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Lv 59.613 points

Mis Music☮

Favorisierte Antworten6%

I am an Agnostic Atheist, i love music, photography and video games.

  • What does endometriosis feel like? ? ?

    I had an ovarian cyst rupture a couple months ago and have been having real dull but achy pain in my pelvic area, especially to the right side, it’s not overly severe but it’s very noticeable and irritable and sometimes can shoot down my leg. 

    I have had another large cyst come and go but the ultrasounds now are only revealing mild poly-cystic ovarian syndrome which I’m told should not be causing pain.I am going for a test for endometriosis which is costing me heaps, but I just want to know if this pain is typical because I am not overly convinced I have it but nothing else seems to be wrong

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 8 Monaten
  • Intermittent sharp stabbing in lower right pelvic area?

    I have had a ruptured cyst and pain for a while, but lately nothing else can be detected and appendicitis has been ruled out, currently i am waiting for a colposcopy in June but in the mean time i cant understand the pain - most of the time its a chronic dull pain but last night i was getting random intermittent sharp stabs.

    Does anyone know what this is?

    1 AntwortPain & Pain Managementvor 11 Monaten
  • Can ovulation make ovarian cyst pain worse?

    The pain is not unusual but the severity of it is and the only think I can think of is because I am ovulating, pain also gets worse on my period.

    2 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahr
  • Are ovarian cysts suppose to be painful?

    I had a cyst rupture on my ovary, after a couple of weeks i was still in pain and a pelvic exam revealed another one.

    I am still in a bit of pain especially on my period but my doctor said that it is a "simple" cyst and shouldn't cause pain

    3 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahr
  • Are ovarian cysts painful  ?

    I have always had problems with painful bloating and bad period pain but i recently discovered i have an ovarian cyst that ruptured, i was in a severe amount of pain of which doctors gave me pain killers.

    I have experienced a bit of pain and uncomfort since and went to get a pelvic exam which showed the ruptured cyst and another large one growing on the same ovary, i was informed that a cyst has to go away on it's own. Anyway on my most recent trip to the doctors, he seemed confused that the cyst was causing me this pain and was reluctant to give me pain killers.Are cysts normally painful? 

    4 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahr
  • Massive night of drinking - is this normal?

    Me and a friend went out on Saturday night and got really drunk, she is 21 and I am 28, she was ordering us shots all night which I have not done nor have really been able to handle for a long time.

    I woke up with possibly the biggest hangover of my life, I couldn't even keep water down and I have not felt right ever since, I now feel run down like I am getting the flu, is this normal?

    6 AntwortenBeer, Wine & Spiritsvor 2 Jahren
  • Diet - what am I doing wrong?

    For over three weeks I have completely altered my diet, I have given up all junk food and most processed sugars, im eating more vegetables, greens and fruits and drinking heaps of water.

    I’m adding lemon water and green tea to my daily routine, I have swapped a lot of red meats for skinless chicken, have found some interesting recipes and consuming bone broth.

    I’m trying to get more sleep despite being an insomniac and almost eliminated alcohol. Even when I do drink I have switched my favourite Jim beam bourbon and coke to vodka soda and lime.

    I understand that results may take time, especially since I haven’t been able to get to the gym that much, but my diet was so bad before that I thought that even the smallest of changes would be noticeable by now or at least I thought I would start feeling better, but I’m still feeling bloated and unhealthy.

    What am I doing wrong?

    8 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 4 Jahren
  • How long does it take for a dog to decompose?

    My mother owns large (bush land) acreage property and unfortunately our family pet,14 Year old Border Collie past away of what we are assuming was natural causes on the 1/01/17 while she was out shopping.

    We are devastated and my mum feels guilty for leaving her alone, she decided to bury her under a tree in a sizable hole her partner dug, mum wanted to wrap her in a blanket or place her in a box but her partner said it would be fine to bury her as is.

    Mum has not been able to sleep as she fears wild animals will smell her decomposition and she will wake up to find parts of her scattered around the property.

    How long does it usually take for the body to stop smelling, I would like to put my mums mind at ease.

    Thank you.

    1 AntwortDogsvor 4 Jahren
  • Everything on my pic is upside down!?

    So my friends were drunk and thought it would be hilarious to change the settings on my partners pic because he went to bed early, what they didn t realise is that I have the day off and need to use it first.

    Everything except the wallpaper displays upside down and of course the cursor directions are inverted.

    How do I fix this!?

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 4 Jahren
  • Is dog urine unhealthy to smell?

    So my dog has been really down and lethargic lately, I thought he was depressed until he urinated on my bed without even attempting to go outside, which is abnormal for him, I took him straight to the vet where they took his blood and urine tests and told me he has no acid in his urine and his pH levels aren t normal.

    (In case you re wondering, I have him on antibiotics and other medications whilst awaiting a urine test to know whether if it s his bladder or kidneys)

    Meanwhile I went home to clean his accident, which was a pretty intense smell, I washed sheet by sheet and the blankets they covered, I used every cleaning product and odor killer I had for the mattress (including a carpet cleaner to suck most of it up) and then flipped it.

    (Am now saving for new mattress) Anyway I read that smelling the ammonia from animal urine is really unhealthy... should I be worried?

    2 AntwortenDogsvor 5 Jahren
  • Proud to be an Atheist!?

    I know this is not a question but I just want to say that I cannot believe many of the Christians on this site!

    I was heartbroken when I heard about the Charleston Church shooting and I am an Atheist!!

    But just because the victims in Orlando were gay, many of you are actually siding with the maniac terrorist who shot them!? Seriously!?

    It's actually made me sick and I can't believe I have been asked where my morals come from as an atheist!!

    I know not all Christians think this way so I will not generalise!

    Most Christians who have asked questions today have been posed as though the victims deserved it and that they are in Hell... Well it honestly sounds like Hell is the much better place if you are the kind of people who represent God and heaven!

    You have made me proud to be an Atheist!!

    11 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 5 Jahren
  • My 13 y/o Border Collie gets attacked by younger dogs.?

    We have a family pet Border Collie, Bella, (female) who mainly grew up alone, she is well mannered and doesn't really pay attention to other dogs when we go for walks.

    She is 13.

    When I moved out I got 2 border collies of my own, the youngest is 2 y/o and she can be the sweetest little thing and is very much a people dog, she gets along with all my friends and my other collie who is male and 4 y/o but she can show a bit of dominance towards him.

    However, when we take her to my mums she attacks the Bella.

    We thought this might have been a personal trait until we rescued two injured young Staffordshire's this morning.

    They we very gentle, kind and happy dogs, They wanted cuddles and belly scratches so we decided to put them outside with Bella since they seemed to well mannered.

    But unfortunately they attacked Bella so we had to separate them.

    I just want to know what the issue is because Bella does not instigate attacks and is so placid, I can't imagine why sweet dogs turn savage around her.

    3 AntwortenDogsvor 5 Jahren
  • I don't know what to do about my partner?

    I am 25 and he is 28.

    We moved in together over 2 years ago but have been together for 5.

    Over this time he has gotten quite lazy, he never likes to go anywhere and after work he comes home and plays video games.

    We don't really have a lot of time off together, my work hours are pretty good, Monday to Friday week and public holidays off.

    He works in retail and his days off alternate but we never get the same time off.

    He always seems to forget to ask for time off when we want to plan a holiday, we have had to cancel 2 holidays in the past because of this. He hasn't had a holiday in a year and a half and over the last couple moths I have gone away with family without him twice.

    I have tried to talk to him about it several times, of course I always paranoid and seeing things negatively..

    Regardless of all of this I know he loves me, he isn't verbally or physically abusive. He is just stuck in his bubble of comfort which is fine for him but I have so many aspirations to travel and study..

    We have all the same friends and own two dogs together who are like my children..

    I have thought about ending it, but we share so much and I still love him and cannot think about being the person that hurts him... I just feel I cannot live this life with him, I feel trapped... I have cried to myself a lot and have been so frustrated I have self harmed...

    What do I do?!

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 5 Jahren
  • Have not slept in three days! Please help!?

    I don't know what could have caused my sudden insomnia, I am no more stressed than usual, I do have caffeinated drinks but only 2 at most for the whole day, my diet hasn't changed and I do not have a lot of sugar other than my caffeine drinks...

    My life has been pretty standard and without much change.

    I am still getting tired but cannot shut off my brain, I have been drinking camomile tea and taking hot baths with muscle relaxing bubble bath but really don't know much else about forcing sleep...

    I'm so exhausted, I feel sick and am afraid of a repeat tonight.. Has anyone got any ideas?

    2 AntwortenOther - General Health Carevor 6 Jahren
  • Looking for a song?

    This is probably a long shot but I was listening to the radio just the other night (Rick dee i think?) and I heard this long that I m sure was a cover, I think I heard the name Lexi as the artist and it was an acoustic version...

    I really liked it but I can t remember what it was.

    Can anyone help me?

    1 AntwortLyricsvor 6 Jahren
  • Relationship advice!! please help!?

    This Feb I will have been with my bf for 4 years. (Me:24 Him: 27)

    We share the same best friends, have two dogs and own a house together.

    I love him so much but lately I am having trouble accepting the way my life is heading...

    I thought by this this time I would have travelled and just done things differently.

    He has gotten lazy, he doesn't do much but play video games, he doesn't brush his teeth anymore and sometimes goes without showers. He does work a little more than me, but I'm finding I do so much more around the house.

    I... Cook, Clean, Feed the dogs and clean up after them, Mow the lawn, Clean the pool, Wash clothes..And I also work all week.

    I have brought all this to his attention and he think that I don't see everything he does.

    Our house is pre-owned and needs some work.

    We don't go out to dinner and 2 yrs in a row he has requested if he can skip buying me something for my b'day and xmas because he has no money but buy's himself games etc.

    We don't have sex that much anymore.

    I feel so guilty feeling bad about him because I really do love him, he is not a bad guy, he is very smart, polite and happy all the time, he is not violent or abusive.

    He got really upset when i had 'break' talk with him so I know that he loves me, he has just gotten lazy & comfortable, but I don't know if I can live with it anymore.

    I have thought about braking up with him but I feel I could lose my house, dogs and my friends... does anyone have any advice? I am at the end of my rope

    8 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 6 Jahren
  • I am traumatized by a video?

    First of all I honestly don't look for this stuff.

    I have seen several videos in the past that have stayed with me, and normally with time I stop thinking about it.

    A friend uploaded a video from PETA the other day, assuming it was a positive video of them rescuing an animal I watched it.

    It was actually an awareness video of fur farms and it showed a blue fox being strangled to death, I could not watch the full video, I was sick and started crying all night...I cannot get the video out of my head, I would love to contribute to charities but I don't have money for that sort of thing..

    How do you recover from seeing things like this?

    5 AntwortenPsychologyvor 7 Jahren
  • Severe Dog guilt?

    My 2 y/o Border collie has always been a little anxious, mainly when we had him on the leash he would be restless, but otherwise we had no problems with him, he was very friendly to humans and other animals.

    Shortly after we moved 9 months ago he escaped from the back yard, I was devastated and tried absolutely everything to find him, I found him 2 weeks later malnourished with a broken back.

    We spent a lot of time & money to fix him and now he is fine & walking on all fours again, however, he seems much more anxious as he keeps finding new ways to escape from the yard.

    We now keep him in a bricked sun room and he still manages to get out of places we didn’t think were possible for him to fit through. We think we have it all sealed now but I feel so guilty and live in fear of him escaping again.

    Although he is still very well-mannered and polite to people, he has lost tolerance for other dogs and tries to attack them, he squeals and howls when we leave for work. I just don’t know what to do, I love him, he is like my baby & I hate leaving him, but I also feel like I don’t have much of a life anymore.

    Can anyone advise me how to deal with this constant fear and guilt?

    4 AntwortenDogsvor 7 Jahren
  • Personalized books?

    I am a 90's kid, and when i was young i was given a personalized book with mine and my cousins names in it.

    I was a beautiful book and i have no idea what has happened to it over the years.

    I think my mum gave away all of my books.

    Anyway was wondering if it's at all possible that a copy of that book would still be filed somewhere or if anyone knows of a children’s personalized book about mermaids??

    I know its a long shot but i have real painful nostalgia at the moment lol

    2 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 7 Jahren
  • The return of Jesus?

    "Atheists, prove that God does not exist!!"

    "Atheists, God does not need to prove anything to you"

    I have heard these questions and answers so many times as i do not believe in God.

    But i also keep hearing "When Jesus returns....." & "What are atheists going to do and/or think when Jesus returns?" etc.

    So it got me thinking of how Christians would react to the "Return of Jesus"

    So many people have claimed to be Jesus but as a society we have deemed them to be insane, drunk or drugged.

    But what if Jesus were to return. Would we believe him? or find another way to crucify him?

    and we can't ask him to prove it, he shouldn't have to right?

    This is a legit question, this is just based on what i hear from Christians all the time.

    What do you THINK you would do, say or think when someone reveals that he is Jesus?

    9 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 Jahren