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Driving schools in Arlington, TX that provide behind the wheel instruction for adults?
1 AntwortCommutingvor 1 JahrzehntHelp Plz!!!!!!!!!!!?
Please help with these two problems it's for my little brothers homework. I tried to help him but we keep getting a little confused and even tried to find other examples in the book as references.
A cheetah runs 65mi/hr and a Gazelle runs 47mi/hr.
A) A cheetah and a gazelle are running at their top speeds. The cheetah is one mile behind the gazelle. Write an expression for the distance the cheetah must run to catch up with the gazelle.
B) Write and solve an equation that represents how long the cheetah will have to run at top speed to catch up with the gazelle.
Please serious answers only.
1 AntwortHomework Helpvor 1 JahrzehntI need a JOB immediately!!!!?
I need ideas of places to apply and/or of knowledge of openings for a job in Arlington, TX. I'm a 20yr old parttime student. Previous jobs that i've had were mostly in retail stores. I'm trying to stay away from that. I'm trying to find a job that doesn't really work weekends because i also go to school on the weekends (Saturdays). I would really like a job in the medical field because i hope to become a nurse, but i have no kind of experience. I also thought about a daycare but i don't know. I really need something that is full time and pays very well because i desperately need the money. Please only helpful and serious answers. Thank you to all who reply.
5 AntwortenOther - Careers & Employmentvor 1 JahrzehntHelp mucus is driving my boyfriend crazy!?
For the last five months or so my boyfriend has had some crazy throat issues. The first doctor he went to said it was acid reflux and gave him some pills that didn't work that well. Then he recommended him to a specialist, who performed an endoscopy, and he said his throat looked fine and also gave him some acid reducing pills. Well those pills seemed to have worked at relieving the uncomfortable feeling in his throat, but now he has another issue; he has to clear his throat of mucus like all the time. He's tried mucinex, but it didn't seem to work that well. He's told his doctor about this, but he says it's not a major issue. My boyfriend is going to get a third doctors opinion, but in the mean time can anyone recommend anything to help with the mucus. It' s stressing him so much, which means it is also stressing me because it hurts to see him like this.
3 AntwortenOther - Diseasesvor 1 JahrzehntHelp with math problem please.?
A rancher buys 100 live animals for $100. Chickens cost $.50 each, goats cost $3.50 each, and cows cost $10 each. How many of each did the rancher buy? Is more than one combination possible?
12 AntwortenMathematicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt