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Lv 2679 points
Favorisierte Antworten16%
What resolution should a digital painting (in dpi) be for printing?
I'm curious what resolution should a digital painting be in DPI (dots per inch) for a good print. I know this varies, but I'm looking for some guidelines.
5 AntwortenOther - Visual Artsvor 1 JahrzehntI want a new cologne and I'm looking for suggestions. Ladies,what are your favorites?
17 AntwortenOther - Beauty & Stylevor 2 JahrzehntenLooking for websites for art insperation (styles/element: fantasy, scifi, gothic, figure)?
3 AntwortenDrawing & Illustrationvor 2 JahrzehntenWho is your favorite Playboy Pinup?
15 AntwortenMagazinesvor 2 JahrzehntenWhat would you put in a time capsule to be opened in the year 2050? Anything goes.?
12 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 2 JahrzehntenWhich carriers give you free texting and does each text message appear on your bill?
7 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 2 JahrzehntenHas anyone heard of the last name Zorn?
5 AntwortenGenealogyvor 2 JahrzehntenWould you rather text or call?
12 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 2 JahrzehntenWhat is your favorite mixed drink and why why would I want to try it?
11 AntwortenBeer, Wine & Spiritsvor 2 JahrzehntenWhat is the best cell phone carrier?
28 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 2 JahrzehntenHow often do you have sex in a 'normal' relationship?
32 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 2 JahrzehntenWhy would I want a Yahoo 360 account?
7 AntwortenInternetvor 2 JahrzehntenWhy do I have a grey smily face on here?
Please point me in the right direction
20 AntwortenInternetvor 2 JahrzehntenTo see or not to see, the Davinci Code, any good?
19 AntwortenMoviesvor 2 Jahrzehnten