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GOZ2FAST fragte in Politics & GovernmentElections · vor 9 Jahren

What do you like about Obama?

Obama is a communist with a soft spot for the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist group...does it matter? Obama wants to fundamentally transform your country...better take him at his word.


Armchair obviously didn't do your homework...typical lazy liberal, click on the the ASSOCIATIONS AND WORDS OF OBAMA and try again.

Update 2:

B V...yeah don't look at the might scare you...liberals you really are pathetic...pathetic and costing the rest of us a is time to grow up and figure out that your guy is not a RUN OF THE MILL EUROPEAN SOCIALIST...he hasn't even spent time in Europe dopes...try again...born and raised a MARXIST COLD WAR TYPE RUSSIAN COMMUNIST....

6 Antworten

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    The fact that he'll be a one-term president.

    Quelle(n): Lol. I like how liberals who post on here have never read Obama's book. It isn't called Dreams FROM My Father because Obama didn't take many of his idealisms from his anti-colonialist father.
  • vor 9 Jahren

    Do you even know what a Communist is, little misguided neocon wannabe? Like many of the GOP's homeschooled-since-infancy minions, you appear to be confusing the word "communism" with "socialism" and neither are applicable to President Obama in the manner you have suggested.

    Now, before I begin my spirited and informed defense of President Obama, allow me to teach you a simple fact:

    The United States of America is now and has always been a yin-yang combination of socialism and capitalism, and we function best when this vital balance is preserved. You might want to read (or re-read) the U.S. Constitution in its entirety to affirm this balance, since we are a nation that is governed of, by, and for the people (representative socialism) and not a dictatorship (communism, essentially).

    Socialism (owned by the people) upon which everyone you know relies includes, but is not limited to: highways and roadways, our U.S. military, the VA medical system, public libraries, national parks, bridges and tunnels, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, our public schools and colleges, mass or public transportation, our court system, the FDA, FAA, OSHA, and so on.

    Osama bin Laden was a Muslim--and President Obama gave the kill order. President Obama is also a Protestant Christian by choice---he CHOSE Christianity after his amazing mom had him and his half-sister Maya study all of the world's religions in order to gain understanding and tolerance for others (something you and your far-right-wing cohorts might benefit mightily from doing) because, as he told Robin Robinson on CBS, "I wanted someone to emulate" (meaning he strives to be Christ-like in his daily life--something with which you appear to be unfamiliar based on your vitriolic propaganda-driven "judgement" of others). The "transformation" of our melting pot nation (where ALL religions and nonbeliefs are welcomed) was done from 2001 through to 2009 by the stone-cold RELIGIOUS FANATICS that appear to be in control of the wayward nation-destroying GOP with their hidden-agenda THEOCRATIC COUP mindset that is still prominent (see Ryan, Council on National Policy/CNP, The Family CULT/Heritage Foundation, Youth With A Mission/YWAM---all the same CULT that controls every move the GOP and extremist TeaP'ers make).

    What I like about President Obama: See and plus's Obameter and read Michael Grumwald's new book, "The New New Deal: The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era." In addition to all of these details, I also like the kindness in his eyes, the compassion, the sincerity, and the deeply rooted patriotism that brought Barack Obama as a true GODSEND to the world stage. He is a very good man.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    So he went form being a socialist to a communist? As it has been said: he is Christian not Muslim.

    Ignorance must be in season...too bad I'm not so fashion forward.

  • -v.107
    Lv 4
    vor 9 Jahren

    Yea look how great Muslims are now.. All the benefits Obama has provided for them and them only. Whatever is in that link is bs.. No time for bs..

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  • vor 9 Jahren

    I like his tie.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    i second this

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