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Lv 612.207 points

Ricky T

Favorisierte Antworten14%
  • Why don't liberals understand that government health care results in less freedom?

    And I'm not talking about "freedom to choose your health provider" or anything minor like that. When the government is paying for your health care, suddenly any choice that you make that is related to your health is now a decision that the government can get involved in. No trans fats. No smoking. No alcohol. No vices of any kind. Do you want the government THAT involved in your personal life? No? Then pay for your own damned health care.

    21 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why do the critics of the united states health care always list infant mortality statistics?

    But not the miscarriage rate?

    Is it possible that the first is due to the second?

    Why? Because the miscarriage rate in the US is significantly lower than the rest of the world.

    High risk pregnancies that are miscarried in other countries, end up as American infant mortality deaths, because the American pre-natal care is so good that they aren't miscarried.

    If they were honest, they'd use the "successful pregnancy rate" (a combination of miscarriage rate and infant mortality).

    They don't do that, because if the pregnancy is in the US, it is 16% more likely to reach the age of 1, than the second best nation in the world.

    5 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • If you are voting for Hilary, why? (If you aren't, don't bother to answer)?

    Which of the following? (you can choose by number, or write your own)

    1. She's a woman and its about time.

    2. I believe in socialism.

    3. I believe in Universal Health Care and I don't believe it is a step towards socialism.

    4. She's better than Bush

    5. Obama is black and I don't vote for blacks.

    6. She isn't as much like Bush as everyone says.

    7. I believe it takes a village.

    8. There needs to be a redistribution of wealth.

    9. Even though her strategic energy fund violates the bill of rights, it is necessary because the oil companies are unethical

    10. She is the only democrat candidate that can win.

    9 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Great deal for pedophiles?

    Hey, this driver's licenses for illegals is the best thing that can happen to anyone who was on the sexual predator list.

    Just think, all they have to do is go to new york, claim they are an illegal alien with a new name, and poof!! New identy, new life and they can reoffend again without the stigma of people knowing what they did before!!

    Anyone else think this is a bad idea?

    2 AntwortenImmigrationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can any Clinton Supporters defend their candidate without bashing Bush?

    Here's a hint for you:

    SHe's not running against Bush. He's not even running. Defending Hillary by comparing her to Bush is.......well, it just doesn't make sense.

    13 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • For Hillary Clinton Supporters ONLY. If you don't support her, I don't want to hear your opinion?

    Why is Hillary planting questions at her own events and others?

    She got caught planting questions at her own events, because she's afraid of answering the tough questions.

    She said "never again".

    Then why is she planting at other people's events?

    9 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why don't those in favor of Universal Heath Care realize what American Lifestyles are like?

    Why do they try to defend thier nationalized health care by pointing out the life expectancy? HELLO!! The number one killer is the US is heart disease, which is due to little to no exercise and eating the fattiest foods on the planet. THe number two killer is cancer. Number three is accidents.

    You'll notice that NONE of those killers are affected by having a national health care.

    22 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do those of you in favor of Universal Health Care know what category you are in? Medicare Math:?

    Medicare Math

    You want medicare for all you say? Thats the solution? You keep tossing that 3% around like it means something? Welp, here's the numbers:

    1. According to Medicare's website, Medicare covers almost one seventh of the population.

    2. To be able to do so, it requires 3% of the entire salaries, of every working person in the US.

    3. To expland Medicare to cover everyone in the US, you take the rate (3%) and multiply by the 7 (to accomodate the other 6/7 of the population).

    4. This means to fund Medicare for all, there needs to be a 21% tax added.

    5. It's important to remember that Medicare tax is a flat tax, the rich pays 3% now and will pay 21% later, so will the poor.

    14 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Have you read the Medicare Math? Which category do you fall in?

    Here are the numbers:

    1. According to Medicare's website, Medicare covers almost one seventh of the population.

    2. To be able to do so, it requires 3% of the entire salaries, of every working person in the US.

    3. To expand Medicare to cover everyone in the US, you take the rate (3%) and multiply by the 7 (to accomodate the other 6/7 of the population).

    4. This means to fund Medicare for all, there needs to be a 21% tax added; a flat tax, the rich pays 3% now and will pay 21% later, so will the poor.

    The result by category:

    1. You're wealthy, you are going to pay more taxes.

    2. You're middle class and currently have health insurance through your work: You just lost that option and pay more for lesser coverage

    3. You're middle class and one of the 30 million people who wanted to risk not having coverage: U no longer get that choice.

    4. You're one of the six million that couldn't afford health insurance. This plan helps U

    5. You're on medicare now, you now pay 21%, not 3%

    4 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why doesn't Hillary say what Universal Health Care IS?

