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Favorisierte Antworten9%
  • Has anyone found a product that can make black paint that has been oxidized to a grey haze, black again?

    I have a 2000 Ford Expedition and the area on the hood over the engine compartment is particularly oxidized...without actually repainting the vehicle, is there a product that can make it black again? I had the truck completely detailed at a car wash a few months ago, and nothing they used covered the oxidation....any ideas, new products?

    4 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 9 Jahren
  • Have you heard of Agenda 21?

    Are you ready for a total change in your lifestyle...forever? It's coming folks...

    Let me know if you support it.

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Has anyone else gone through the three stages of emotions after the death of something you love?

    After the election and demise of my country, I went through anger looking for who to blame...sadness that it couldn't be prevented...I am finally working on the point now where I say #### is what it is.

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • This question for Republicans only..?

    It has now been discovered that 3 Million Republicans who voted for the crap sandwich candidate John McCain, didn't vote in the 2012 election, which was a poor showing for republicans even in 2008. Romney lost by 2,805,992 votes....

    WHO ARE THESE REPUBLICANS and why did they sit this one out?

    Were they Conservatives who thought Romney was a Moderate?

    Were they Christians who couldn't vote for a Mormon?

    WHY DID THESE PEOPLE throw the election and give the country back to a Marxist? Is that really better than a moderate or a Mormon?

    14 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • I am done asking who is John Galt? Does anywhere know where he went, I would like to join him.?

    Which countries have lax immigration laws, low taxes and don't redistribute wealth from producers to non-producers?

    7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Since Hillary Clinton has decided to fall on her sword for Obama and?

    wants to be the one held responsible for the inept handling of the security detail in Libya...shouldn't Obama ask for her resignation immediately?

    7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Military defense cuts are being delayed until after the election so you won't blame Obama?

    What kind of political trick is that? A million military people will lose their jobs because of the forced defense cuts because CONGRESS DID NOT DO THEIR JOB AND COME UP WITH BUDGET to keep you from finding out, the Obama administration is breaking the law and telling defense contractors to withhold their pink slips (and they will pay their fines for breaking the law with your tax money) to keep it hush hush until after the election.


    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • What do you like about Obama?

    Obama is a communist with a soft spot for the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist group...does it matter? Obama wants to fundamentally transform your country...better take him at his word.

    6 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 Jahren
  • Obama is a communist...does it matter?

    Obama is a communist with a soft spot for the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist group...does it matter? Obama wants to fundamentally transform your country...are you aware of how he plans to do it?

    1 AntwortPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Has it ever occurred to you, you don't know anything about Obama?

    Is it possible you only know and believe what HE has told you...but you don't know the facts? Is it possible you were sold one product, but in the end you got something quite different? Isn't it obvious the media covers for him and lies for him continually?

    Have you really researched his life story and background and asked yourself the following questions that just don't seem to add up:

    1. Why did his mother Stanley Ann Dunham marry a man from Kenya, who already had a wife and children in Kenya?

    2. Why did his mother move to Washington State right after baby Barry was born without her husband?

    3. Why at a young age did his mother leave him with his grandparents in Hawaii?

    4. How did Barry get so well connected with all the power players in Chicago, when his family never lived there?

    5. Why has Barry gone by multiple names in his life? (Barry Dunham, Barry Soertoro, Barrack Hussein Obama).

    6. If his grades were stellar, why are all his college transcripts sealed.

    7. If there was a Hawaiian Birth Certificate available, why did he spend millions in legal fees to keep it sealed from the public and then release, what law enforcement has since deemed a doctored online forgery?

    8. If he was adopted by an Indonesian citizen as a child and became an Indonesian citizen, when did he change his citizenship back? (No record of such).

    9. AS he did not come from a family of wealth, how did he attend fancy ivy league colleges without any obvious debt to show for it?

    10. Who had EVER heard of this guy prior to the 2008 presidential race?

    I submit to you, the real story behind the questions....and the only backstory that makes any sense...

    Why has he lied...why has the media lied? What is their agenda? How will it affect you...your country and your future?

