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Lv 44.558 points


Favorisierte Antworten8%

Hallo :)

  • Urlaub machen Indien ?

    Hi Leute, Hab kurz eine Frage. Wenn man nach Indien reisen möchte, ja nur als Urlaub, wie viel muss man ungefähr bei haben ? ist da das Essen und..... teuer, oder billig oder normal/geht ?

    9 AntwortenSonstiges - Reisenvor 8 Jahren
  • Ich träumte von Schokolade, was kann es bedeuten ?

    Ich träumte von der Schokolade "Kinder Bueno", was kann das Bedeutung ? Kann jemand mit raten ?

    11 AntwortenTraumdeutungvor 8 Jahren
  • answer my question, please ff ?


    i dreamed my friend told me so like "you will soon marry", when she told something like that befor some days, and i was i day befor thinking, like how it looks i would maybe never marry or just when its late ? hm, disturbing ! what now ? - what do you think ? mean anything ?

    2 AntwortenDream Interpretationvor 8 Jahren
  • Sushi ???????????????


    Ich hörte von meinem Kumpel, er fände Sushi so lecker. Irgendwie sein Lieblings-Essen !

    So meine Frage, hat jemand von euch Sushi ausprobiert ? Schmeckt das ? Ist es schwer vor zu bereiten ?

    4 AntwortenInternationale Küchevor 8 Jahren
  • Suchi ???????????????


    Ich hörte von meinem Kumpel, er fände Suchi so lecker. Irgendwie sein Lieblings-Essen !

    So meine Frage, hat jemand von euch Suchi ausprobiert ? Schmeckt das ? Ist es schwer vor zu bereiten ?

    15 AntwortenSonstiges - Kulturvor 8 Jahren
  • Name to my son, answer please ?

    Should i name my son "Mahmude" ?

    How do you think of this name ?

    Ma7mude ?

    8 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 8 Jahren
  • What do you say about my twin names ?

    What do you say about my twin names ?




    Safi (of my head like "clear")

    3 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 8 Jahren
  • What do you say about my twin names ?

    What do you say about my twin names ?




    Safi (of my head like "clear")

    3 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 8 Jahren
  • What should i do about my Dollfine ?

    I dont know why my Dollfine, do hate me. He care hate for me somehow, how me are feeling !

    Tell me what should i do ?

    He tried even one time to beat me,

    but i told him "you cant".

    2 AntwortenOther - Petsvor 8 Jahren
  • Red Black hair Biology?

    Hi people, i were thinking and came by something after i read this:

    "Reddish hair: the hair root dominates pheomelanin, eumelanin hard to find

    Blonde Hair: pheomelanin much mixed with small amount of eumelanin

    Brown Hair: little mixed with much eumelanin pheomelanin

    Black Hair: little pheomelanin, but very much eumelanin"

    - What do you think ? what are the main hair colors ?

    You would say "blond" and "red" and "black", but i see just Black and Red as the main hair-colors !

    not like they say by the .... its means when God created the world, he did created just red haired people and black haired people, and when black and red did mixed, there it came - "blond" and "brown" ! so because black-haired people got just Eumelian ! and red haired people got just Pheomelanin and the other both, just the blond less Eumelian and more Pheomelanin and by brown haired people the opposite !

    So what they tell in the school about "neadertales or...., the begin of humanity were most just blond with some red haired" aint true ! just if after they gone mixed !

    What, its true or ?

    1 AntwortPhilosophyvor 8 Jahren
  • Baby boy dream ?????

    I dreamed yesterday something, when it was raining.

    I were in my room, and there was a baby lying on his back (then), like he was showering befor, because of his dress? bath... i thought, his hair, or saw his hair, like its black hair and then eyes, his eyes were weird ! i thought in my head "not grey eyes", but it seemed like blue eyes/dark blue or something else on it...... like ? rainbow? or.....?!

    Then i were like behind his head, and kissed his Forehead, when he was laughing with his voice "hahehe" or so.... !

