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the old dog
Just a Christian, an "old dog", and an artist. Canadian army brat and quite proud of that. I hold agape' dear to my life and I find the more I'm here the more I learn.
It occurred to me that the U.S. President only has a few years left in office. Will he change that by ...?
Can and will Mr. Obama extend his term in office by force using a man made or natural catastrophe and implement a martial law that keeps him in office long enough to further damage the nation of the United States?
Just wondering.
7 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 8 JahrenWhat are the Liberals planning to do with ODSP? I'm told they're scrapping it!?
I've been told through a third party that it's being taken apart and it's recipients are being forced into Welfare. I know a lot of loved ones who are dependent on this Disability Programme. Is this report true?
2 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 8 JahrenI just read a comment to an article; the commentator says the Ontario Liberals are going to cut O.D.S.P.?
Does anybody in Ontario Politics know anything about this? Is it true?
1 AntwortCivic Participationvor 8 JahrenHEY! How about those Blue Jays eh?
Now that is a simple valid question without rancour, dirty words, slurs, or racism ... is someone going to report this question again? Because the one who did report it yesterday is one hell of a petty little human being.
Can I get an honest answer this time?
1 AntwortWords & Wordplayvor 8 JahrenI'm asking the most ludicrous questions and I can't believe where Yahoo is putting them?
Could anyone tell me why this question would be put in the TRAVEL section .... "Does anyone know where all the snot you throw away daily goes to"? ~~~~~~~~~~
3 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 8 JahrenDoes anybody have any idea just what kind of idiocy is going on in Arkansa?
2 AntwortenTattoosvor 8 JahrenAn article yesterday says that 13% of Americans believe Obama is the "Antichrist"?
In an article by Matt Berman of the National Post it is said that 13% of Americans think Obama is the antichrist and another 13% aren't sure.
What do you think of that percentage and the question itself?
Do you think the president of the US is the antichrist?
5 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 8 JahrenI've coined a new term concerning North Korea's possible attack on South Korea?
..........."ASIAN BLITZKRIEG" .......... what do you think of it? I mean if they were ever going to attack they would have to make a lightening strike for any chance of success right?
2 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 8 JahrenSo what do you Americans think of Obamas immigration plan?
Particularly in North Dakota?
4 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 8 JahrenIn Feb. of 2010 Iran sent a satallite into space by their own work, latest news is they sent up a primate?
Their space program is advancing to the point where they can now send a primate into space and back. They already have their own satellite in space by their own program; with the nuclear program they are working on are you concerned about the near future of their space program?
EMPs anyone?
3 AntwortenMedia & Journalismvor 8 JahrenSo ... do you think the American Government can turn things around in the next 4 years.?
You know, hope and all that change they were supposed to deliver the last four years?
5 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 8 JahrenDid any one else notice that there wasn't a frigging thing about jobs in Obama's Inauguration speech?
He had a lot to say about the homosexuals more than the jobless, he also said to seize the moment! But with what? Don't you think it'd be better if Americans can seize a job first? Then get ahold of the moment?
7 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 8 JahrenHey does anybody know what the average lifespan is for a deer?
2 AntwortenZoologyvor 8 JahrenDo you believe that France has put themselves in a higher risk of danger, because of Mali?
The French have bombed the Islamic militants in northern Mali and now the Muslims are threatening to make France pay.
Do you think some sort of large terrorist attack will strike in the heart of France; like destroying the Eiffel tower?
4 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 8 JahrenWhat was the most unbelievable headline you've ever read?
9/11 was believable; we saw that as it was happening so the headlines that night and the next day were viable.
What headline did you ever read (from any rag or paper) that turned your head around?
4 AntwortenMedia & Journalismvor 8 JahrenDo you think that women are the superior of the two genders?
Do you think it is the woman who should run the household?
12 AntwortenGender & Women's Studiesvor 9 Jahren