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  • bell south vs. comcast which one has the better phone and internet service?

    i moved to georgia not too long ago and now i need a homephone and better internet service.i was wondering which on of the above metioned is better.or can u think of another provider?

    4 AntwortenOther - Electronicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • when moving with keets how do i set it up best?

    since we have another big move to europe coming up next year i was wondering how i best prepare my birds for it.i heard they would have to be kept in quarantine for a while before i can actually get them to their new home.i just hope they will not undergo a lotta stress.i also know they will have to get certain shots before weeks before the big if ya have any suggestions on how i can make the move for them as smooth as possible let me know.

    2 AntwortenBirdsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • is my one parakeet a female or is it because the keet is molting?

    i have two parakeets which are healthy,lovely and very active.i had them for 3 months now and when i got them both their ceres were blue which indicates they are males.lately i discovered that one keets cere has changed color to a more beige`s still a little blue on the i`m not sure if i just got a real young bird who just developed the cere`s color and is a female or if something might be wrong with him.maybe it`s just because the bird is molting.i want to make sure.

    4 AntwortenBirdsvor 1 Jahrzehnt