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Emmy fragte in TravelAfrica & Middle EastLebanon · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

What's the best way to travel from Lebanon to Syria by land ?

Hi all ^_^

I was wondering what's the best deal to get from Lebanon to Syria by land ?? since I'll be taking the flight from Cairo to Beirut and I'll stay there few days then I'll be taking the land way to Syria and my return flight would be again from Beirut so I'm looking for reliable transportation at a good price.

waiting for your help ^_^



@ Kia87 : do you know how much does it cost ?? - I mean the bus ?

Update 2:

@ Kia87 :

Thanks a lot but, do you know how much the bus cost ?? and if there is another bus from Syria to Jordan ?

1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    There are buses that travel from several areas all over Lebanon directly to Syria (via an area in Lebanon called 'Masna'). These go to Damascus, Syria.

    Otherwise, you can rent a private car for around USD 100 which will take you to Damascus (through the same area) or it will take you to Homs in Syria through Tarablus (in Lebanon).

    Buses are much cheaper, though.

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