    Why doesn’t Obama just tell Americans the truth...he was born and raised a COMMUNIST, his father is Frank Marshall Davis and when he said he wanted to fundamentally transform this country...he meant it. So the choice this election for Americans, once they know the truth, is a choice between...CAPITALISM and free markets vs. COMMUNISM and top down government control of all the money and corrupted government.

    Obama is not a democrat...The truth shall set you free.. obamas-real-father-was-communist-frank-marshall-davis/

    2 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 Jahren
  • For those supporting Obama who depend on government checks of any kind,?

    what is your plan when those checks stop coming? It is a mathematical certainty that if we continue on our current course of spending and printing money under Obama, this country will fail, and as we go the world goes with us, as they look to us as the last beacon of hope for fiscal sanity...what is your plan then?

    9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Have you seen the film Obama's America 2016?

    I went to this film hoping the producer got it right...his premise is that Obama adopted dreams from his Kenyan father, a man who abandoned him and a man he never knew. I believe Joel Gilbert's film "Dreams from My Real Father" gets it right, when he asserts Obama actually adopted the dreams of his REAL father (both ideologically and biologically) Frank Marshall Davis, a card carrying communist, who fathered Obama with an illicit affair with 17 year old Stanley Ann Dunham. Ann's father married her off to Mr. Obama to hide the illicit affair, even though Mr. Obama was already married to a Kenyan woman back home, but with the promise of a student visa which would allow him to stay int he states, he accepted because he was told he would not have to take any responsibility for the child...which explains why Ann ran off to WA to pursue her college aspirations right after the baby was born and never really had a married life with Mr. Obama...and later dumped her child with her parents so that his real father could mentor him when he was 10. Obama spent 8 years with his "real" father learning the ways of communism and radical revolutions. 2016 only brushes the surface of Mr. Davis and his CHICAGO CONNECTIONS which Obama took full advantage of. No, Obama is not a multi-cultural anti-colonialist, he is an American born Marxist Communist, who intends to fundamentally transform your country...something his 60's counterparts were unable to do through violence and intimidation, he is accomplishing from within.

    Go see this movie...but know, as well intentioned as it is, it doesn't quite put all the dots together to explain the enigma wrapped in a riddle that is our current president.

    7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Does anyone know of software for the kitchen that can allow you to scan in and out products?

    via barcode which would inventory what you have in your fridge and pantry, and create shopping lists of items that you are out of, and would show recipes you can make with items you have on hand?

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 9 Jahren
  • When government becomes so intrusive into people's lives and wallets...what happens when the rich?

    and middle class just give up and stop working? How do the bottom feeders, or the government survive then? They can't make us work.

    14 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Which version of the new HP Touch computer is best?

    I need a new desk top computer, mine is about 12 years old and is full of problems...I have been looking at the HP Touch but don't know which version is best...any suggestions?

    2 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 9 Jahren
  • Has anyone found an effective treatment for re-ocurring headaches that?

    feel like a stabbing pain behind one eye?

    Exedrine Migraine pills sometimes work, but sometimes the headaches are so bad, even those don't work. Has anybody found medications, treatments that help?

    6 AntwortenCancervor 9 Jahren
  • Should news media be called propagandists, as they no longer?

    report news, but opinions which support their political leanings? Back in the day, REAL newsmen/women were not shills for either side but actually were adversaries of government and held them to account by reporting on corruption...they were not an arm of government. All that has changed and now we don't have real news anymore...only opinions and talking heads for both sides...

    I find it sad that the public is no longer being served and no longer has an advocate in reporters...whose purpose used to make sure government served the people...not themselves.

    13 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Is it time for our country to have an honest discussion about which direction they really want to go?

    It would seem that the line has been drawn in the sand between Capitalism vs. Marxism. When the current administration ran for office, they did not openly tell the voting public what system they were espousing, but it is evidently clear now that they want that the change the American's really wanted? Isn't it time to be open on both sides WHICH SYSTEM we are advocating for? Obama's friends, mentors, and current policies show he is a Marxist and that is what he wants...the question then that what the majority of Americans want?

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 Jahren