    2 AntwortenDream Interpretationvor 8 Jahren
  • Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ?

    Hi ? i didnt knew singapore is here on yahoo too, whats happend with my eyes ?

    2 AntwortenLanguagesvor 8 Jahren
  • I saw faeries in my dream !?

    I had an weird dream !

    I dreamed of fairy ! So it was like that: I were going in a train-station and there were people.... i were like shocked they come at me and beat me up.....*like last time, maybe in a dream too*, i were just going screamed little bit, two times, but somehow i cant so loud and no one would help or hear.... or something like that.....

    Then i were in a train.... gone sat beside some old women, another different woman were like making pictures, i throught she made or liked to make one of me ! I smiled or something like that to the camera that was in my direction !

    then i heard someone called my name..... or.... so

    they i were by a bridge.... was going to this woman, that in the dream i thought i know her. She and her? were in ship, making some meat-grill or... and like she wanted to that i eat with "like last time". She were little brown, short, black hair.... and like nice...

    I wanted to go her or...

    then i were beside the bringe somewhere and maybe i decided to go some other place.., but i was thinking maybe i go her later.... she was then like sad.... and her man? or in my head i had he was from france... let his hand on her shoulder.. and like they gone or she gne little bit sad.

    So then, i were looking at them, and they had in front of them faeries !

    A 3 faeries with red head, that i saw or remember clearly, and then 3 with blonde hair, and then 3 with black hair. Every 3 looked the same. and then 3 of them of evry hair color. In my dream when this came i thought like "what is this ? should this be silly? if they the mind-reader... read my mind what would they think what i am thinking about ? or iam just taking the thought of someone else who make carton?....." So a waked my self from this Dream !

    The red head fees/fairy-es, who had just dark red hair, had light blue eyes, short curled or wavy hair.... were in front of those people who i saw, with the other too, who came later.... weird dream somehow !

    What could it mean ?

    1 AntwortDream Interpretationvor 8 Jahren
  • Mond und Aggression ?

    Mond und Aggression ?

    Ich bin sauer ?, hat der Mon was gemacht gegen meine Psyche ?


    11 AntwortenAstronomie & Raumfahrtvor 8 Jahren
  • Dream about frankincense ?

    I dreamed an one, maybe people? or something? or? said: "We russians make frankincense with tea".

    What could it maybe mean ?

    1 AntwortDream Interpretationvor 8 Jahren
  • Dream of/about future children ?

    Okay, since maybe 10 months or ?

    i will say this first i dream very often, maybe every day 4 till 8 dreams, :P. So i always did wrote them down on my "wordpad", at first i were scared some terible people would read them, but somehow to not forget them i had no other choice just to write them there. I wrote and wrote, but because here this sh. staate everything gone deleted.

    So but i remember some dreams that i would like to write it for the quiet civil people, who didnt wrote first my things here etc. !

    1. I were sitting in a unknown place, somehow beside some living-houses and i saw infront of me 3 boys. Two their faces were "down" (like looking on the floor) and i saw them and just their hair/hairstyle, they were the same, maybe like twins. And the boy whose were looking at me, did i saw his face. In the dream i were thinking like "beautyful..", but when i were awake somehow i didnt thought this, maybe because i havent remembered him clearly ! So they/he was like an 11 years old Boy. The 3 in the dream had blond hair, and the boy who i saw his face had realy realy weird dark green eyes. (this dream were like befor 10 months or so)

    2. I were in the hospital somehow, and saw different Babies, somehow one almost fell, but.... and maybe the fat bigger baby were blue eyed.

    3. and there were a time that i somehow dreamed a lot about dark green eyes.

    4. I saw my self taking? two packages or just saw, and on every packages there were unbaked 4 Croissant

    5. There were on train a blue eyed baby who almost cried like 2 days didnt ate.. anything and i almost there at front back in the train nursing him, but....

