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  • Baby Lamb problem?

    My ewe had a lamb yesterday afternoon, and apparently while I was out. My donkey had scared off the momma ewe and when I got home, the ewe had acted like nothing happened, but the donkey was super interested in the baby. I moved Momma and baby into a pen by themselves, but Mom still doesn’t seem interested in baby and I don’t hit I baby has nursed yet. Will she accept this baby? It isn’t her first and she has raised babies before. Any suggestions?

    3 AntwortenAgriculturevor 2 Jahren
  • Professional dog breeders only please.?

    No haters or negative comments please.

    Anyone on this forum have experience with b itch resorbing litter? I'm currently doing the progesterone oil injections, but my girl looks to still be deflating. Anyone have experience with this, and did you discontinue treatment or hang on to the end? The last time I did this, I did have a successful litter although a small litter. Your experience?

    4 AntwortenDogsvor 2 Jahren
  • How do you all like my new picture?

    I put Gretchen up, She was my first Doberman and Duke's girl. I will bring back Dike if you don't like Gretchen.

    5 AntwortenDogsvor 2 Jahren
  • Pet vaccines Your Opinion?

    I'm mostly addressing the experienced people, the handlers, the breeders and any one who might have researched this.

    What is your opinion on doing all the recommended vaccines for cats dogs and horses?

    15 AntwortenDogsvor 2 Jahren
  • what is the range of a plain non air powered Daisy type BB gun?

    Just the old fashioned daisy BB rifle. How far will the little pellets go?

    5 AntwortenHuntingvor 3 Jahren
  • Mimosa tree seeds. help I can't seem to get a tree?

    I cannot seem to get these to grow. I have tried digging up little seedlings and they with up and die after transplanting so I thought I'd try my hand at germinating seeds into peat pots, but I've never had much luck. Please don't redirect me to other sites. I want to know if you've had trouble doing this and then found a way to actually get a grown tree out of this. Somewhere n the transplanting phase I'm doing something wrong

    1 AntwortGarden & Landscapevor 3 Jahren
  • What happened to Taco Bueno?

    I used to love Taco Bueno, it was my favorite fast food and I would eat there 2-3 times a week. I changed jobs and there wasn't a location near the new job so it had been a few weeks before i went back on a weekend. It was awful. The pico was all mashed up looking it didn't look like the freshly made fresh chunky yummy pico. The cheese topping on the tacos was white and yellow and the meat seasoning was awful. The shells even had a different taste. Ok maybe it was an off day. I've been back a few times and to other locations and I'll give them this. It is consistent, but it's obviously been revamped and now it's horrible. Does anyone have the reason why they too such a great place and made it like everyone else? I can't believe I'd rather have Taco Bell or Taco Casa.

    Fast Foodvor 3 Jahren
  • How would you handle this?Sad day on the school bus?

    Today's the first day of school and i drive a 9th and 10th grade school These students are my only route, and after I drop them I take a shuttle to the career campus.

    I always pick up every piece of paper on my floor after route. I don't care about homework or other stuff. But I found a folded up post it note with this written on it:

    Useless (written 6 times across the paper)

    diediedie (written over 13 times across and under "useless)

    good for nothing NOTHING

    fatfatfat (15 times or so)

    and in bug letters under these words:


    I want to die

    Holy cow I do this, not because i can't do anything else, but because I was also neglected when I was a young girl and i think I can help these young people. I ususally enjoy this job and the young people so much. There is not one fat ugly useless person on any of my buses.

    I alwasy every year get up and tell the teens that if they need help to write it on a piece of paper, fold it and drop it on the floor and I WILL see that they get help without anyone else knowing it and their privacy will be respected to the full extent. I've never had THIS happen and since today was the first day, and i didn't tell them, this was unique. This is killing me. Should I give my talk and act like i never found this? I feel horrible but to report it would not be of help since there were so many other students who got on the wrong bus or whatever due to the confusion of the first day. I so much want to help these troubled students.I'm heartbroken

    2 AntwortenAdolescentvor 3 Jahren
  • where is my avatar?

    I can't see, to find my avatar on the page

    5 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 3 Jahren
  • Attachment image

    Now it's my turn. Enlarged heart when is it time?

