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Lv 43.530 points


Favorisierte Antworten48%

Hello all. I'm happy to be here with ya in Yahoo Answers ,such a agreat idea.I'm studying linguistics & phonetics of both Engish & Arabic & some phonetics of other languages. I'm so interested in NLP "Natural Language Processing " and it's a part of my study . I wish i really helped those who gave me best answers :) and I hope to keep on helping people as much as I can.

  • What's the best way to travel from Lebanon to Syria by land ?

    Hi all ^_^

    I was wondering what's the best deal to get from Lebanon to Syria by land ?? since I'll be taking the flight from Cairo to Beirut and I'll stay there few days then I'll be taking the land way to Syria and my return flight would be again from Beirut so I'm looking for reliable transportation at a good price.

    waiting for your help ^_^


    1 AntwortLebanonvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What about if some one here on Y!A have been died who will know ?

    Hi there,I thought of this so many times & finally I'v desided to ask & suggest !!

    Who would know if any one here is died? we will never know & we will keep wondering where did they go ....may be forever !

    &I've just answered a simmilr question ...So I'm here now ,sugesting that we could ask Yahoo Answers to make a specific section here "for those top answerers ,top contributers ,..or others" and have been died ,&thei death have been reprted in a specific way that Y!A could suggest.

    This section would enclude all hi/her answers &questions b always remembered for hr/his great work !!!

    I would wait for your answers.

    18 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can i convince him ,that I like him as a brother ONLY!plz guys & girls help me!!?

    well,I asked befor that,a friend of mine was sending me every day sms of how he likes my mind,my on & finally he sent me an SOS love message.&I only like him as a brother NOT A BF,so i told him that,but a friend of me & him called me & asked me to think about it cause(he) is really loving me.But I was honest again & told him that I like him as a brothe ,as a best friend ,but useless!!!! how can I tell him that in a polite way??

    5 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • how can I escape from someone loving me,in a polite way?

    well,a friend of mine just told me that another friend is loving me ,but I don't wanna to date him ,I do respect him & love him only as a brother ,so how can I tell him that in a polite way?

    13 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 2 Jahrzehnten