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Favorisierte Antworten7%
  • How do I change the internet video sites within my Bravia?

    In addition to YouTube, amazon, netflix, etc. I would like to access certain websites to watch video there on my Bravia. Is this possible and how do I accomplish this? Specifically I would like to watch programming from Deutsche Welle TV.

    2 AntwortenTVsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is an embryo parson?

    I love the film Cold Comfort Farm. One of the lesser characters, Charles, is an "embryo parson" but I can't for the life of me find out what that is?

    5 AntwortenBiologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can I reply to international text messages with Tracfone?

    Apparently Tracfone does not allow international text messaging (at least not with my phone/service). Is there any way around this? Does anyone have any experience here? I can receive international text messages but not reply to them, which is totally retarded!

    Please keep non-helpful/smart-alecky answers like "get a real phone service" to yourself.

    1 AntwortCell Phones & Plansvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Warum hat eine Zimmermannshose 2 Reisverschlusse? Bitte nur ernste Antworten! Danke!?

    Eingriff Möglichkeiten von rechts oder links ist schon klar, aber warum? Vielleicht einen historischen Grund? Weshalb? Bitte nur ernste Antworten. Danke im Voraus!

    5 AntwortenSonstiges - Kulturvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Who can speak Bulgarian and translate the lyrics of the Eurovison Song Contest 2007 entry for me?

    This was my favorite entry this year...representing Bulgaria...Elitsa Todorova & Stoyan Vankulov and their drums...the tune is entitled Water. They repeat the same words throughout the of them sounds like "meetralay". Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

    3 AntwortenLyricsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do I keep my dog from running away to look for booty?

    I have a 2 year old mixed-breed male with all his parts..and I want him to keep them! Trouble is, here in the spring and fall, he escapes from our fenced-in yard to look for booty in the neighborhood. The biggest problem with this is that we live next to a very heavily traveled road and he has no qualms about crossing it in search of doggy-booty! When it´s not the season for dog-sex he stays in the yard without being chained like the good dog he usually is. This time of year we can´t leave him alone 5 minutes before he gets out and follows his nose to the next female dog (Yahoo bleeps the b-word!) in heat. I don´t want to chain him in the yard because that´s not the point of being outside. Will greatly appreciate any real help with this matter. Please do not suggest I have him neutered..I feel he has the right to keep all the parts he was born with and canine genital mutilation is a big of a crime as human genital mutilation.

    22 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Any ideas on how to annonymously flood someones email account with unwanted mail?

    I used to do this with snail mail with magazine subscriptions. I need to annoy someone whos annoying me!

    6 AntwortenInternetvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wann kommt endlich WEEDS im deutschen TV???

    WEEDS ist eine amerikanische Serie die schon fast überall in Europa gelaufen ist..aber immer noch nicht in Deutschland. Habe mal gelesen, die kommt "Anfang 2007" auf Pro aber noch nicht da.

    3 AntwortenTVvor 1 Jahrzehnt