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LiverGirl98 fragte in Food & DrinkCooking & Recipes · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Does anyone have a recipe that includes Cashew Butter?

I really enjoy Cashew Butter and so want to find some fun and adventurous ways to use it in food.

3 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No one will have to dig to the bottom of the bowl to find the cashews in this toffee-like candy.

    Cashew Butter Crunch

    1 cup granulated sugar

    1 cup LAND O LAKES® Butter

    1 tablespoon light corn syrup

    1 1/2 cups salted cashew pieces*

    Combine sugar, butter and corn syrup in 2-quart saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until butter is melted and mixture comes to a boil (8 to 10 minutes). Continue cooking, stirring occasionally, until candy thermometer reaches 290°F or small amount of mixture dropped into ice water forms brittle strands (25 to 30 minutes). Remove from heat; stir in cashews.

    Spread to 1/4-inch thickness on buttered 15 x 10 x 1-inch jelly roll pan. Cool completely; break into pieces.

    Makes 2 dozen pieces (1 1/4 pounds).

    *Substitute 1 1/2 cups your favorite salted nuts.

    Nutrition Facts (1 piece):

    Calories: 180, Fat: 14 g, Cholesterol: 25 mg, Sodium: 160 mg, Carbohydrates: 14 g, Dietary Fiber: <1 g,

    Protein: 2 g.

    Asparagus with Cashew Butter

    1 1/2 pounds fresh asparagus

    1 cup chicken broth

    1/2 cup butter, softened

    1/4 cup chopped cashews

    Snap or cut off tough ends of asparagus. Remove scales with a knife or vegetable peeler, if desired.

    Place asparagus in a large skillet. Pour chicken broth over asparagus; bring to a boil over medium heat. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer about 8 minutes or until desired tenderness. Drain.

    Combine butter and cashews; beat at high speed of an electric mixer until fluffy. Serve cashew butter with cooked asparagus.

    Makes 4 to 6 servings.

    Green Beans with Cashew butter

    Prep Time: 15 Minutes - Cost: $

    Servings: 4 - Difficulty Level: 2


    1/2 pound fresh green beans, trimmed, washed

    1/2 cup margarine

    2 tbsp chopped cashews

    1/8 tsp pepper


    Steam the green beans until crisp tender and arrange on platter.

    In a small saucepan, melt margarine; add cashews and pepper. Saute until margarine is lightly brown. Pour hot over steamed green beans and serve.

    Nutritional Information Per Serving:

    121 Calories; 1 g Protein; 339 mg Sodium; 14 g Fat; 2 g Carbohydrate

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I like to use it as a thickener to my Indian dishes like Chicken Muklari, also known as Butter Chicken in Chicken Tikka Masala and it is nice used in Middle Eastern cuisine in place of Tahini the sesame paste, in dishes like Hummus and Baba Ganoush, the eggplant spread.

    It can also be use in Chinese cuisine for a flavour based for spicy Szchewn food like Hot Pepper Chicken and in baking, try making Peanut Butter Cookies with it, they will be a bit flaky, try adding a tablespoon of flour to your favorite recipe.

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