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♥Snowflake♥ fragte in PetsBirds · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

when moving with keets how do i set it up best?

since we have another big move to europe coming up next year i was wondering how i best prepare my birds for it.i heard they would have to be kept in quarantine for a while before i can actually get them to their new home.i just hope they will not undergo a lotta stress.i also know they will have to get certain shots before weeks before the big if ya have any suggestions on how i can make the move for them as smooth as possible let me know.

2 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    You won't like my answer. I would suggest you have someone keep your birds, or sell them.

    I would NOT recommend having them in quarantine for all kinds of reasons.


    some bird illnesses like PBFD are very contagious

    easy prey for cats.

    If you love your feathered friends; have a friend keep them for you till you return or sell them to a good home,

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I agree with the Reverend.

    It will be painful for you, but a lot easier for them. Birds don't deal with stress well, and everything you've just described is stressful.

    If the move is only temporary, maybe you could give them to a trusted friend to care for until you return.

    Talk to your vet... see if your vet has any good suggestions on how to make this easier on your feathered friends

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