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Lv 760.456 points


Favorisierte Antworten12%
  • Clarkson for Prime Minister - You with me?

    We need this man and his honesty - Clarkson for PM I say..

    Tells it like it is...

    All in favour say 'Yes Prime Minister'

    22 AntwortenGovernmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do you think YAHOO need to be given a violation?

    Well, we all know that Yahoo dish out violations without checking the content first - so, do you think we the users shoud issue a VIOLATION to YAHOO for their inept handling of the site updates today, when WE are trying to use the site - it is always down, slow, or telling you there may be problems, but, I for one say ENOUGH excuses - we want to answer questions...NOW.

    All in favour say 'Aye'..

    18 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What does it take for SPURS to win?

    Just sack all the foreigners and bring in a Brit - about time to.

    Good riddance to Ramos, Poyet, Comolli and Co....

    Levy next PLEASE

    8 AntwortenEnglish Footballvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Anyone in Ireland/Eire with some info on a train crash please?

    OK! Ireland - need your help if poss - looking for info or links to the following - Portlaoighise Train Crash - 22nd December 1944 at approx 11 pm. Would be obliged if anyone in Ireland has any family/friends or contacts that can recall this train crash in which a postal worker named Frank Devine was killed. The late night mail train hit a cattle train that was on the line. Any help would be good if at all possible - he was my grandfather and I want to find out a little more about him - thanks people.

    2 AntwortenGenealogyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Anyone in Ireland/Eire with some info on a train crash please?

    OK! Ireland - need your help if poss - looking for info or links to the following - Portlaoighise Train Crash - 22nd December 1944 at approx 11 pm. Would be obliged if anyone in Ireland has any family/friends or contacts that can recall this train crash in which a postal worker named Frank Devine was killed. The late night mail train hit a cattle train that was on the line. Any help would be good if at all possible - he was my grandfather and I want to find out a little more about him - thanks people.

    2 AntwortenRailvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • England England England?

    What has Lewis Hamilton got that England football hasn't got

    He's still got his Mclaren

    9 AntwortenJokes & Riddlesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Xbox 360 - NTSC to PAL???

    OK! Peeps - not for me this one - friend is asking.

    Anyone know if PAL games can be played on an original US Xbox 360 NTSC format - or will it need some 'modification' - They've just come back from 2 years in the States and have a virtually unused US Xbox360 and want to get some games here in the UK - Pal ?? All advice gladly listened to for them -

    5 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Dorset Bed & Breakfast????

    Can any of you lovely people down on the south coast - Dorset area (Jurassic Coast) recommend a good, affordable bed & breakfast place. Need to take my little 'un down to see the Jurassic Coastline for a day or two. Any help greatfully accepted. Thanks guys (and girls).

    3 AntwortenOther - United Kingdomvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Should football coaches be allowed to manipulate the media to build match atmosphere? If not, why not?

    So we are led to believe that Mr Frisk and Co are asking questions on here - well if that is the case - why do the give me a violation notice for answering the question honestly?

    If you are Mr Frisk and you want an honest answer - well I gave it - if you don't like honest answers - don't ask the questions.

    4 AntwortenUEFA Champions Leaguevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Windows Vista Freeware Firewall?

    Has anyone found any Freeware Firewall software that works with Windows Vista yet? ZoneAlarm and AVG aren't ready yet - any help would be gratefully received

    5 AntwortenSecurityvor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Lent my mate my Season 9 Box Set - the tosspot left them on the bus and lost them - shall I beat the living daylights out of him?

    Anyone got a Season Nine boxset going cheap.....

    4 AntwortenTelevisionvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Stargate fans U.S & U.K.- Serious answers please?

    Does anyone know what the brand/make of watch is worn by Col. Jack O'Neill in the series - (Yes, I know he's General O'Neill now) - it has often been shown in the older episodes and I had heard although can't confirm it was a Casio! Be obliged if anyone has any ideas as my son wants one - avid Stargate fan!

    3 AntwortenCelebritiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Women only - sensible answers!?

    Having being married for twenty years now, I had always thought it strange that my wife was attracted to other women and that other women were attracted to her! Nothing has ever happened and our marriage is fine in all ways but she has finally admitted that she would like to sleep with another woman for the experience! Anyone been there, done that, got the T-shirt so to speak and what was your overall experience like? Be interested to know!

    14 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Road Charging - Have your say!?

    Give Blair and Brown the kick up the 'arris they need and vote online!

    1,000,000 signatures needed - vote here:

    9 AntwortenGovernmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Road Charging - Have your say!?

    Give Blair and Brown the kick up the 'arris they need and vote online!

    1,000,000 signatures needed - vote here:

    6 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Road charging - Have your say!?

    We all know Blair and Brown are crooks so register your vote here to stop them in their tracks!

    7 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Are you ready and willing?

    OK! It is the NEW YEAR and we are faced with the old problem. Here we go again - are you ready for the influx of Romanians and Hungarians jumping on planes and heading here to claim all they can. Reports suggested today that all planes out of Romania today were fully booked and heading this way! Should we just close Britain for a couple of days and divert the planes to America!

    3 AntwortenImmigrationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Saddam joke!!!?

    Saddam was being taken to his execution point and as he was approaching the gallows, the executioner places the noose around his neck and says to him, 'Saddam' do you have any last requests'. Saddam pauses for a moment and replies, 'Yes. I have one last request. I would like a beautiful woman and I would like to be F****d'. The executioner agrees and sends for the most beautiful woman in Iraq. She appears and is dressed in the sexiest, most revealing underwear. Saddams eyes light up at the thought of his final moments of pleasure on the earth. At the moment, the beautiful woman approaches him with bosom heaving and luscious red lips pouting.............................

    the executioner pulls the lever and Saddam falls through the trapdoor and the rope tightens....................................

    the executioner shouts loudly at Saddam............

    'There, Now you're well and truly F****d'!!!!!!!

    23 AntwortenJokes & Riddlesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • If we have to - The Saddam saga?

    Can you suggest any relevant songs/albums/groups for, Swinging In The Rain, for example??? or Take That??

    7 AntwortenMedia & Journalismvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Jet with Blair slides off runway?

    C'mon own up....who pushed it and why didn't you push a little harder!!

    16 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 1 Jahrzehnt