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What Should I Expect?

I moved out of state with my child for job purpose and for trial separation. Since I do not have a car and a license, my husband drove the baby and I our of state and made me pay him gas money. Since then, he never sent a single cent for his child, not even a piece of diaper. In fact he constantly demanded money from me and had the joint tax refund checks cashed all by himself. I let him have the whole thing with the agreement that he would leave me and my family in peace, since he had been harassing them and threatening them that if they don;t convince me to send him money, he will make sure he will get the custody of my child and will amke sure we all will never see my child again. One time he said he will make a visit, I accepted him because he is the father of my child. But the day he made a visit,I realized he only wanted money and my jewelries. Fortunately, I had kept them before he arrived.He made a disturbance at my workplace,causing me to almost get fired.


He was yelling at me so I said that he can't just talk to me like that because it wasn't his house. He said he was leaving and then he was demanding for my jewelries. When i refused to give them to him, he acted like he wasn't going to leave and was being pushy. I was scared because my child and I were just by the stairway, so I had to tell him that if he doesn't stop, I will have to call the cops. Right then and there he hurriedly left. After that he called and threatened me about so many things. He did swear that he'll never stop making my life miserable. 2 days later I was awaken by unformed police officers knocking on my door early in the morning. I found out that he reported the place as unsuitable for the baby. The officers realized it was false. 2 weeks later he called saying sorry saying he had already asked help from mental health department. after that he asked if i will sign the tax rebate checks again so he could cash them. I said i knew it was about money again.

Update 2:

I didn't say yes i would sign the checks, instead i said that the baby needs to go nap so i hung up. a few days after that, i found out he filed for divorce saying i kidnapped the baby and i was guilty of extreme cruelty and gross neglect of duty. since i was unable to afford a lawyer because i was solely responsible for the baby's needs, it took me a while until i attempted to represent myself. unfortunately, the judge didn't wait for 28 days. the judge entered a judgement on the 26th day, and on the same day, my answer, sounterclaim, and motions was delivered to them. I was order to give my baby to her father. And even if I didn't wnat to, I did, because I was ordered to. Now my child is in great danger in the hands of her own father. I have not seen my child since saturday and it is breaking my heart into pieces. I could not go near my child, as I am afraid he would shoort me and say it was just 'self-defense" as he is a big liar.

Update 3:

he got the temporary custody of my child because of his lies. he made an affidavit saying that he took care of the child very well since birth, when all he did was go to work, come home and play poker online til morning, and then spend 16 hours straight in the woods hunting and neglect the child and i. he said the only times i took care of the child was whenever he was at work, which was completely untrue, because i would spend 42 hours straight up taking care of the baby without any help from him. he called my baby abnormal and told me to find another daddy for my child. he abused me in several different aspects, wouldn't take the baby and i out as a family, never did anything for the baby's first birthday or anything. he said he was the one who was taking the baby to the pedia, of course i didn't have a license because he prevented me from having one,but on each appintment, i was there. he perjured himself, and now my child's safety is at risk and i couldn't do anything... =(

Update 4:

it is very sad and heartbreaking that my child is going through this. my child and i were never apart until last saturday that i have to give her to her dad because i have to abide by the law, even if i do not feel that my baby will be safe. for all i know he is already prostituting my child online. i do not know what to do. the longer it takes for the judge to decide, the bigger possibility that my child would be at risk. i am only waiting for the judge to reconsider the matter, because he decided on the 26th day. i do not know what to do. my baby's daddy would not let me go near my child. he gets pissed when he realized that his neighbor is still talking to me. they will comment about the truth, but they are not willing to submit an affidavit for me because they didn't want to be in the middle of it, and i couldn't do anything. he has my child now and it is all because of money. it hurts that he got what he wanted because of the lies and the judge hasn't made a rule up to this day

Update 5:

i had been trying to seek help since last year. the police said it's more a civil case, i couldn't afford a lawyer then because i wasn't working then. he knows that as long as he has my baby, he'll have complete control over me again for he knows i will give anything and everything for my child. it is like a kidnap for extortion, only legal. his neighbor told me my child is crying past midnight, and i feel it too. some neighbors said that my daughter looked scared of him, and she really is. he plays dirty, even badmouths me to everybody, even to people who do not know me, and i do not care. all i care about is my child. if we have to make an agreement that he won't be required to pay child support as long as i have my baby, it's okay with me as long as he would leave us in peace. i only want my child. he can have everything, house,car, no child support. i just wnat him to give me back my child that he had neglected and abandoned eversince. =( i'm so heartbroken i don't know what to do

Update 6:

i already did all that. and since there's an issue about the jurisdiction, they could do very limited help and the divorce has been filed in Ohio, while my child and i have just established 4 months of residency in maryland. =(

i tried to contact the legal aid of ohio but then, they said since i was already living in maryland, i should contact the local. i said there might be an issue with the jurisdiction, they said no. now the local legal aid couldn't help because the case was filed in ohio. they referred me back to legal aid of ohio, now they said they can't because my husband already called them for assistance and there's conflict of interest. what am i supposed to do? but anyway, i already am in debt now, paying for an expensive lawyer. we are just waiting for the judge to review the caseand the entry he made. i believe that with the evidences i have, i will have my baby back. i do not see any reason why they would give her to her dad, unless they choose to believe in lies... =(

7 Antworten

  • Jim
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    He is abusing you and harrassing you. Call the police and have him arrested for harrassment.

  • Lilly
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    1. Go to the police and enter an official statement so that it is all on file

    2. No matter if you have to sell your house HIRE AN ATTORNEY. You cant do this on your own, which is obvious already with this outcome. Unless you are a specialist in the legal field, you need someone with experience.

    In Australia we have court appointed attorneys for people who cannot afford it. Maybe you have something like that where you are?

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    if the disturbance was NOT your fault then WHY did YOU get fired. doesn't seem like a very good job then...

    as for him taking the child or getting custody. I dought it, unless he can prove you are a bad parent and him not helping you out with money and cashing a check that was for both of you proves in a way that he is not the better parent..

    start documenting everything that happen with him. so when/if you go to court you will have things in front of you..

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    this situation screams a restraining order..go down to your local police station and get one..also u really need to file for child support. u didn't make this child alone and u shouldn't carry all the burden of it all. best of luck to u

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    contact a womans shelter or social services , they can steer you to a lawyer who will work on a sliding scale based on what you can afford

    and yes you need a protection order

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You should expect many, many more horrible things to happen to you if you do NOT hire an attorney.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    A nasty divorce to follow... get an attorney quickly!!!

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