    I knew my Ruffian had a slight heart murmur. It did not affect her as she's getting up in years, she's 10 1/2. I took her in a week ago for a routine dental, and yesterday early in the morning she began to have a hacking cough. X rays showed something on her lungs, and the vet said it's either encapsulated abscesses (pneumonia) or metastatic cancer. She put her on Prednisone and Doxicycline. The cough has lessened. But Ruffian does not want to lie down. She will eat small amounts of food and is happy to visit with her grandpuppies, but that she won't lie down is distressing. Please guys, this is killing me, please no advice unless you've personally had to deal with this. What can I reasonably expect? Here's a picture of her in her youth. She loved being a mom.

    Dogsvor 3 Jahren
  • what to do about my attorney?

    I was in a minor accident last October, a drunk slammed into a guardrail and the debris from the rail and his SUV slammed into my car, damaging the car about $3,000 and a slight injury to my left rotator cuff. No surgery, and I'm basically Ok, I immediately got an attorney so the insurance company wouldn't cheat me. The attorney's office told me to send all the medical bills to them, and they'd handle them. However, one bill, they didn't take care of and has now gone into collections and my credit score has dropped 29 points and I'm ticked of. I have diligently sent them any bills that came to the house instead of to them. I sent a "strongly worded" email telling them to FIX THIS and restore my credit. My question is, if i pay this small bill to restore my credit how does that affect the case? The insurance company sent offers but they were so small it wouldn't pay my medical bills, much less the repairs to my car. The attorney says she is refusing them until they come up with an offer that pays the car, pays ALL medical, pays the fee, and a small settlement in case I need surgery down the line.(50-50 chance I'll need it) But I can't have my credit (in the 830) ruined over a $75 radiologist bill. My credit went down to 795 overnight. What to do?

    10 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 3 Jahren
  • can I save Mimosa saplings?

    My mimosa tree sheds it's seed pods in the fall, and lo and behold, these little saplings are growing in my chainlink kennel. I will need to use the kennel in a week, and have a 160 foot fence line that needs some trees for my donkeys to have shade. can I dig up these saplings with their dirt and put them in containers to root and grow all summer then plant in fall? I know these grow incredibly fast but how to dig them up without killing them? Just make sure they have a little rootball? in 2 years my fence line will look amazing lined with these trees.

    3 AntwortenGarden & Landscapevor 3 Jahren
  • what's with all the Chinese?

    It's getting old. Yahoo were you hacked?

    2 AntwortenNotices and Errorsvor 3 Jahren
  • Dog Food-any suggestions Would you lie some advice?

    Diamond makes Kirkland Signature for Costco. Diamond makes Taste Of The Wild. Costco is very customer friendly see if you can't make arrangements to find out what day it is shipped to the store and then be there to get it before it sells out. Call Diamond in the morning and see what they suggest. They have nutritionists on staff and they are happy to help. No one ever thinks to call that 800 number. It's not just a complaint line. that's how I found out about TOTW and Kirkland's.

    I can't get the answer to submit so I did this for you.

    6 AntwortenDogsvor 3 Jahren
  • how to get rid of carpenter bees?

    they are boring holes into the rafters of my shed which is 25X10 and 10 feet tall. I have to use something that 1) I can reach and 2) will not have a "rain" of chemicals on the dirt floor where my chickens are. Remember this shed is a 3 sided, open 10 foot tall so something that will reach that high,

    1 AntwortOther - Home & Gardenvor 3 Jahren
  • Church after sunrise services?

    I was wondering how that works. Is the Sunrise service in lieu of the mid morning service or do you all go to sunrise service, go home and come back for regular Sunday services?

    6 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 3 Jahren
  • Hey regulars on YA dog section. Just curious?

    What countries do you all live in?

    7 AntwortenDogsvor 3 Jahren
  • Attachment image

    Doghouse for power chewer?

    My large male Doberman is a power chewer. Plastic doghouses are nothing for him. He needs a doghouse for his yard that is strong enough and chew resistant. Any ideas? He broke loose from his crate when he was a puppy and did this. He has to stay outside when I'm at work now. He's much more settled down, but still likes to chew.

    9 AntwortenDogsvor 3 Jahren
  • how to dispose of a cactus?

    I have a cactus that is wildly growing out of control. They more i trim it the bigger it gets and no one wants the cactus. So when I chop it down will it burn like pruned tree branches. It's too large to put in the dumpster. This thing is like 6 feet tall and has limbs growing all over the place, out f control. It's about 8 inches in diameter.

    2 AntwortenOther - Home & Gardenvor 3 Jahren