. They say the car plays more of a part than the driver but look whats happened to Renault after Alonso's departure..................

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  • Ben
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I think Hamilton is very talented, and got a huge break by not having to drive a crappy rear-of-the-field car his first season. But he is not Schumacher, never will be even if he eventually matches his achievements, and anyway that will take a long time. I wish you Omigod I Love Lewis Hamilton geeks would quit asking this question.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No Lewis Hamilton is the new 'Lewis Hamilton' not the new 'Michael Shumacher' we shouldn't compare him to somebody elses achievements we should give him credit for his unique maturity as an F1 driver in the record setting opening chapter of his racing career. He is such a breath of fresh air to the sport, he has certainly added to the exciting start of the new season. I say as Murray would often say Lewis Hamilton 'Go Go Go'

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    As much as I hate MS I don't think Lewis comes close (even a smidgen) to what Michael has achieved. I think the closest driver is Alonso and he has proven that he can beat Michael. So far Lewis has done a good job but he hasn't had any problems yet but once he does the same people who are hyping him up will be the same ones putting him down.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Lewis has the potential to be a World Champion - he has clearly demonstrated his remarkable skill as he has progressed through the lower formula...

    However, lets give the guy a bit of space... only three races in to his F1 career and people are drawing comparisons with the legendary Schumacher.

    I love F1, McLarren has always been my team and it would be great for Lewis to succeed, but I'm concerned that too much pressure on young shoulders may have a detrimental effect.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt


    Schumacher started his career in a Jordan which was lucky to get to Spa. Lewis has been nurtured by a canny Ron Dennis since he was 11.

    Both men have the talent to tell a racing car exactly what to do but there any similarities end.

    Lewis is handling an exceptionally good car very well, which is a skill of its own. But let's see what he's like in mid-season in Europe. Three flyaway races are never going to be indicative of as full season.

    I wish him well and its good to cheer for a mixed raced man in F1!

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    From what I have seen and heard, I think that Mr. Hamilton will be friendly and not as arrogant as some other driver you mentioned. Do not get me wrong, MSc was an excellent driver - it's just a shame the rest of his character did not match his driving!

    I also hope Mr. Hamilton does not inherit the English disease - saying in the most boring way possible, 'it's not my fault I did not turn the wheel at the corner/ran out of fuel...." - okay, so these were not excuses he used but I hope the old fogeys will recognise the driver I am talking about!!!

    Just remember that one swallow does not make a summer - nor do three races make a career. Please let us celebrate his success, hope for the best for him in the future but not expect miracles. Oh, and please let us not develop the other English disease - build him up for a fall, and then celebrate that he has failed.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    He Will be if he reaches Schumachers Tally but dont forget Pride comes befor a fall

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