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What age did your voice change/face shaving?
Hello Men, I wanted to ask you at what age your voice changed to the booming male voice and when you started developing facial hair and shaving. This is pure curiosity, I know everyone develops differently. I have a 13-year-old boy, and I'm wondering about these changes. I have asked his father how old he was, and he doesn't remember (really?). His friends are a smorgasbord of deep voices and boy voices, and some have some whispy facial hair. It's junior high.
So tell me Men, how old were you?
3 AntwortenMen's Healthvor 8 JahrenVMWare stuck on shutdown, windows 7 PC?
My computer is Windows 7.
VMWare 4.0.1 build-528992, using Windows XP.
It's stuck on shut down, "Windows is shutting down"
I don't know how to get it to shut down and reboot.
5 AntwortenDesktopsvor 8 JahrenDish Network customers (also Direct TV)?
Dish: When you're watching regular TV (not HD) and there are those bars on the side, what color are they?
Dish: For DVR, how many programs can you have scheduled in the queue? This is not storage space, but the shows you have scheduled to record. Example, Direct TV allows 50 shows in the queue. Cable seems to be unlimited, which is really nice, so all our favorite shows will just record as soon as they return in the fall, spring, summer, with no need to add/delete anything.
Dish and Direct TV: If you have experiences with Dish vs. Direct TV, tell me your opinions. Like? Dislike?
1 AntwortOther - Electronicsvor 9 JahrenDIY replacing resin in water softener?
Is this a DIY type of job? The plumbers and water softener people say it's a job that must be left to the professionals. Too many parts and pieces and opportunities to completely screw up your system (which will cost a fortune to repair). The internet searches suggest it can be a DIY job, though a PITA.
Recent events suggest the resin in my water softener may be "gelled." I lost all water pressure in the house and had to bypass the softener in order to have water.
I'm afraid to even unhook the thing and look inside and what does gelled resin look like anyway? It's going to cost me a pretty penny to get professionals out here, and thought I'd do it myself if I can.
Is this a DIY type of job?
My water softener is a Clack model.
2 AntwortenDo It Yourself (DIY)vor 1 JahrzehntFor the young ladies and parents - the age of shaving?
Daughter is 11, 5th grade. Refuses to wear shorts and it's 90 degrees outside because she is embarrassed about her leg hair. My question is, is there an appropriate age for shaving? Half the kids in her class already have bras, so shaving seems to be pretty par for the course at this point. I wasn't allowed to shave until I was in 7th grade, but we went to a private school and we all wore knee-highs, so the circumstances were a bit different.
I don't have a problem with her shaving at this age, especially since this is a concern for her. Any thoughts?
24 AntwortenGrade-Schoolervor 1 JahrzehntHow old were you when you quit beleiving in the Easter Bunny/Santa/Toothfairy?
I don't remember how old I was when I stopped beleiving in these things. Do you?
13 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 1 JahrzehntChinchilla owners - housing question?
I'm thinking about getting a chinchilla. I've been doing some research and there are a LOT of cages to choose from. Do I really need a 5-story chinchilla mansion? Maybe. :)
What kind of cage do you have and/or what do you recommend?
9 AntwortenRodentsvor 1 Jahrzehnt