    Feel free to do a google search. Hillary says that Universal Health Care is the most important, blah blah blah. Hillary says that Universal Health Care is NOT socialized medicine. Has anyone noticed that she does not say, ANYWHERE what it IS.

    Best answer goes to anyone who can prove me wrong, because I'd really love to know what she IS promising.

    16 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Those of you in favor of Universal Health Care, do you understand the math?

    Here are the numbers:

    1. According to Medicare's website, Medicare covers almost one seventh of the population.

    2. To be able to do so, it requires 3% of the entire salaries, of every working person in the US.

    3. To expand Medicare to cover everyone in the US, you take the rate (3%) and multiply by the 7 (to accomodate the other 6/7 of the population).

    4. This means to fund Medicare for all, there needs to be a 21% tax added; a flat tax, the rich pays 3% now and will pay 21% later, so will the poor.

    The result by category:

    1. You're wealthy, you are going to pay more taxes.

    2. You're middle class and currently have health insurance through your work: You just lost that option and pay more for lesser coverage

    3. You're middle class and one of the 30 million people who wanted to risk not having coverage: U no longer get that choice.

    4. You're one of the six million that couldn't afford health insurance. This plan helps U

    5. You're on medicare now, you now pay 21%, not 3%

    14 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Did Hillary Clinton really say this?

    I thought she was in favor of gay rights, but then I see this quote:

    "Marriage has got historic, religious and moral content that goes back to the beginning of time, and I think a marriage is as a marriage always has been, between a man and a woman. "

    12 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why do they think it is about race?

    Those of us who are against the amnesty bill, and against illegal immigration, are constantly being called racists.

    I want to know why.

    We are in favor of legal immigrants, and encourage the over half a million that enter the US legally every year.

    We simply believe in treating people who break the law, like they are people who break the law.

    The distinguishing factor between those we support and those we oppose is not race, but whether they choose to act legally or illegally, and yet we are still named racists?

    15 AntwortenImmigrationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why has the media, both left and right, ignored Hillary and her problem with the Bill of Rights?

    Hillary Clinton has promised to violate the Bill of Rights. I'm not making it up, its right in her own open question here on Y! Answers.

    There's also video on youtube where she says "I want to take those profits and..." Go watch it.

    Hillary is promising to "take" (not tax, take) the "excess" profits of oil companies to fund a strategic energy program.

    Article 5 of the Bill of Rights, last sentence is "Nor shall the property of private citizens be taken for the public good"

    If she's promising to ignore the Bill of Rights while she's campaigning, what will she do to our Constitution and the American way of life if she's actually elected?

    Read for yourself and make your own informed decision.

    7 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Got a tough one for you?

    Name one thing about Hillary Clinton that you like, that doesn't have anything to do with her gender, or have it's roots in socialist idealism.

    I don't mean abstract things like "she's smart", I mean concrete positions on a specific topic.

    14 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is Hillary Clinton going to ever end her open question or just extend it forever?

    Because all of the answers with thumbs ups are ones that hate her plan?

    She's already extended it twice, even though the most popular answer has been the same for well over a month.

    3 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is the Value of a Middle Easterner Life less than that of an American?

    I don't ask this to be racist (because I'm not) or cruel.

    But I've learned that when you are trying to determine the value of something, you can only do that by measuring what you can get for it.

    The value of a watch is 30 dollars, if you can get 30 dollars for it.

    American's don't use suicide bombers, because no american is willing to trade his life to make a simple statement about religion.

    Middle Easterners are willing to trade their lives simply to make a statement about their religion.

    Doesn't that mean that if they are so willing to throw those lives away, then by all economic measurments, those lives must be worth significantly less?

    Best explanation of why I'm right or wrong (cuz I just think it's an interesting way of looking at it) gets the 10 points.

    14 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Hillary Clinton has an open question under civil participation?

    Were you aware of it, or is that categorie comptely ignored?

    4 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why are the Clinton's covering up the DC Madame case?

    As you may have noticed, a Bill Clinton appointed judge has approved a restraining order to prevent the washington DC madame for selling her list of clients and phone numbers.

    The question is, why? The obvious answer would be to prevent the public from knowing about Bill Clinton hiring a prostitute.

    But Bill's infidelities are well documented and politically irrelevent.

    The only reason for the Clintons to have their pet judge hush up this case, would be if Hillary hired a prostitute for herself. THAT would be politically relevent, and an election disaster.

    Can y ou think of any OTHER reason the Clintons are covering this up?

    6 AntwortenGovernmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt