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  • Did Joe Biden kill Yahoo Answers?

    So are the radical democrats shutting down all dissension as they tighten their lust for power?  Remember, in a couple of months, you will be able to join Trump's platform.

    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 Tagen
  • Should Biden vaccinate the Chinese for covid first since they had it first?

    Trump thought Americans should be vaccinated first.  But, it could be part of a way to get back in the good graces of the Chinese.

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 Monaten
  • The vaccine.  The inoculation process.  The military.  What is going on?

    Several times during Trump's campaign speeches, Trump has mentioned that the military will make the distribution of the vaccine.  Which seems odd, but then something came over the news about funding for the security of the vaccine.  So, do you think that they are making plans to keep the vaccine from being stolen and hijacked, so that the designated people get it first, etc.  And that includes the military, guys with rifles guarding the hospitals and doctors giving the shots.  Something bigger than the cops can handle.  In particular since the way the democrats have been shutting down the cops.  Do you think the democrats will be rioting over the vaccine? Claiming something is not fair.   Do you think they are expecting something like the "Tulip mania" in Holland a few centuries back?  The vaccine will become the most valuable thing on earth for a couple of months.

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 Monaten
  • What will be the democrat surprise?

    OK. So, Biden is locked away in his basement and will not make a public appearance until he is forced out on Thursday to face Trump.  Evidently, the evidence of Joe and Hunter's crimes is overwhelming, and Joe is unable to deny or defend his corruption.  Not a good situation for the last 2 weeks of a Presidential campaign.  So, that means that the only thing left for the democrats is to attack with some contrived charge against Trump.  But, the problem with that is that the democrats have been doing that for the past 3+ years and have pretty much used up all of the charges that they can fake.  Like they tried "Russian collusion" again, and it gets shrugged off.  It is too obvious a lie to be used anymore.  So, the question is can you think up a fake charge that the democrats could use that would have some bite to it?  What could it be?  Something that would get Trump personally right before the debate.

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 6 Monaten
  • Where does Biden live?  And how did he get it?

    OK, so Trump says he is rich and lives in a super mansion of some sort in Florida, part of a country club or something. Fine.  So, the question is: does Biden live at a level that is above his pay grade?  And, if he does, when did he get it and what does he say about how he got it? Why can't Biden be asked the same equivalent questions about his finances that the liberals have been hounding Trump for years about his?

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 6 Monaten
  • Why is a Biden-Harris presidential victory so good for the stock market?

    The stock market keeps making big gains every day as election day approaches.  The news media says Biden is 10 points ahead of Trump.  Biden intends to raise taxes and re-regulate put things back like Hillary would want it.  So, is that good for the stock market?   Can someone explain why the market is going up in anticipation of a Biden victory?

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 6 Monaten
  • Is there a compilation of all of the damage to all of the cities caused by the democrat BLM-Antifa riots this year?

    Have you noticed that you really don't know much about the riots, lootings, burnings, and shootings that have occurred in the USA this year thanks to the democrat party?  For example, Los Angles had a riot last night because the BLM-enthused Laker basketball team won the championship.  How bad was it?  There was a  comment on a radio program that most of downtown Minneapolis has been burned down in earlier riots.  Is that true? How much of Portland?  Why aren't there maps showing the areas that have been burned out? Is the destroyed property cleaned up or left as-is?  If the information is going to be suppressed by the democrat news media, at least tell us that the information is being suppressed and why.  Think of it the same way that Joe has told you about fracking and packing the supreme court.  At least he explained he won't tell you what he will do because then you would know. Or the famous Nancy Pelosi logic of "you have to pass the bill to find out what is in it".   The democrats won't even do that much when it comes to the cities destroyed by the democrats.

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 6 Monaten
  • Do you think Pelosi will appoint a panel of democrats to determine that Trump is unfit and needs to be removed as President?

    So, get ready for tomorrow.  Nancy is seizing the Constitution, modifying the 25th amendment, and declaring Trump is unfit to serve.  Evidently, the democrats are claiming that Trump is leading a revolt against the democrat governor in Michigan.  

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 6 Monaten
  • If Biden is too frail to debate, is he too frail to be President?

    So, evidently the 2nd Presidential Debate has been canceled because Trump will not have a virtual debate.  And that means the democrats want a virtual debate  because Biden is actually too frail for an actual debate.  So, the question is how can be a President?  Would he be a virtual President and hide out in the basement of the White House.   Do you want to elect someone who is too frail to physically do the work required?  To vote for Biden is crazy, and if you saw the performance of Harris last night, you should realize that she is not Presidential grade.  There was a reason she was not selected as by the democrat party, and it was glaring last night in the debate with Pence. She is just bad. So, it looks like the democrats are 0 for 2 in the Presidential league just based upon the way it is.   The only choice is Trump-Pence,

    12 AntwortenPoliticsvor 6 Monaten
  • Are the democrat doctors under a lot of stress?

    So, we have had one of Trump's doctors make a political statement that Trump's trip in the limo around the hospital grounds to see his fans will cause the secret service agents  into a 14 day quarantine.  And all of this was unnecessary, and so forth.  So, the question is does the doctor know that is the only exposure that the agents would have or would there be others.  What about, if Trump walks the halls to get some exercise and there is no favorable publicity.  Would the agent be exposed?  It seems as though the doctor thinks Trump should be locked in his room, like they lock Joe  in his basement, just to make it fair.  Bet you that doctor is no longer attending and will probably have to be checked by the psychiatrists under order of the secret service.  TDS.

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 6 Monaten
  • Do you think the quality of merchandise is going down due to covid?

    Have you noticed that things don't work as well any more?  If you call a company and don't know a specific number of a specific person, the chances are you will only talk to a robot.  Chances are you will not be able to speak to a live person and, if you do, that person will be intentionally incompetent or only able to read a prescribed response.  You can't find a problem solver with the authority to resolve a problem.  They are all gone.  It looks like high tech programming has taken over the corporate world.    So, are products getting worse?  How can they not get worse if the actual work place is as screwed up as customer service?   Like would you want to fly in an airplane built during this covid period? Or buy a refrigerator?  If it didn't work right,  you would be complaining to a robot.

    1 AntwortLaw & Ethicsvor 6 Monaten
  • Has Joe been tested?  Trump might have infected him at the debate.  Is it the end of Joe?

    So, Within a day or 2, Joe will be coming down with the Wuhan flu.  He was exposed during the debate by Trump.  That had to have been Trump's reason to have been so angry during the debate.   To throw those disease germs that extra 4 feet to get to Joe.  Moderator  Wallace was down below and would catch more of the drift, so he is infected as well.   So, Trump is healthy and has an excellent chance to survive.  But, Joe is not, and has a much higher risk of dying or having long term effects from the disease.  Add that to all of his other problems, and it could be the end of Joe.  We will find out by the end of the weekend.

    10 AntwortenPoliticsvor 6 Monaten
  • Have you considered that the democrats will not be able to govern?

    Let's say Biden wins, dies and Harris and the communists take over the government.  How much of Congress will they have?  Do you think they will be able to govern?  And what will that governing be like?  Are they going to start making laws taking your money and restricting your life?  Pull you out of your house, shoot your father, and put someone else in, as the communist did in Russia?  Radical racial equality?  Democrats are burning businesses now, and the idea can be expanded by radical democrats to neighborhoods if they get more power.

    11 AntwortenPoliticsvor 6 Monaten
  • So, What did Trump teach you last night?

    So, last night we had a presidential debate, semi-debacle, last night between Trump and only a partially impaired Biden.  So, was there anything new that you learned?  How about that the republicans expect for the democrats to cheat and steal the election and there will be hell to pay if they try.  The republicans will not roll over and play dead as the clever democrats call  them racist as blacks stuff the ballot boxes.

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 6 Monaten
  • Why is there killing and shootings only during the weekend in Chicago?

    Almost every Monday, there is a news report about the all the murders in Chicago during the previous weekend.   Like 50 shot and 10 killed, and some details about the most vulnerable victims, usually a kid/baby.  But, what about the weekdays?  Why would the weekends be so different from the weekdays?  So, is it safe to assume that the murder load is probably twice or more what is published in the news?  And, if they are going to keep score for Chicago, shouldn't they keep score for all of the other cities. Like it has to be as bad in Atlanta and Los Angeles and the other democrat strongholds.  Finally, do you think the recent BLM-democrat riots are the beginning of a new concept of the "no law" city which would simply be the expansion of some current areas in cities such as Chicago.  If so, it would be best to get out of Portland while you can still sell your house. Look at the old residences in cities like Detroit.  The last person who abandoned that house took a financial beating when it lost all of its value.

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 6 Monaten
  • Should Al Jolson have his monument in Los Angeles removed?

    Why is it that Hollywood celebrities get a special dispensation from the radical democrats in Hollywood?  Jolson was obviously racist and most famous for mimicking blacks while doing blackface.  You can't even see his films anymore because the race censures have had them destroyed.  But, he has a monument.  Should it come down?

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Monaten
  • So, do you think the republican rinos will reveal themselves and vote against Trump's selection to replace Ginsberg?

    So, It looks like Trump will get to nominate a replacement for Ginsberg.   And the republican Senate is sort of obligated to vote on it before the election.  A bit of a hurry, but it can be done.   But, what about the republican rinos?  Guys like Romney.  They can't let the Supreme Court go conservative.  So, will they vote against Trump's nomination before the election?  Only 3 or 4 could sink the nomination until after the election and give it to Biden.  What will the Romney and the rinos do?

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Monaten
  • Is the democrat strategy for the presidential election to hide Joe Biden?

    By hiding Joe, Trump has less to talk about. About all Trump can say is Joe is hiding again and the democrats are lying to you, which everyone knows already.   So Joe won't campaign and that way doesn't have to say anything about the radical democrat platform or what wonders the democrats have in store for you.  Like more taxes, regulations, confiscations and a general screwing because you have still not learned to never vote for the democrats.  So, Biden isn't giving Trump any ammunition.  But is that a winning strategy?   Having Harris come out once per week and cackle a laugh at how the democrats intend to ruin the schools so that it will then be fair to all the kids does not seem to be a good way fool the voters one more time.  One would think that the democrats could hire an actor and hide him behind the mask and hide Joe in the basement and have a better candidate. May be they could get actor Alec Baldwin.  He has always wanted to be President.

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Monaten
  • Do you think Joe Biden is getting a shot of a performance enhancement drug?

    Sometimes Joe seems to be OK, but then suddenly drops the act and goes senile.  It tends to make one wonder if he is getting a shot of a performance enhancement drug that causes him to perk up a bit. And why he stays in his basement for several days, then comes out, gives a quick speech, and then runs back into his basement. May be it is a drug like what they have banned on race horses and home run hitters in baseball.  But there is no such ban for politicians, or musicians.  Do you know what drug they are giving Biden?  Do you think it would help if Biden carried a guitar and frizzled his hair?  

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Monaten
  • If Biden was a leftover, what leftover do you think he would be?

    Refrigerator leftovers.  Sometimes it is a joy to find, like a slice of pizza, and sometimes it is only a little better than throwing away, like a couple of brussel sprouts.    And, considering Joe Biden is the most senior and only remaining old style democrat left, he is definitely a leftover of the democrat party.  So, the question is, if Joe was a refrigerator leftover, which one would he be?  Nancy's $20 per pint ice cream or the mushy fig?

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Monaten