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Favorisierte Antworten32%
  • I can't remember the name of a movie...?

    a woman is getting married and her sister sleeps with the groom, and they almost get caught by the bride...something like's not too old...

    3 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • RCA MP3 Player and Sim Card?

    I have a RCA MP3 player, and i have a 2 gig card that i placed in the slot. But when i connect it and try to add music to it, it adds the music to the MP3 player, not the card.

    My question is, how do i put the music on the card?!?!

    Thank you!

    1 AntwortMusic & Music Playersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Samsung Upstage Question?

    Hello everyone!

    I just wanted to know, I have the Samsung Upstage phone from Sprint, and it has a MICRO SANDISK card.

    I was on e-bay, and i saw a MINI SANDISK card, and i bid on it, and actually won the item, but that is when i realized my phone uses a MICRO.

    My question is, will the MINI card fit in replacement of the MICRO?

    Thank you in advance for your answers!

    2 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Cosas que hacer en Puerto Vallarta?

    Hola! Hice esta pregunta en "Viajes" pero no creo que mucha gente la vaya a ver, so prefiero ponerla aqui.

    Estare viajando a Puerto Vallarta de vacaciones (soy de Texas) del 22 de Marzo al 25 de Marzo, y mi esposo y yo queriamos saber que hay de bueno para hacer, ya sea de dia o de noche.

    Gracias por sus respuestas y comentarios.


    1 AntwortOtros - Música y Entretenimientovor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Cosas que hacer en Puerto Vallarta?

    Hola! Soy de Texas, y estare viajando de vacaciones a Puerto Vallarta con mi esposo, y quisiera saber que hay de bueno para hacer en Puerto Vallarta, ya sea de dia o de noche. Estaremos ahi del 22 de Marzo al 25 de Marzo.

    Gracias por sus respuestas y comentarios!


    6 AntwortenPuerto Vallartavor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Any George Strait Lovers? has a George Strait HOUR at 2pm central!

    you can listen live!

    7 AntwortenMusicvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Should I take my son?

    The company where i work is giving me a vacation (paid - all inclusive) to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. It will be the last weekend of March. My question is, should i take my son with me? he will be a year and 3 months by then.

    Our original plan was to go by ourselves, but our son is so attached to us. If he doesn't see us in the room, he'll start crying right away, even if there are other family members which he sees everyday in the room.

    Should we take it as the honeymoon we never had and be worring about it all the time - or should we take him and have fun as a family.

    Ps. he's a baby, so i don't think we'll get charged for his seat.

    WHAT DO WE DO?!?!?!?!?

    13 AntwortenToddler & Preschoolervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Moma's Boy Boyfriend?

    Okay everyone, my co-worker needs your help. She's been dating this guy for about 6 months, and they have a wonderful relationship. the only bad thing? he's a moma's boy, better yet, a "family boy". His mom i a basketball coach, and he cannot miss 1 game, even if it landed on their 6 months anniversary.

    He's 25, and he cannot spend 1 night away from home. they can't go anywhere, or spend the whole night together, because his parents would know that he was with her, and that "oh my" he was having s*x!

    My co-worker does not know what to do anymore. How can she make him see that he needs to have a little more freedom - away from the family. He'll cancel plans that they have, just because "mom called and needs me to..........".

    Any ideas on what she could do to snap him out of it? she wanted to go spend the weekend at the beach, but he can't cause he has to go home!

    Any help would be greatly appreciated! And it is for my friend, not for me - i'm married.


    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Did you hear that this year....?

    Daylight saving times will be one month before? Congress approved in 2005 to move it up a month!

    Good or bad?

    8 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Help with a french word....?

    there is this french word that my french teacher used to say ALL the time, but for the life of me, i can't remember what it means!

    it is pronounced petetre - but i know that's not how it's spelled.

    can anyone help me!?!?!?


    5 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Vampire show on NBC many years ago?

    There was this vampire show on NBC many years ago, and it had some girl that went back in time, and fell in love with the vampire, though everyone thought she was a witch because of the "washing symbols" tags on her clothes.

    I'm trying to remember, but i just can't! I know it was a series, or something like that, because it was not a movie.

    Can anyone help?????

    Thank you!

    7 AntwortenTelevisionvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How long after starting to excersise can i start doing weights?

    I've been going to the Gym for about a week and a half, and was wondering when i can/should start doing weights? I have about 50 lbs to lose, so i don't want my skin to sag everywhere.

    I've already lost 5 lbs!!!!

    3 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Excersice Music Help!?!?

    I've been working out at the gym, but the songs i have on my MP3 player are some of my all time favorite songs, but i end up bored!

    Anyone know any upbeat, energetic songs i can get for my MP3?

    Any genre, doesn't make a difference. There was this one rave song that got very popular, but i can't remember the name.

    Thanks for your help everyone!

    9 AntwortenMusicvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Ghost in the hospital?

    A man goes to the hospital for some tests. The last test consisted of some ugly drink, and left him with an upset stomach. He's laying in bed and fells like he has to go to the restroom. He runs, sits, and waits, and nothing! So he goes back to bed.

    Then he gets the feeling again, runs, sits...and nothing. So the third time he feels it, he just stays there. But this time, he GOES, and makes a big mess on the sheets.

    Embarrased that the nurses will see the mess he made, he grabs the sheets, wraps them up, and throws them out the 3rd story window.

    A drunk man is walking by, and the sheets fall on him. He starts kicking, punching, and yelling. Finally, the sheet falls to the floor, and a security officer that was close by goes up to him and says:

    "Are you okay sir?"

    "Yes", says the drunk man "but i just beat the sh*t out of that ghost!

    11 AntwortenJokes & Riddlesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Donkey in the water!?

    "I'm dying" said one friend to the other "Take my donkey, go to town, and get the priest. The friend took the donkey and headed to town. On his way, it started raining very hard. They passed through a canal that was empty because of the drought.

    The friend finally makes it to town, soaking wet, finds the priest, and they head back to the ranch.

    On their way back, they need to pass the canal, but it is now flooded with water! They begin to cross, and the priest begins to pray!

    "Our father, please..." and they start to go down into the water! The other man yells, "STOP, please STOP praying!!" As soon as the priest stopped praying, they rose again, and continued traveling. The priest started praying again.

    "Our heavenly Father, please....", and again they started sinking! He stopped, and they rose again. Once they were out of the water the man tells the priest:

    "Don't you see that this donkey is very religious, every time you prayed, he knelt down to pray with you!

    5 AntwortenJokes & Riddlesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Help! Need some sports catch phrases for some shirts we want to make! Live like...?

    We're making some shirts for a drive-thru. We need some phrases like...."Live like a dream" or something similar! Thanks!!

    3 AntwortenOther - Sportsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why has Paul Harvey become so racist?

    Over the past few weeks, I have heard Paul Harvey say things like, "the browning of America", and "pay your taxes, the immigrants are depending on it". I know we all have freedom of speech, but that just made me loose all the respect I had for him as a news person. Anyone else bothered by this?

    9 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 Jahrzehnt