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Where To Surely Get Help? What Should I Do?

If your husband said he will divorce you and insults you and underestimates your capacity to support your child and threatens that if you leave him with your child he will file a report to the law enforcers and say you kidnapped your baby, what should you do?


I have nothing to start with. No house, no car, no money, no nothing. I am a full time mom. My husband never hit me, but he is very abusive in some other ways (verbal, and i guess you already know what the other one is).

I have been dealing with this situation for about a year and a half. The only reason I am staying in this relationship is because of our child. Now he threatens me. I called the policce department and i was told they couldn't help me. The courthouse said they couldn't help me either. It is so unbelievable. What should I do? He said I do not have any right to my baby because I don't work, no money, no car, no nothing? By the way, he got me pregnant a couple months after I got here so I never had a chance to work. What should I do?

Update 2:

sorry for the typo error. that was *POLICE department, not policce department.

Update 3:

Thank you for the answer. But he is smart enough when to talk and when not to. The last time he was talking sh*t to me i tried to record it but my recorder's battery died. He actually checked if it was on and when he realized it wasn't he kept talking. I don't know what to do anymore. My neighbor wants to help me go to the airport so i could fly to las vegas to my sister's house. if i am not going to do this now, i might not be able to in the future. anybody knows any website for abused women?

Update 4:

I really appreciate your answers. I am so desperate now. I can't even believe he could insult me about not having things he was supposed to provide. I am worried though, he said he will fight for his child. But knowing him, I am sure the reason why he wants the custody for the child is because it would cost him more to support a child without his custody. he only spends child's food and even complains about it while he never compalined about buying his dog's food. even spends most of his free time hunting, playing poker online and being with his dog. No time for his baby. and how dare him question me about being a responsible mom!

Update 5:

I tried to ask the police department for any help or any number for legal aid. they said i should contact the courthouse, and i did. but the person i talked was even mean. he asked if there was an abuse, so i said i was sexually abused when i was 3 months and almost 7 months pregnant. and he said he cannot help me and that he cannot continue the conversation with me. i do not think that is right. i desperately need help, and this is all i got. my sister lives in las vegas and i already talked to her. she doesn't have much money either, but she and her husband are willing to let us stay there.

5 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Those threats are his way of controlling you. Do you have family member or friends who can help you? If you have no money whatsoever go to a Legal Aid office to see if you qualify for a free attorney. Otherwise, borrow money from a family member and visit a regular attorney. You will be entitled to child support, and possibly spousal support (at least temporarily). Usually the wealthier spouse winds up having to pay the attorney's fees for both.

    Don't put up w/ his crap any longer, or your kids will grow up thinking his behavior and your acquiescence are normal.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Never mind writing down everything. Get help from a local abuse center. You are being abused. Mental and emotional abuse is as bad as physical. You are going to need a job, welfare help, etc. All cities, coutnties have abuse hot lines. Pull info up on the web. There is some kind of help close by. If you have no family, see if there is a church group that will help you. Get out as fast as you can. Do not stay for the sake of your child. This man is dangerous and will only hurt the child in the long run. Better one good parent than two not good parents.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I would write down everything he says...I would also get a small recorder and tape what he says....You have to understand that he will have to come with alot of evidence to support his claims and if he can't back-up what he's accusing you of then you can sue him. Don't worry about long as you know that you are doing everything you need to keep you child safe and that you have your evidence to him saying things about you then you should be okay...

    Some men will try to control you that way and some women fall for it...don't stand your ground and let him know you aren't that type of person and he needs to stop accusing you of that...Then as I stated tape him and also write it down. If and when you go to court you will have documented proof of him accusing you of this and he will have nothing...

    Good luck

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    as a chelsea fan, i'm disgusted unfortunately all groups have their possess scum folks who chant flying stuff at guy u hillsborugh stuff and so forth et racist/homophobia at sol campbell and so forth and so forth and so forth nevertheless i'm definite that no longer all chelsea lovers had been shouting this, just a segment on behalf of first rate chelsea lovers , i apologise. playstation i have been a supporter for fifty years - pre roman and put up roman. and to the man or woman who stated chelsea and kensington. mm stamford bridge is just about in fulham - however certainly not brain.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Call the domestic abuse hotline and be ready to go. Document EVERYTHING.

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