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Lv 7
Edwena fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 6 Monaten

Are the democrat doctors under a lot of stress?

So, we have had one of Trump's doctors make a political statement that Trump's trip in the limo around the hospital grounds to see his fans will cause the secret service agents  into a 14 day quarantine.  And all of this was unnecessary, and so forth.  So, the question is does the doctor know that is the only exposure that the agents would have or would there be others.  What about, if Trump walks the halls to get some exercise and there is no favorable publicity.  Would the agent be exposed?  It seems as though the doctor thinks Trump should be locked in his room, like they lock Joe  in his basement, just to make it fair.  Bet you that doctor is no longer attending and will probably have to be checked by the psychiatrists under order of the secret service.  TDS.

6 Antworten

  • Rick
    Lv 7
    vor 6 Monaten
    Beste Antwort

    that was just another anti-Trump article, one of FOURTEEN or FIFTEEN I counted this morning on the yahoo lead page.  The one I'm not sure of was an article dumping on his Supreme Court pic, he wasn't actually mentioned in the headline, but the accompanying picture was of him scowling at something.  BUT, I did count a couple of articles on him that WEREN'T NEGATIVE, more Trump-neutral, which is more then normal !!!!


    TRUMP 2020 !! ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Monaten

    If trumps doctors approved his little car trip to wave to people, that was very irresponsible. He has a contagious disease and shouldn’t be around people. He could have infected the SS agents in the vehicle who had no real PPE, just masks. Trump also could have infected the photographer that took those staged photos of him “working” without a mask in the hospital. Trump really thinks this whole thing is some kind of joke. It’s not a political statement to suggest that a person with a contagious illness not be allowed to go out and infect people. He should be stuck in his room and not allowed to go out. Hospitals are for sick people to get treated, not photo ops and public appearances. Most hospitalized people stay in their rooms and rest. They certainly don’t take infectious tours around the hospital grounds and stage photos of paperwork. Covid patients are under quarantine for a reason. Why is it that the rest of us are required to quarantine with covid, but trump can go out and infect people just because he wants to wave to the public? This was incredibly irresponsible, and trump is setting a terrible example. 

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Monaten

    It's not a political statement to recognize how reckless Trump acted. 

    As for other exposure, most of that is lesser and/or more necessary.  Your example of walking the halls, for example, Trump shouldn't be doing that.  He's got a large suite which he can amble around if he wants.  Walking around the building would just put other people, including Secret Service but also WRMC personnel and patients, at risk.  Other people have pointed out that USSS agents were with Trump in the cramped quarters of Marine One as he traveled to Walter Reed.  But that trip was necessary.  They needed to get the President to the hospital and the Secret Service needs to be there to protect him.  The joy ride he took was totally unnecessary and risky.  I'm glad that they had the concern to put these agents who rode with him in PPE, including apparently goggles and smocks.  But that's not fool proof.  They were in a sealed car with Trump, an infected person, in close proximity.  They were probably in there for more than 15 minutes, which is the standard that the CDC uses to determine whether someone who came in contact with an infected person should quarantine.  There's a real risk there.  And for what?  People talk about it as a photo op, which it was.  But Trump could reassure his supporters and talk to them, by putting out video messages, like he's already done.  The drive by wasn't done primarily for the benefit of the people gathered outside.  It was done for Trump's benefit.  He wanted to bask in the adulation of the crowd.  It's the same reason he's continued to hold pre-covid style rallies in the midst of a deadly pandemic.  He needs the adoration and attention of the public and he doesn't care if people die to get it.  This joy ride is completely unnecessary and it exposed people to covid. 

  • vor 6 Monaten

    And YOUR medical specialty is - - - what? Try again, tovarich.

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  • not
    Lv 7
    vor 6 Monaten

    Doctors are interacting with the sick people then going out into the world to infect everyone else everyday. 

  • vor 6 Monaten

    Yet an unmasked Biden spent an hour and a half standing next to a contagious Trump and hasn't spent any time in quarantine .

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