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stitch fragte in HealthOther - Health · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

I am in a BAD mood can anyone say or think of anything to help me get out of this slump?

10 points to the one to help me feel better!


I do appreciate the self-help answers but what I think I need right now is some seriously funny **** to get my mind out of the homicidal stage that I am in, by the way I am just being facetious about the homicidal part. I have gotten a few laughs appreciate it so far.

9 Antworten

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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    you need to untangle those emotions. first you might want to take a long shower! or a bath. and just let your skin send signals to your brain that you are relaxing now. then eat a food that comforts you. you dont have to over eat or break your diet, but you need to nourish your insides. foods that lift up moods are chocolate, st. johns wort tea, asparagus, and anything with cinnamon in it. dont consider this as stress eating, it's a basic fact that if you are run down and on "empty" yuo need to refuel. sometimes bad moods happen when we have neglected our health. after that feel free and guilt free about telling people you are grumpy. hiding it and trying to cope with every day issues while raging inside is NOT HEALTHY! this gives people the heads up that you need to be left alone! good luck and know that you will get over this. take care!

    also: In addition, you may want to try the following ideas:

    Eating one or two ripe bananas a day can increase levels if the mood enhancing chemical serotonin.

    If you dislike oily fish, take a daily fish oil supplement.

    Just one Brazil nut a day can help to make you feel good. They are a very good source of selenium.

    Use more chilies in your cooking: capsaicin, the substance which makes chilies hot, stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s ‘feel good’ chemical

    all else fails maybe this will make you smile:

    one day i went into victoria secrets. i am a BIG girl so i knew nothing was going to fit me. but i was in there to buy lotion. and noone would "serve" me or tend to me. i was pissed! so i went up to a lady and said, "hey! i'm looking for your lotion, it's pink i forgot the name. i need someone to help me!" she looked at me funny,my tone was rude and loud. and then i said outloud, "i know i'm not a victoris's secret underwear model here but i can easily spend $100 here on your lotions and perfumes. you shouldnt ignore big women, they're the big spenders!" she just stared at me. then i bought the lotion and perfume and i hautingly walked out, thinking i showed them!! when i got home i took my lotion and bath gel to the bathroom, there i saw myself in the mirror. my shirt was INSIDE OUT!! what a dork! i was so ambarrassed!!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I am not exactly what you are sad about. But you just have to focus on what you have that others dont. Health for instance. An inumerable amount of people die every day from sickness and disease. You on the other hand, i think, are much healthier. You have the chance to go out and achieve something. If this is about something someone said, or issues with a specific person. The best things to do is forget about them. Ignore them and pretend they never existed. Then, they will see that your life isnt being totally hurt by them, so they will stop being such a pest.

    I am not sure what you are so sad about... But just stay strong, and you will eventually see better days.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Hmm. Well. The other day, I thought I was chatting with my best friend (online).. so I was talking about waxing my legs.. and you know.. waxing.. there.. and it turned out I WASN'T talking to my best friend.. I was talking to a GUY FRIEND. Also, I got some allergies and I mentioned it!! Can you imagine how embarassed I was when I realized I was talking to my guy friend??? I didn't even talk to him for like 10 minutes.. I really didn't know what to say!!! I was thinking of just ignoring it, he didn't seem to mind anyway.. :S But I just admitted it and he was still okay.. Hehe. Hope that wasn't too.. gross or whatever.. and that it actually cheered you up a bit.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Why are you in a bad mood? What seems to be the problem?

    Talk to someone you trust about this and resolve the issue.

    Do you have a close relative to talk to? I would just try to turn the situation around and think of things not so upsetting to put you in a bad mood. Think of happy thoughts before you got into this bad mood. Prayer always works if you are out of options.

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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Ok I'm 22 and still suffer with ADHD (for some reason I didn't outgrow it like most kids). Anyway, I've never understood those stupid lightbulb jokes but this one and I think it's f'n hilarious......

    Q: How many ADHD kids does it take to change a lightbulb?

    A: Let's go ride bikes!

    Quelle(n): hahaha *snort* teeheehee *falls over*
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    just look around, there is always someone doing something to make you laugh and glad you are you and not them.

    I see 4 people that make me feel better to be me right now.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    When I am in a Bad mood - getting laid makes me feel a hundred times better!

    Try it you may like it!

    Quelle(n): a realist!
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You look fantastic today! Did you lose weight? And, by the way, those pants make your butt look fabulous!!!

  • .G.
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Really??...I couldn't tell .. you look awesome!! I love those shoes!

    Here is your star.

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