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GOZ2FAST fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 9 Jahren

Isn't it time we overhauled the college system which over charges for tuition and books?


By the time a kid graduates, they have more debt than they can ever pay back.

Update 2:

I am all for a kindle type devices that has all your text books uploaded on it and get rid of the scammer publishing houses which sell you books that are already obsolete by the time you get them.

Update 3:

Any other ideas of how to fix this corrupt system which is bankrupting us?

14 Antworten

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    yes, college has become a scam. It used to be you traded 100,000 for a degree that was worth that, but now they take your money and give you a degree thats worthless( can't get a job) so the free market needs to knock tuition costs down, because OBVIOUSLY its not worth it

  • vor 9 Jahren

    One reason for the ridiculous price of textbooks is that the smaller publishing companies have been bought up by enormous conglomerates who only care about profits. Nice to have a product that people are required to buy.

    However, another reason is the resale of used textbooks, from which neither the author nor the publishing company makes any money; that's one reason for the frequent revisions in a textbook. College bookstores buy back used texts for pennies on the dollar, but resell them at almost full price. Companies start with a high price to increase their investment on the first sale.

    And that's one thing that needs to be overhauled/regulated.

    But as far as tuitions, the rise is a combination of increased spending on administrators, student support services, and the need to make up for reductions in government subsidies. Yes, those state budget cuts to education get rolled right back onto the students.

    Private universities, which receive lots of endowments and whose students can afford high tuition, are doing quite well in their per-student spending; whereas the opposite is true in public schools.

  • vor 4 Jahren

    Like anybody else mentioned, it incredibly is a enterprise. yet something else to contemplate is this: How high priced is it to run a school whilst the government retains reducing your investment to furnish the protection branch greater funds to bypass locate those pesky weapons of Mass Distruction? maximum faculties can't even have the money for to replace their libraries and their massive funds-maker, soccer, has a tendency to place its earnings decrease back into the athletic software. I bear in suggestions spending $one hundred eighty greenbacks for one e book and then the e book place would not take it decrease back on the tip of the 300 and sixty 5 days through fact the CD became opened (Duh! I had to apply it for the classification!!!). So, if i choose books, I basically save around after looking the ISBN of the e book the classification is using. solid success.

  • Sarah
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren

    Switzerland pays lower taxes than we do, and provides university to all of their citizens. They also have significantly higher graduation rates and test scores.

    Perhaps we should be able to look at other nations and their results without being considered "socialists" for wanting to make better use of our money and better educate our children.

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  • vor 9 Jahren

    Colleges are grabbing all they can before the higher education bubble bursts. If I had college age kids, I would be happy if they enrolled in trade schools. I'd never have to worry about their ability to support themselves.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Good idea. While we are at it, let's examine how much College Presidents are paid and what colleges do with all that endowment money they are loaded with.


  • vor 9 Jahren

    Book prices are set by publishers. Not universities.

    That alone lets me know that you don't know what you're talking about.

    Edit: Kindled books are that way because they come through publishing houses. It's a niche market.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren

    100% yes.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    The subsidies need to go.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    There is no college "system" to overhaul.

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