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  • What Should I Expect?

    I moved out of state with my child for job purpose and for trial separation. Since I do not have a car and a license, my husband drove the baby and I our of state and made me pay him gas money. Since then, he never sent a single cent for his child, not even a piece of diaper. In fact he constantly demanded money from me and had the joint tax refund checks cashed all by himself. I let him have the whole thing with the agreement that he would leave me and my family in peace, since he had been harassing them and threatening them that if they don;t convince me to send him money, he will make sure he will get the custody of my child and will amke sure we all will never see my child again. One time he said he will make a visit, I accepted him because he is the father of my child. But the day he made a visit,I realized he only wanted money and my jewelries. Fortunately, I had kept them before he arrived.He made a disturbance at my workplace,causing me to almost get fired.

    7 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • anybody knows a very good, well experienced, but inexpensive divorce lawyer in madison county ohio?

    been searching for divorce lawyers but so far the least expensive gave me a quote of $5000-$8000 for a contested divorce?

    My husband filed for a divorce and I would really love to get that divorce because I am so done, so sick and tired of the abuse and neglect. Now he is trying to hurt me by wanting to have the child's custody, even harassing my family saying he'll make sure they'll never see my baby again, after they told him they're not going to convince me to send him money, because he doesn't want anything but money. never even cared for our child. What do I do? I am not contesting the divorce. I am only contesting the child custody issue. Please anybody help!

    3 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • In a divorce court, is a diary or are blog entries accepted as evidences?

    If during the marriage, you have documented the abuse and neglect on a diary or your blog entries, will it be accepted in a divorce court and consider it as an evidence?

    5 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where To Surely Get Help? What Should I Do?

    If your husband said he will divorce you and insults you and underestimates your capacity to support your child and threatens that if you leave him with your child he will file a report to the law enforcers and say you kidnapped your baby, what should you do?

    5 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is your most favorite seafood?

    Just wondering...I thought most of them are yummy.

    One of my most favorite is the squid =) (stuffed and grilled, sauted, even fried dried squid)

    Which one is your favorite and how would you want it cooked?

    22 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Have you ever laughed so hard that you cried?

    i just almost did! by just watching this clip:

    8 AntwortenPhilippinesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • YAPPERS...have you ever been stopped by a "cop"?

    My family and I went to 'pinas 2 weeks ago. The moment we got out of the vicinity of the airport, a "cop" on a motorcycle followed us and stopped us. He first asked for our driver's driver's license. Then he said he needed to see the vehicle's documents/paperworks. After which he said that the carrier of the mini van isn't registered (we only used the carrier for my baby's stroller as we ran out of space inside the van, buti am aware that the carrier is registered). We then told him that it is registered. He said that it should be written on the paperworks. Our driver said that he knows it won't be written on the paperworks even if it is registered. After that he said we are not paying the right fee for the registration of the said carrier. I thought that was ridiculous! How could we be allowed just a partial payment for registration of such?He just came up with one reason to another and wanted to hold our driver's license and said the driver will just have to get it from their office

    13 AntwortenPhilippinesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why Do Men Curse A Lot When Driving?

    I am wondeirng why most men I know curse a lot while driving. They would always say something negative like "you idiot!", "you moron!" , "that is stupid!" "you a**hole!" and stuffs like that...when the person couldn't hear them saying that and the only ones who can hear them say that are his own passengers?

    Why is it that when they are the ones who do the same thing, they don't say "i'm idiot!", "i'm moron!", "i'm stupid", or "i'm an a**hole!"...

    Just made me wonder...

    I just hate it when my husband says that and our baby and i are the only ones who can hear him?

    23 AntwortenEtiquettevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Anybody here affected by the recent GAP Inc. date breach?

    Are you one of the 800,000 applicants whose perfonal information (including SSN) is exposed due to GAP's irresponsibility? What should you do if you were one of them?

    2 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt