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Lv 4
? fragte in PetsOther - Pets · vor 8 Jahren

What should i do about my Dollfine ?

I dont know why my Dollfine, do hate me. He care hate for me somehow, how me are feeling !

Tell me what should i do ?

He tried even one time to beat me,

but i told him "you cant".



Yes evie, i do sometimes think where he lives are much bacterium or its cold there, and he want to go out somewhere else......, because just when i speak with him, he is smiling

2 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I'm sorry but to me that made no sence.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    How long did you have your dolphin for? I think it just dont trust you much thats why.... Do these everyday:

    1. Always talk to him/her to make them know your voice.

    2. Never shout at him/her or you'll make them scared.

    3. Try to stroke his/her head and if he/she tried to bite you, say "it's ok, it's ok, I won't do anything bad to you, don't be scared." And stroke him/her while saying that.

    I hope these helps you :)

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