    6. Somehow i were somewhere and my mother gave home-birth. Like 4 twins and like i were sayin "see like i said", and to another 3. I saw two 8? years old boys, they looked the same, just one was blond and one black haired. and other two, like 4years old, one blond hair and one somehow (like) a dark girl with brown skin that i know.

    7. One day, a day befor, something did hurted me i thought in real, "if i give birth how it will be then?...." One day after that, i were lying on my mattress after sleep. I did waked up and were still there, somehow it happend to me situations in "dream like that". I were between sleeping and awake. I have seen me in my room that i were in, like how i were lyin too and in my Hand a apple, that somehow i ate of.

    8. ..........much other things somehow, but now i just remembered those things.

    So tell me what you think about that ?

    and did you maybe had dreams like this too ?

    Could that mean, what i think ?

    aa ya, almost forgat it. Iam a "black" person, no "lie", iam a brown person. Black eyes, dark hair. skin gone fast dark. And i think the one that i will be with too, but his.....?

    1 AntwortDream Interpretationvor 8 Jahren
  • Dream of/about future children ?

    Okay, since maybe 10 months or ?

    i will say this first i dream very often, maybe every day 4 till 8 dreams, :P. So i always did wrote them down on my "wordpad", at first i were scared some terible people would read them, but somehow to not forget them i had no other choice just to write them there. I wrote and wrote, but because here this sh. staate everything gone deleted.

    So but i remember some dreams that i would like to write it for the quiet civil people, who didnt wrote first my things here etc. !

    1. I were sitting in a unknown place, somehow beside some living-houses and i saw infront of me 3 boys. Two their faces were "down" (like looking on the floor) and i saw them and just their hair/hairstyle, they were the same, maybe like twins. And the boy whose were looking at me, did i saw his face. In the dream i were thinking like "beautyful..", but when i were awake somehow i didnt thought this, maybe because i havent remembered him clearly ! So they/he was like an 11 years old Boy. The 3 in the dream had blond hair, and the boy who i saw his face had realy realy weird dark green eyes. (this dream were like befor 10 months or so)

    2. I were in the hospital somehow, and saw different Babies, somehow one almost fell, but.... and maybe the fat bigger baby were blue eyed.

    3. and there were a time that i somehow dreamed a lot about dark green eyes.

    4. I saw my self taking? two packages or just saw, and on every packages there were unbaked 4 Croissant

    5. There were on train a blue eyed baby who almost cried like 2 days didnt ate.. anything and i almost there at front back in the train nursing him, but....

    6. Somehow i were somewhere and my mother gave home-birth. Like 4 twins and like i were sayin "see like i said", and to another 3. I saw two 8? years old boys, they looked the same, just one was blond and one black haired. and other two, like 4years old, one blond hair and one somehow (like) a dark girl with brown skin that i know.

    7. One day, a day befor, something did hurted me i thought in real, "if i give birth how it will be then?...." One day after that, i were lying on my mattress after sleep. I did waked up and were still there, somehow it happend to me situations in "dream like that". I were between sleeping and awake. I have seen me in my room that i were in, like how i were lyin too and in my Hand a apple, that somehow i ate of.

    8. ..........much other things somehow, but now i just remembered those things.

    So tell me what you think about that ?

    and did you maybe had dreams like this too ?

    Could that mean, what i think ?

    aa ya, almost forgat it. Iam a "black" person, no "lie", iam a brown person. Black eyes, dark hair. skin gone fast dark. And i think the one that i will be with too, but his.....?

    1 AntwortDream Interpretationvor 8 Jahren
  • Dream about rings ???????????????

    What do it means if you dream you buy or and dress on a ring on your hand ? a silver ring ?

    and about a flower ring ..........?

    1 AntwortDream Interpretationvor 8 Jahren
  • dream......................?

    I dream every night or every when i sleep, 2 till 5.......... dreams, its normal ? and write it down, but the nazi/ rasist deleted it me from my own... ! is this normal too ?

    2 AntwortenDream Interpretationvor 8 Jahren