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Lv 7
Edwena fragte in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · vor 6 Monaten

Do you think the quality of merchandise is going down due to covid?

Have you noticed that things don't work as well any more?  If you call a company and don't know a specific number of a specific person, the chances are you will only talk to a robot.  Chances are you will not be able to speak to a live person and, if you do, that person will be intentionally incompetent or only able to read a prescribed response.  You can't find a problem solver with the authority to resolve a problem.  They are all gone.  It looks like high tech programming has taken over the corporate world.    So, are products getting worse?  How can they not get worse if the actual work place is as screwed up as customer service?   Like would you want to fly in an airplane built during this covid period? Or buy a refrigerator?  If it didn't work right,  you would be complaining to a robot.

1 Antwort

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Monaten
    Beste Antwort

    good points, i think it is, a lot of things seem to be deteriorating in western society now, many high street businesses are closing permanently.

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