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occluderx fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Is this the REAL reason why the U.S. Invaded Iraq?

Given what this posting says:

(I) am the author.


Uhmmm your country is running out of oil from it's own supplies, leaving it to the hand of Saddam Hussein would have kept you at risk of Him turning off the taps, or have you forgotten that?

Iraq had a form of democracy pre-invasion, so that ones a Bust too.

You are getting as much oil from Canada as Canada can produce for you, so that is a Bust too.

You invaded Iraq for WMD's not 'freedom and democracy' (that's The Current Admin. line) or have you all forgotten that?

Update 2:

Oh Yes, there Were NO TERRORISTS in Iraq....NONE, but there are now thanks to your invasion and subsequent occupation.

For phonetic reasons, as (I) ='s me

Update 3:

Oooops (I) erred the people over there presently fighting your troops are not 'terrorists' they are Iraqi "Freedom Fighters"....just like you would be if you were defending your homeland.

9 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Well, in the next 10 years the biggest super powers will be China and the U.S. With an ever advancing economy, of course the main concern is how will we obtain the energy to fill the needs of a nation. In the next 10 years, China will have to increase the needs of energy by 30 %. The Middle East has the answer. The amount if fossil fuels left is growing to a very alarming low. The Oil in Iraq is highly coveted and if the U.S. obtains the rights to this oil it will help drive us into a new decade(s), and thus maintain our superpower status. Also, there is always the war on terror, manifest's destiny, the dream to "democrasize" other nations. And the fact that biological weapons and **** that other countries (including Iraq) can use are scary as hell. But mostly, money is the greatest concern.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Given that the US has been *buying* (not taking) Iraqi oil, which could have been done without a war, it seems unlikely that was a motive. 11% of 55% of 20 million barrels per day at $65 a barrel comes out to $28.7 billion per year for outright purchase, much cheaper than any war. Even taking Iraq's entire oil production by force would net only $60 billion per year, not nearly enough to pay for the war. Any way you look at it, only an idiot could believe that was the motivation.

    It would make more sense to cozy up to Canada, which a) has more oil, b) is much closer, c) would sell to us on better terms, and d) isn't full of wild-eyed raghead camel-humpers bent on our permanent destruction.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No. The real reason is to give a part of the rest of the world a chance to democracy. Iraq didn't have a democracy when we went in and we're helping them, slowly but surely, into a good democracy. This oil thing is what the media makes people think. But the oil is not the real reason.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I'm just answering the first answer.

    There is zero connection between oil company profits, and money in GW Bush's pocket.

    The fact that he USED to work in the industry, doesn't mean a darn thing.

    I used to work for Domino's pizza. No matter how much pizza they sell, I don't see a dime from it.

    Neither does Bush.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I believe the reason we invaded Iraq is to give us a stronger presence in the Middle East while we deal with terrorism.

    P.S. Why did you place I in parentheses?

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Considering the amount of oil we have imported from Iraq pre and post war...NO..

  • tobcol
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    god, were back to the we started war for oil argument. If that was the case why haven't we taken over mexico or venezuala, they have decent supplies of oil, and would be a hell of alot easier to invade. Or why not just go for the big one, and invade Saudi Arabia.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    There are a million reasons to invade Iraq, and yes, that is part of it. GO USA!

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt


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