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Lv 4
Emmy fragte in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

What about if some one here on Y!A have been died who will know ?

Hi there,I thought of this so many times & finally I'v desided to ask & suggest !!

Who would know if any one here is died? we will never know & we will keep wondering where did they go ....may be forever !

&I've just answered a simmilr question ...So I'm here now ,sugesting that we could ask Yahoo Answers to make a specific section here "for those top answerers ,top contributers ,..or others" and have been died ,&thei death have been reprted in a specific way that Y!A could suggest.

This section would enclude all hi/her answers &questions b always remembered for hr/his great work !!!

I would wait for your answers.


Well ,yahoo could know through someone else ...who would report that to yaho answers..that's why I said "yahoo could siggest that" for example a family member will report that or a friend !! what do you think ?

16 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Y!A gets pretty stiff on that, in that they will not let you know that member "X" is in suspension or that member "Q" has deleted their account or that member "J" has been banned.

    If we are a "community", why can't we know this stuff?

    I suggested a new catagory, "Meetings and Greetings", initially as a place where you could put something like "Hello, Y!A members! How are you this fine day?" and NOT have to worry about a violation notice.

    It could be expanded to cover things like that as well (if the staff is willing to do it in the first place)

  • Eden*
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Someone did pass away last year, she was called Poison Ivy. I believe it was her husband who notified her regular contacts and it found its way on to the forum.

    Maybe this is why Yahoo has guidelines in place regarding 'chatting' so that it doesn't become a forum where people come to talk, perhaps they wanted it to be more formal and educational.

    I can't see them agreeing to your suggestion because it rather bends the 'no chatting' rule completely out of shape. Besides which when someone passes away the family and friends may not want it splashed all over Yahoo Answers?

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Sadly, no one will notice if an Answers member died. But hopefully his account will still be clickable so that we may be able to go through his archives of Q&A. After four months of not logging in to his account, Yahoo will deactivate it, and eventually it will be terminated. I'm not sure how this effects his Answers profile, whether or not we can still click on his person. After all, he wasn't excommunicated from here, we're assuming.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    That's ridiculous.

    There will always be someone else for great advice, Y! answers is a great place and all and very helpful at times but if you're looking for relationships friends or love than Y! is NOT the answer therefore getting attatched is lame. And you just make it worse for us Internet geeks because then everyone associates us with people whom are desperate for friends.

    Quelle(n): Life
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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    As Eden said, someone with the handle Poison Ivy did die last year and those of us in the 360 community were notified by her husband. But unless there is someone who knows the deceased and is willing to pass on the word to their friends, it would be hard to know why your Y!A friend has gone incommunicado.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yeah, cyberspace is very impersonal in that regard...and while I think your suggestion is a good one, how will the Yahoo people know who's died? It seems like an impossible thing to keep up with.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Only the persons friend would know because that person is so close to them and the family would know before anyone else

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    That's very nice and it has happened before. Those that know someone will post in that category. There are a lot of regulars here.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Woow ,you are right .......who would know! but I agree with your idea and your additional information was really good ...yea it could be reported by a friend or a family member or any one else have any suggestion could add it .

    Good idea.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yahoo has a way of telling when you visit a site,

    If you don't visit for 30 days, they suspend the account for inactivity

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